Snowflake Who Bought The Liberal Lie About Russian Collusion Throws Russian Flags At Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit

"The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed.

“Trump is treason,” Clayton yelled."

Someone needs to break the news to the demented snowflake that while the Democrats have failed to produce any evidence to support their LIE about a crime that never existed, recently released evidence DOES prove Mueller, Holder, Obama, Hillary/Bill Clinton all were involved in and / or helped cover-up the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing Scandal, allowing the Russians to purchase 20% of US Uranium, since 2009!

Poor deluded, lied-to, misguided nutters....

I am concerned that one of these nutjobs will physically hurt Trump.

It's what the PROGS said the "WHITE SUPREMACISTS" would do to Obama.

There are some real jackasses out there.
I am concerned that one of these nutjobs will physically hurt Trump.

It's what the PROGS said the "WHITE SUPREMACISTS" would do to Obama.

There are some real jackasses out there.

The fact that he got as close as he did is un-nerving, especially after the DNC-inspired assassination attempt by a libtard against GOP politicians.
Poor lemmings.

I'm really angry about that. Who gave someone the right to rob a whole generation of the ability to think?

:blowup:All I can say is I better not get ahold of them. :mad:
I am concerned that one of these nutjobs will physically hurt Trump.

It's what the PROGS said the "WHITE SUPREMACISTS" would do to Obama.

There are some real jackasses out there.

The fact that he got as close as he did is un-nerving, especially after the DNC-inspired assassination attempt by a libtard against GOP politicians.

Yea, but the victims were PUBS, so it's ok.
Poor lemmings.

I'm really angry about that. Who gave someone the right to rob a whole generation of the ability to think?

:blowup:All I can say is I better not get ahold of them. :mad:

History will show the millennials will be an insignificant demographic. They can sit and cry in the corner while everyone else makes the world a better place.
Poor lemmings.

I'm really angry about that. Who gave someone the right to rob a whole generation of the ability to think?

:blowup:All I can say is I better not get ahold of them. :mad:

The entire reason the Russians have been proven to have spent money on purchasing Facebook Ads and attempting to influence people through out social media is because they know millennials have no common sense, no sense / knowledge of history, and believe anything they see posted on social media.

Much like how school kids no longer have to learn to do math for themselves now because they have calculators and cell phones that have calculators, they no longer have to think, either - they just have to believe and parrot whatever they see on social media.
Failed to provide any evidence? Are you kidding . Every week is another story of Russian shenanigans. You just ignore them all.
Every week is another story of Russian shenanigans.

You are correct, of course. EVERY week does consist of STORIES of Russian 'shenanigans' .... minus any evidence to back them up.

It's hilarious to see the snowflakes doing their impersonations of snapping turtles biting down on something - despite the MEDIA declaring 'there is nothing to see here', the snowflakes just won't let go.

Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit

"The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed.

“Trump is treason,” Clayton yelled."

Someone needs to break the news to the demented snowflake that while the Democrats have failed to produce any evidence to support their LIE about a crime that never existed, recently released evidence DOES prove Mueller, Holder, Obama, Hillary/Bill Clinton all were involved in and / or helped cover-up the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing Scandal, allowing the Russians to purchase 20% of US Uranium, since 2009!

Poor deluded, lied-to, misguided nutters....


The left can keep this insanity up for as long as they want to. It shows how insane these people are and that they should never again be given power.
Can't wait till someone offers up a sum of money for people to insult President Grab-Ass while on camera. Perhaps during the next debates the Dems could bring in a few of the contractors the Orange Bastard stiffed, or some students of his so-called University that he bilked out of thousands of dollars, along with some of his alleged sexual assault victims.
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

I believe Trump Jr.

Someone is colluding. Why else would Russian money be "pouring in"?
Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit

"The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed.

“Trump is treason,” Clayton yelled."

Someone needs to break the news to the demented snowflake that while the Democrats have failed to produce any evidence to support their LIE about a crime that never existed, recently released evidence DOES prove Mueller, Holder, Obama, Hillary/Bill Clinton all were involved in and / or helped cover-up the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing Scandal, allowing the Russians to purchase 20% of US Uranium, since 2009!

Poor deluded, lied-to, misguided nutters....

Queasy loves his red herrings.
Totally ignores 67% of the country that abhors the new guy.
Queasy WITH NO EVIDENCE LIES that there’s no Russian collusion.
Moron doesn’t want to remember the Russian investigation is still going strong.
How the fuck can a nutcase like that fool the secret service, capital police, ect. with fake credentials to get in there? And the Fake News folks have no shame and take pictures instead of realizing going forward, they may not get access since they do not police their own.

Only insane folks deny that Crooked Hillary, Slick Willie and Obama are involved in the real Russian Collusion case.
Might I suggest two words of advice to the Secret Service ... the next time a deranged liberal rushes the President - 'DOUBLE TAP'. :p
Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit

"The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed.

“Trump is treason,” Clayton yelled."

Someone needs to break the news to the demented snowflake that while the Democrats have failed to produce any evidence to support their LIE about a crime that never existed, recently released evidence DOES prove Mueller, Holder, Obama, Hillary/Bill Clinton all were involved in and / or helped cover-up the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing Scandal, allowing the Russians to purchase 20% of US Uranium, since 2009!

Poor deluded, lied-to, misguided nutters....

USA is a great county, not first Time in the history the useful idiot in the white house can do almost 0 damage to the free world

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post - Översätt den här sidan
17 maj 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of ...
Don't Be Putin's Useful Idiot - POLITICO Magazine
Översätt den här sidan
21 dec. 2016 - “I think I would get along very well with Vladimir Putin,” Trump said ... the Federation Council — Russia's equivalent of the U.S. Senate — and, ...
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...
Översätt den här sidan
27 juli 2017 - Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ... Conservatives shouldn't be Putin's 'useful idiots' .... Find us on Facebook.
Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit

"The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed.

“Trump is treason,” Clayton yelled."

Someone needs to break the news to the demented snowflake that while the Democrats have failed to produce any evidence to support their LIE about a crime that never existed, recently released evidence DOES prove Mueller, Holder, Obama, Hillary/Bill Clinton all were involved in and / or helped cover-up the Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence-Purchasing Scandal, allowing the Russians to purchase 20% of US Uranium, since 2009!

Poor deluded, lied-to, misguided nutters....

USA is a great county, not first Time in the history the useful idiot in the white house can do almost 0 damage to the free world

Putin has found his perfect 'useful idiots' - The Washington Post - Översätt den här sidan
17 maj 2017 - You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of ...
Don't Be Putin's Useful Idiot - POLITICO Magazine
Översätt den här sidan
21 dec. 2016 - “I think I would get along very well with Vladimir Putin,” Trump said ... the Federation Council — Russia's equivalent of the U.S. Senate — and, ...
Conservatives shouldn't be Vladimir Putin's 'useful idiots' - Washington ...
Översätt den här sidan
27 juli 2017 - Mr. Putin and Russia, I'm told, are standing up for Christianity and ... Conservatives shouldn't be Putin's 'useful idiots' .... Find us on Facebook.
Awwww, the US media comes out and admits there is nothing to the false accusations of Collusion - while evidence has been released of betrayal and crimes by Mueller / Holder / Hillary / Obama - and you don't know how to do anything but continue to push the lie. :(

Someone should really take up a fund for you nutters, to 'walk you down off the ledge'.


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