Slanted News for First 100 Days Obama v Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
The Pew study referenced below found positive stories about Obama have outweighed negative by two-to-one (42% vs. 20%) while 38% of stories have been neutral or mixed. Trump had 89% negative by comparison. Slanted/Fake news by the MSM, they really need to get Obama's dick out of their mouths before whining about Trump.

MSM coverage in the 1st 100 Days:
Obama Trump
Positive 42% 5%
Negative 20% 89%
Neutral 38% 6%

Obama’s First 100 Days
You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.
You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That does not justify 90% slanted or fake news. Obama told lies all the time, and bigger lies, and still the MSM fawned over him. Remember the initial Obamacare rollout disaster? Trump, as president, deserves honest coverage, and an "exaggeration" is not a lie. Arguing over Trump's crowd size compared to everyone would save at least $2,500 a year on healthcare aren't comparable.
You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That does not justify 90% slanted or fake news. Obama told lies all the time, and bigger lies, and still the MSM fawned over him. Remember the initial Obamacare rollout disaster? Trump, as president, deserves honest coverage, and an "exaggeration" is not a lie. Arguing over Trump's crowd size compared to everyone would save at least $2,500 a year on healthcare aren't comparable.
There is something fundamentally wrong with trump supporters having to always reference Obama or Clinton to justify and defend his lies. It means you are admitting that trump lies, but it is OK because other people lie too.
Your claim of 90% slanted or fake news is something you just made up. You start of a lecturing post about lying with a lie in the first sentence.
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:

Not only should it have been 24/7, someone should have been charged with a crime.

Considering how careless the Democrats were with their own security, it's rich to hear some of them complain that Russia hacked into America. Are they new to the world of spying?
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:

The whining and victimhood is rich concerning the "First 100 Days" when it's been Trump who's made such a big deal about it; "it's so easy! We're going to be winning so much you're going to get tired! We'll repeal Obamacare on the 1st day and cut taxes right away!" He's such a tool; not to mention his delusional supporters! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:
The Pew study referenced below found positive stories about Obama have outweighed negative by two-to-one (42% vs. 20%) while 38% of stories have been neutral or mixed. Trump had 89% negative by comparison. Slanted/Fake news by the MSM, they really need to get Obama's dick out of their mouths before whining about Trump.

MSM coverage in the 1st 100 Days:
Obama Trump
Positive 42% 5%
Negative 20% 89%
Neutral 38% 6%

Obama’s First 100 Days

Like most things Democrats do, this one will have unintended consequences that they will fail to grasp.

Having the news harp on the same string until it breaks is only going to backfire. Like screaming at a teenager about the horrors of having sex will only make them want to get laid.

After a while, the obviously over the top propaganda just pushes sensible people the other way.
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:

The whining and victimhood is rich concerning the "First 100 Days" when it's been Trump who's made such a big deal about it; "it's so easy! We're going to be winning so much you're going to get tired! We'll repeal Obamacare on the 1st day and cut taxes right away!" He's such a tool; not to mention his delusional supporters! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

The country is divided, both parties are divided as are the alt-left who are protesting every action.

Maybe a little patriotism is needed in the country rather than political hacks and globalists hellbent on impeding any of the promises he made. Trump was elected because there is an anti-establishment sentiment in the country that was unhappy with the direction it was going in and those against him don't understand this.
Even Faux News and talk radio are turning on Dump.

"Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated"

"I thought it would be easier."

"After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it's not so easy."

^ That's your President, folks. That's why coverage has been terrible. Because Trump's Presidency has been terrible.
kyzr et al, that is the truth. Trump really is that bad. That you believe fake news and alt facts that says he is not demonstrates you are programmed into cognitive bias.
This is the same as pre-election. It was so skewed for Hillary both in her fight in the primaries against Bernie and significantly more slanted in her race against Trump.

This is one of the reason media outlets are losing their grip on trust in the eyes of the public. People are seeing through mandates that are far outside the realm of "journalism".
Yeah the 24/7 news coverage about her e-mails was so pro Hillary :rolleyes:

The whining and victimhood is rich concerning the "First 100 Days" when it's been Trump who's made such a big deal about it; "it's so easy! We're going to be winning so much you're going to get tired! We'll repeal Obamacare on the 1st day and cut taxes right away!" He's such a tool; not to mention his delusional supporters! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

The country is divided, both parties are divided as are the alt-left who are protesting every action.

Maybe a little patriotism is needed in the country rather than political hacks and globalists hellbent on impeding any of the promises he made. Trump was elected because there is an anti-establishment sentiment in the country that was unhappy with the direction it was going in and those against him don't understand this.

But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington screws them over! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:
The Pew study referenced below found positive stories about Obama have outweighed negative by two-to-one (42% vs. 20%) while 38% of stories have been neutral or mixed. Trump had 89% negative by comparison. Slanted/Fake news by the MSM, they really need to get Obama's dick out of their mouths before whining about Trump.

MSM coverage in the 1st 100 Days:
Obama Trump
Positive 42% 5%
Negative 20% 89%
Neutral 38% 6%

Obama’s First 100 Days

Thank god for the completely unbiased media, that always takes into account the journalistic standard.
But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington

The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.
You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That does not justify 90% slanted or fake news. Obama told lies all the time, and bigger lies, and still the MSM fawned over him. Remember the initial Obamacare rollout disaster? Trump, as president, deserves honest coverage, and an "exaggeration" is not a lie. Arguing over Trump's crowd size compared to everyone would save at least $2,500 a year on healthcare aren't comparable.
There is something fundamentally wrong with trump supporters having to always reference Obama or Clinton to justify and defend his lies. It means you are admitting that trump lies, but it is OK because other people lie too.
Your claim of 90% slanted or fake news is something you just made up. You start of a lecturing post about lying with a lie in the first sentence.

The Media Research Center decided to take a look at coverage of Donald Trump by the "Big Three" (ABC, CBS and NBC) in his first 30 days in office to see how much they covered him and if they displayed any bias one way or the other. Well, unsurprisingly to anyone who's bothered to flip on the news anytime recently, MRC certainly found some bias and it certainly did not favor Trump.

The first thing MRC points out in its analysis is just how "obsessed" the Big Three are over Trump. In his first 30 days of office, MRC analysts found that the networks dedicated 16 hours of their evening news coverage to Trump; in other words, "more than half (54%) of all of the news coverage during this period."

So during this coverage of Trump, to which they dedicated 54 percent of their time, did they treat him fairly? Not only did Trump enjoy no "media honeymoon" afforded most new presidents, he was regularly raked across the coals with what MRC calculates is a stunning 88 percent of negative coverage. (By the way that abysmal 88 percent is actually 3 percent better than the 91 percent negative coverage of Trump MRC calculated during the election.)

Study: How Biased is the Media Against Trump? EXTREMELY Biased.
Clinton, of course, should never be president, and neither should Trump, but there we are.
But it's the people's fault due to punishing their representatives when they even come close to compromise; esp. Republicans who routinely run opposition against itself in a quest for conservative purity! The Dems are on the same track with the new Dem. Chair looking for absolutes on the "choice" issue! You can't do that; we wind up as culturally insane as right-wingers! It's one of the reasons Hillary lost the women's vote to a misogynist pig; went too far LEFT! Women talk a good game about moving into the future, but they're still stuck in past; often sabotaging themselves when they vote against their own interests! They outnumber men in all aspects of life; esp. the voters, but their representation is going down instead of up! When they actually had a chance to elect the ultimate woman, they balked, so I will never even listen to their cater-walling when this man in Washington

The first female President should be one that represents her gender with pride. Electing a woman under FBI investigations and corruption all around her is not what women wanted as the Mother of our country.

I give the women credit for bypassing Hil-Liar and waiting it out for a sober honest person. Sorry that some of your flock found their way off the plantation, but if you ever run another woman again, make sure it's somebody women of America can be proud of.

But I guess it's ok that an old white crazy man can be under the same investigation! Hilarious and hypocritical don't you think? I don't mind he made it in; goes along with the other sick countries taking on tyrants and dictators as their leaders! I doubt we can sink much further, but you never know with the lack of intelligentsia in this country! The only thing in question is how long will it take to impeach this arse-hole and take on another in Pence? :9: :argue: :bang3: :blahblah:
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You can not expect the media or public to give favorable reviews and have positive attitudes towards trump when he and his administration are routinely and consistently caught telling provable lies and saying stupid or misinformed comments.

That does not justify 90% slanted or fake news. Obama told lies all the time, and bigger lies, and still the MSM fawned over him. Remember the initial Obamacare rollout disaster? Trump, as president, deserves honest coverage, and an "exaggeration" is not a lie. Arguing over Trump's crowd size compared to everyone would save at least $2,500 a year on healthcare aren't comparable.

Obama did not tell provable lies on a daily basis. He wasn't using the office of the President to line his own pockets nor was he selling access to the President via his golf clubs. He didn't blame others for his own failures. In his first 100 Days, he passed the stimulus package and 28 other pieces of legislation. And he didn't spend 3 days out of every 7, on vacation. He went golfing once.

When you compare their accomplishments in the first 100 Days, Obama was prepared and ready to get to work. Trump has blundered around, screwing up everything he tried. And then there's the whole Russian investigation.

Obama had no interest in how the size of his Inauguration Day crowd was, while Trump was fixated on it for weeks. Trump is still fixated on his victory, handing out final EC. Tallies to WH visitors last week.

Both Obama and Trump got the press they deserved. If Trump wants better press, he could try doing a better job.

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