Hello! Just thought I'd write in and talk a little about the fact that out of all of the industrialized nations, we(America) have the greatest rate of unplanned pregnancy's. I think that say's a lot about the values of a lot or, probably, most women in this country. With all of the different types of birth control, we still have the highest rate of unplanned pregnancy. Most of the abortions in this country happen out of means of birth control, which is just wrong. Women don't like to accept the blame for getting pregnant but it is ultimately up to them, not the man(unless rape is involved, in which, the morning after pill will still work). So I guess what I would like to complain about is the lack of responsibility in this country, especially among women. Seems to me that in general, the only wheels squeeling in this country are the slackers who don't want to go out and live a responsible life. What I mean is, there are that a hell of a lot of slackers out there who want to point the finger at other people (like myself) who HAVE lead a responsible life, and in a conscious effort, blame those people for the reason they themselves have made bad decisions and dug themselves into a deep hole by having kids when they couldn't afford it, then pile on some credit card payments, cell phone bills, car payments,etc, then never recover for the rest of their irresponsible lives. Basically this type of person depends on goverment and most of the time is a liberal democrat, but they will never own up to their self induced misery. They want, and expect (us) the government to bail them out of any irresponsible behavior they have created. They get in debt, they have kids, if they have a job, they take off work to have kids so that they can freeload off of child support and vaginamony, all while men(who need to wake up and cut womens feet out from under them) are towing the line to take up their slack. That is IRRESPONSIBLE and stupid! Period. We need to abolish affirmative action, it's just reverse discrimination anyway, and let the slackers fall off the planet! If they can make it on their own, fine, I have nothing against that, just stop the handouts. Marriage is stupid nowadays unless you get a prenuptial agreement to keep some sponghead sperm depository from taking your money. For the record, I'm financially successfull, in fact, I have a seven figure income, have never been married, have never had kids, I've lived and continue to live a responsible life. I have sex with hot young women, and as long as I'm wealthy, I'll continue to get even hotter women. I'm proud to say that I fool women into thinking that they think I will get them pregnant, I have a vasectomy, but they don't know that. I can only laugh at the idiots beneath me! Call me selfish, but what is more selfish than having kids just so that you can see a carbon copy of your pathetic self, why not adopt? If I do decided to have kids, I would adopt. Btw, I would probably raise them myself, because most women in this country are plain stupid, irresponsible sponge's who are incapable of managing their own lives let alone a child's life. Just a bunch of shallow minded, no good for nothing, rotten, irresponsible fat gobs of goo that sponge off of men so that they can go and buy some more chinese made shoes and purse's made of pleather. Have you ever noticed that purse's are shaped like vagina's? They have the same basic qualities-they take YOUR money...... but not mine!