Diamond Member
- May 20, 2014
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Here are a few more highlights:
- 52% say their rent is higher than it was six months ago (up 1% from Oct.)
- 73% say consumer spending is down this month compared to Oct., a jump of 14% from 59% last month.
- 44% of small retailers couldn’t pay their full rent (up 1%).
- 52% of small retailers expect they’ll earn less this quarter than they did in Q4 2021, with 1% saying they’ve already shut down, & 10% predicting they could close soon if their financial situation doesn’t improve. Only 8% say Q4’s been great.
- 57% of beauty salons couldn’t cover rent in Nov., a jump of 18% over Oct.
- 42% of independent restaurateurs couldn’t pay Nov. rent, which is still a high rate, but marks an improvement over 49% in Oct.
- The best news in this report comes from the travel/lodging sector, which is experiencing a major rebound: only 13% of SMBs in this category couldn’t pay Nov. rent, down from 34% in Oct.
- The top states for SMB rent delinquency in Nov. include MI (51%, up 19%), NY (49%, up 4%), MA (45%, down 6%), TX (43%, up 5%), CA (41%, down 3%), IL (40%, up 8%), OH (40%, up 18%), and NJ (38%, down 11%).
- In Canada, 45% of small business owners couldn’t pay their Nov. rent in full, up from 42% in Oct., and 41% in Sept. ON-based businesses are struggling the most with a rent delinquency rate of 45%, up 5% from Oct. BC & AB rent delinquency rates decreased a bit. New Record: 41% Can't Pay November Rent (Up 4%) | ZeroHedge