SNEAK ATTACK: Obamacare Repeal Would GUT Planned Parenthood


A twofer. Awesome.

I have no problem with paying for pregnancy tests. That way the Plan B pill can be used in the first couple of weeks and that can be covered under policies as well. Otherwise, don't wait so long to decide you prefer murdering babies.
Well, you pitifully stupid dumbass, Dems are the only ones trying to keep Planned Parenthood alive in order to help poor women - including men. Why would PP ever contribute to NaziCons trying to kill them?
Then let them stroke the checks to keep Planned Butcherhood in business. What are you, a bunch of fucking cheapskates?

Well, since I also have to help pay $ billions to support the Israeli squatters on Palestinian land - I'm fine with helping to support Planned Parenthood (which is not a terrorist entity).
Paul Ryan: We’ll Defund Planned Parenthood In Our Obamacare Repeal Bill, Too

Because why not erode women’s access to health care in multiple ways?

WASHINGTON ― With so much attention on GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare this month, there’s a detail to their plan that may slip under the radar: Their bill will strip all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, too.

“Planned Parenthood legislation would be in our reconciliation bill,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said during a Thursday press conference, referring to the process Republicans are using to pass an Obamacare repeal bill with a simple majority of votes instead of a supermajority, which means Democrats can’t filibuster it in the Senate.

The bill still has to pass the House and Senate, and because the reconciliation process allows for unlimited amendments, Democrats can try to tie it up.

Republicans have routinely voted to defund Planned Parenthood over the years, but with President Barack Obama in the White House, their bills never had a chance of becoming law. That could change under President-elect Donald Trump.

More: Paul Ryan: We'll Defund Planned Parenthood In Our Obamacare Repeal Bill, Too

Unbelievable! Just when I think these NaziCon slugs can't sink any lower - they sink lower.
Uh? Good?
Well, you pitifully stupid dumbass, Dems are the only ones trying to keep Planned Parenthood alive in order to help poor women - including men. Why would PP ever contribute to NaziCons trying to kill them?
Then let them stroke the checks to keep Planned Butcherhood in business. What are you, a bunch of fucking cheapskates?

Well, since I also have to help pay $ billions to support the Israeli squatters - I'm fine with helping to support Planned Parenthood (which is not a terrorist entity).
So you are good with killing babies not with saving Jews.
Well, you pitifully stupid dumbass, Dems are the only ones trying to keep Planned Parenthood alive in order to help poor women - including men. Why would PP ever contribute to NaziCons trying to kill them?
Then let them stroke the checks to keep Planned Butcherhood in business. What are you, a bunch of fucking cheapskates?

Well, since I also have to help pay $ billions to support the Israeli squatters on Palestinian land - I'm fine with helping to support Planned Parenthood (which is not a terrorist entity).

Not a terrorist entity? They rip babies apart to sell parts like wrecking yards do to cars.
Well, since I also have to help pay $ billions to support the Israeli squatters on Palestinian land - I'm fine with helping to support Planned Parenthood (which is not a terrorist entity).
Moral relativism. Fuck you, cheapskate.
Pay for you own baby murdering.

Please explain. Federal funds can only be used to abort in cases of health, rape, or incest.

Ans what percentage of abortions are those, like 3%?

Don't they have other funding they can use for those cases?

They do what the Hyde Amendment allows.
In fact, they do much more; in 17 states they perform abortions that are deemed "medically necessary" and which are paid for with state funds. If Planned Parenthood were put out of business by withholding federal funds, they wouldn't be able to perform these abortions.
Pretty ironic since the word "gut" could be used to describe the horrific procedure of late term abortion. If PP can't make enough money killing unborn (mostly Black and Native American babies) and selling the byproducts for research and God knows what, why should taxpayers pick up the tab for their fun in the sun meetings in Vegas?
Hey warrior Princess,

If PP is for health lol, they have medicaid or obamacare? Dont need all of it? Pick one. You ran up $20T. Sit down now and wait.
WTF has this country come to when a common street whore can no longer expect the general public to pay to scrape her baby out of her womb.
Total disgrace
Paul Ryan: We’ll Defund Planned Parenthood In Our Obamacare Repeal Bill, Too

Because why not erode women’s access to health care in multiple ways?

WASHINGTON ― With so much attention on GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare this month, there’s a detail to their plan that may slip under the radar: Their bill will strip all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, too.

“Planned Parenthood legislation would be in our reconciliation bill,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said during a Thursday press conference, referring to the process Republicans are using to pass an Obamacare repeal bill with a simple majority of votes instead of a supermajority, which means Democrats can’t filibuster it in the Senate.

The bill still has to pass the House and Senate, and because the reconciliation process allows for unlimited amendments, Democrats can try to tie it up.

Republicans have routinely voted to defund Planned Parenthood over the years, but with President Barack Obama in the White House, their bills never had a chance of becoming law. That could change under President-elect Donald Trump.

More: Paul Ryan: We'll Defund Planned Parenthood In Our Obamacare Repeal Bill, Too

Unbelievable! Just when I think these NaziCon slugs can't sink any lower - they sink lower.

Are they selling baby parts like PP yet? No? Blow it out your ass lieawatha...
While abortion, for normal people, is distasteful...we should make an exception and fund as many abortions as desired for any certified Democrat. Remember, if we don't, only coat hangers will be able to prevent liberals!
10 reasons to defund PP...

1: They kill 300,000 babies every year.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: see #1

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