Slight Beneficial Warming from CO2


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
satellites and weather balloons, and tracked by the Earth System Science Center, University of Alabama-Huntsville, the warming trend is modest. Since January 1979, it has remained at +0.14ᵒC/decade (+0.12ᵒC/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18ᵒC/decade over global-averaged land areas). That’s just 0.25ᵒF per decade, or 2.5ᵒF per century – modest, beneficial warming; certainly nothing remotely catastrophic.

Some of that warming is likely to be manmade. But most of it is natural and not at all unprecedented.

satellites and weather balloons, and tracked by the Earth System Science Center, University of Alabama-Huntsville, the warming trend is modest. Since January 1979, it has remained at +0.14ᵒC/decade (+0.12ᵒC/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18ᵒC/decade over global-averaged land areas). That’s just 0.25ᵒF per decade, or 2.5ᵒF per century – modest, beneficial warming; certainly nothing remotely catastrophic.

Some of that warming is likely to be manmade. But most of it is natural and not at all unprecedented.

True because the oceans are absorbing the excess CO2 with negative consequences if you like shellfish..
Check out the best-seller book called APOCALYPSE NEVER by Michael Shellenberger.

He comes to the conclusion that no matter what mankind does about climate change that it is not going to put a dent in the climate for the next 400 years!!
John Kerry should have never been hired as Climate Czar!!!
satellites and weather balloons, and tracked by the Earth System Science Center, University of Alabama-Huntsville, the warming trend is modest. Since January 1979, it has remained at +0.14ᵒC/decade (+0.12ᵒC/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18ᵒC/decade over global-averaged land areas). That’s just 0.25ᵒF per decade, or 2.5ᵒF per century – modest, beneficial warming; certainly nothing remotely catastrophic.

Some of that warming is likely to be manmade. But most of it is natural and not at all unprecedented.

True because the oceans are absorbing the excess CO2 with negative consequences if you like shellfish..
Who brainwashed you into believing that ridiculousness? Why did you believe them?
This seems to reflect the logarithmic relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and temperature ... the inverse of exponential ... and we're much further along this curve than previously assumed ... meaning all warming and climate change due to CO2 emissions is done, more added CO2 will have very little effect on temperature ...

This isn't published yet ... still in the peer-review process ... but still one more nail in the IPCC's coffin ...
These people don't care about the climate. They are just trying to make a quick buck. These people have been trying for decades to control the weather. If you control the weather, you control the world.
But they want the weather to become warmer. Even Putin wants the weather to be warmer so he don't have to depend on other countries 'import of produces that can't grow in their climate. And plus he can work on his tan line.
But the Globalist have been trying their best to warm up the climate so that they can mine in Antarctica precious minerals. But melting the ice in the Antarctic can cause flooding somewhere else.
And so they've conjured up this climate change narrative to put the blame on the people that caused the flooding all around the world.

They will do anything to get to the gold up in those area, like the way they are stripping Haiti from their precious minerals.

But CO2 is good for the environment. But the Corporate elites want to get rid of these treaties like the ENMOD treaty of 1978 in the name of global warming. So that they can go back openly to restart the melting process at the Poles. But right now they are secretly melting the ice and destroying crops production all over the world.
But the treaty can also be there to prevent other countries from making the effort of mining for gold in those regions, except for the Globalist. They are above the laws.

NUCLEAR weapons have been secretly launched from Antarctica and detonated in our atmosphere by scientists intent on controlling the Earth’s weather so they can tap into its untold natural resources, according to a shock new documentary.

The ENMOD Convention is specifically intended to prevent use of the environment as a means of warfare, by prohibiting the deliberate manipulation of natural processes that could produce phenomena such as hurricanes, tidal waves or changes in climate.

Corporate Elites are creating these disasters to make a quick buck. They are wanting to put on out dinner table their leftover scraps from their science projects. But they are going to use this Global warming lie to make it mandatory that we have to eat this crap to save the planet. But banned natural meat products.




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