Man Throws Russian Flag at PRESIDENT Today

Looks like another useful idiot has paved his way to jail. Perhaps you can join him?
A man amongst reporters today threw a Russian flag at PRESIDENT Trump today. The man kept yelling about treason to Trump as he walked with Mitch McConnell. Will we continue to see citizens stand up to show their disdain for Trump?

Protester throws Russian flags at Trump

The answer to your question is yes - no matter what trump does they’ll be ppl with TDS.

When politicians would rather give up their jobs making almost $200,000 a year plus all the benefits, rather to deal with Trump, you know things are bad. Not to mention, they know more than we do. Corker said today all of the things he has done with Trump, spending many times in private with him, even golfing.
A man amongst reporters today threw a Russian flag at PRESIDENT Trump today. The man kept yelling about treason to Trump as he walked with Mitch McConnell. Will we continue to see citizens stand up to show their disdain for Trump?

Protester throws Russian flags at Trump

The answer to your question is yes - no matter what trump does they’ll be ppl with TDS.

When politicians would rather give up their jobs making almost $200,000 a year plus all the benefits, rather to deal with Trump, you know things are bad. Not to mention, they know more than we do. Corker said today all of the things he has done with Trump, spending many times in private with him, even golfing.
The rino knows he's done for. Simple as that.
A man amongst reporters today threw a Russian flag at PRESIDENT Trump today. The man kept yelling about treason to Trump as he walked with Mitch McConnell. Will we continue to see citizens stand up to show their disdain for Trump?

Protester throws Russian flags at Trump

The answer to your question is yes - no matter what trump does they’ll be ppl with TDS.

When politicians would rather give up their jobs making almost $200,000 a year plus all the benefits, rather to deal with Trump, you know things are bad. Not to mention, they know more than we do. Corker said today all of the things he has done with Trump, spending many times in private with him, even golfing.
The rino knows he's done for. Simple as that.

No, actually Arizona is moving towards moderate status. Flake will just get replaced by another moderate. Sadly, Flake and Corker both used to be considered true Conservatives just a couple years ago. Now with Trump, that line has moved so far to the right, moving them closer to center. The worst part of it all is, Corker and Flake were willing to work on bipartisan deals, which this country needs, and now because of Trump they are being ostracized.

As Trump's approval continues to sink, you are going to see more and more of these situations where people act out.
He should have thrown a shoe. A combat boot. They're heavier, would travel a greater distance, have greater impact on landing, and perhaps make an impression on a worthless Orange Doosh.
He should have thrown a shoe. A combat boot. They're heavier, would travel a greater distance, have greater impact on landing, and perhaps make an impression on a worthless Orange Doosh.

You mention combat boot... there is an article today that says more military officers disprove of Trump than support him.
He should have thrown a shoe. A combat boot. They're heavier, would travel a greater distance, have greater impact on landing, and perhaps make an impression on a worthless Orange Doosh.

You mention combat boot... there is an article today that says more military officers disprove of Trump than support him.
jughead appointees.
A man amongst reporters today threw a Russian flag at PRESIDENT Trump today. The man kept yelling about treason to Trump as he walked with Mitch McConnell. Will we continue to see citizens stand up to show their disdain for Trump?

Protester throws Russian flags at Trump

The answer to your question is yes - no matter what trump does they’ll be ppl with TDS.

When politicians would rather give up their jobs making almost $200,000 a year plus all the benefits, rather to deal with Trump, you know things are bad. Not to mention, they know more than we do. Corker said today all of the things he has done with Trump, spending many times in private with him, even golfing.
He will really be able to cash in after leaving office.

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