So Biden & FBI Are Trying To Destroy Giuliani Because He Exposed BIDEN Family / Hunter Biden Financial Crimes, Starting w/Ukraine


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Giuliani started the exposure of the Biden Family's Financial Crimes by exposing Hunter Biden working for a notorious Ukrainian criminal connected to Putin, working as a Board member for the corrupt Ukraine energy company, Burisma, while his only qualification for getting such a job was being VP Biden's son.

After Giuliani got the proverbial ball rolling Biden himself was exposed as having lied about his meeting with Burisma officials, ignoring State Department warnings of presenting the appearance of massive conflicts of interest with Burisma.

After Giuliani exposed Hunter Biden's influence peddling the proverbial damn broke on the Biden family financial scandals

- Joe Biden confessed to exporting the previous Ukraine PM to protect Huntter from a criminal investigation

- Hunter Biden was exposed as having laundered millions for Russian oligarchs and being paid to do so

Drug addict Hunter Biden's laptop was abandoned at a computer repair shop and the vidence of Biden family financial crimes were exposed to the world, as well as the fact that the FBI already had the laptop and was not doing anything but covering Biden's ass.

Not long ago the FBI, DHS, & Treasury departments publicly declared they had financial documents and other evidence proving the Bidens have engaged in financial scams and crimes for YEARS, to include extortion, influence peddling, laundeting millions for Russians, and accepting over a BILLION DOLLARS from the CCP.

Gee, with all the irrefutable evidence against the Bidens, especially in the hands of the proven criminal FBI, interesting how no raids on any member of the Biden family and the confiscation of their computers, records, and files were conducted....

But in an obvious / easily recognized act of revenge against the man who exposed the Biden family's crimes, the criminal FBI still working for Barry/Biden raided Hiuliani's home.

Giuliani started the exposure of the Biden Family's Financial Crimes by exposing Hunter Biden working for a notorious Ukrainian criminal connected to Putin, working as a Board member for the corrupt Ukraine energy company, Burisma, while his only qualification for getting such a job was being VP Biden's son.
That wicked witch Nancy Pelosi is behind this federal vendetta against law-abiding Republicans.
Drug addict Hunter Biden's laptop was abandoned at a computer repair shop and the vidence of Biden family financial crimes were exposed to the world, as well as the fact that the FBI already had the laptop and was not doing anything but covering Biden's ass.
That is a Democrat drug cártel with a junta in Congress, and they will stop at nothing.

justice is finally coming.

This is what a laughingstock and caricature Guiliani has become:

Guiliani destroyed himself for the Orange degenerate and what did he get in return? Nothing! The dumbshit apparently never even charged Trump.
Giuliani started the exposure of the Biden Family's Financial Crimes by exposing Hunter Biden working for a notorious Ukrainian criminal connected to Putin, working as a Board member for the corrupt Ukraine energy company, Burisma, while his only qualification for getting such a job was being VP Biden's son.

After Giuliani got the proverbial ball rolling Biden himself was exposed as having lied about his meeting with Burisma officials, ignoring State Department warnings of presenting the appearance of massive conflicts of interest with Burisma.

After Giuliani exposed Hunter Biden's influence peddling the proverbial damn broke on the Biden family financial scandals

- Joe Biden confessed to exporting the previous Ukraine PM to protect Huntter from a criminal investigation

- Hunter Biden was exposed as having laundered millions for Russian oligarchs and being paid to do so

Drug addict Hunter Biden's laptop was abandoned at a computer repair shop and the vidence of Biden family financial crimes were exposed to the world, as well as the fact that the FBI already had the laptop and was not doing anything but covering Biden's ass.

Not long ago the FBI, DHS, & Treasury departments publicly declared they had financial documents and other evidence proving the Bidens have engaged in financial scams and crimes for YEARS, to include extortion, influence peddling, laundeting millions for Russians, and accepting over a BILLION DOLLARS from the CCP.

Gee, with all the irrefutable evidence against the Bidens, especially in the hands of the proven criminal FBI, interesting how no raids on any member of the Biden family and the confiscation of their computers, records, and files were conducted....

But in an obvious / easily recognized act of revenge against the man who exposed the Biden family's crimes, the criminal FBI still working for Barry/Biden raided Hiuliani's home.

Good job by the FBI.
You guys are pro law-enforcement..right?

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