Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Why yes, yes we did. To end a world war. Even the Japanese estimate the two bombs saved well over a million civilians.

That's the Japanese saying that.

Not your revisionist neo nazi types.

Except that the bombs didn't have that much of an effect. the USSR opening a whole new front in Korea and Manchuria is what convinced them the war was over.
Why yes, yes we did. To end a world war. Even the Japanese estimate the two bombs saved well over a million civilians.

That's the Japanese saying that.

Not your revisionist neo nazi types.

Except that the bombs didn't have that much of an effect. the USSR opening a whole new front in Korea and Manchuria is what convinced them the war was over.

Military installations were off limits to inspectors. Compliance could not be verified.

And remember, everyone agreed Hitler had "no more territorial demands".

Okay, let's look at this bit of idiocy.

IAEA Report Says Iran Still In Compliance With 2015 Nuclear Deal

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Iran's nuclear activities have remained within key limits of Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers -- despite growing economic pressure from U.S. sanctions reimposed after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the accord.

The United Nations' nuclear watchdog, which monitors Iran's nuclear activities under the 2015 agreement, said in a quarterly report that Iran stayed within the accord's uranium-enrichment limits and complied with limitations on its stock of enriched uranium.

The report was distributed to IAEA member states on February 22 and reviewed by Western news agencies

Now, keep in mind, the IAEA said that Iraq was in compliance as well... but we didn't believe them and invaded anyway... how did that turn out?
Military installations were off limits to inspectors. Compliance could not be verified.

And remember, everyone agreed Hitler had "no more territorial demands".

Okay, let's look at this bit of idiocy.

IAEA Report Says Iran Still In Compliance With 2015 Nuclear Deal

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Iran's nuclear activities have remained within key limits of Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers -- despite growing economic pressure from U.S. sanctions reimposed after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the accord.

The United Nations' nuclear watchdog, which monitors Iran's nuclear activities under the 2015 agreement, said in a quarterly report that Iran stayed within the accord's uranium-enrichment limits and complied with limitations on its stock of enriched uranium.

The report was distributed to IAEA member states on February 22 and reviewed by Western news agencies

Now, keep in mind, the IAEA said that Iraq was in compliance as well... but we didn't believe them and invaded anyway... how did that turn out?

You really are quite thick.
You really are quite thick.

Or maybe, unlike you, I have a learning curve.

I was one of you Right Wing Idiots in 2002 who took George W. Bush at his word that Iraq was developing nukes and WMD's.... and he was going to get us all!

Aaaaaand, he didn't. Instead what we got was a war we are still fighting 16 years later.

So, let's review.

the IAEA and most of the intelligence agencies of the west are convinced that Iran is in compliance with the treaty that Trump voided unilaterally because it had Obama's name on it. They've decided that they are going to ignore Trump's sanctions, figuring if he ain't gone by Impeachment, he;ll be gone by the election.
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

Yeah... because it was French missile as well as anti-aircraft systems that supplied Iraq when Saddam was invading his neighbors.
Proud of that are you?
The Swiss also sell electronic weaponry systems to the Middle East.... can't stop that!!!
Interesting to see you support the continuance of global weaponizing by the Europeans.
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

Yeah... because it was French missile as well as anti-aircraft systems that supplied Iraq when Saddam was invading his neighbors.
Proud of that are you?
The Swiss also sell electronic weaponry systems to the Middle East.... can't stop that!!!
Interesting to see you support the continuance of global weaponizing by the Europeans.
Well I have no control over French and Swiss arms sales. I wish that I did. I would stop all arms sales to the middle east, including Israel. What that has to do with donny getting his flabby arse kicked again is beyond me though.

Maybe the Iranians could find some dirt on Joe Biden and they could be re-admitted to the circle of trust ?
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

Yeah... because it was French missile as well as anti-aircraft systems that supplied Iraq when Saddam was invading his neighbors.
Proud of that are you?
The Swiss also sell electronic weaponry systems to the Middle East.... can't stop that!!!
Interesting to see you support the continuance of global weaponizing by the Europeans.
Well I have no control over French and Swiss arms sales. I wish that I did. I would stop all arms sales to the middle east, including Israel. What that has to do with donny getting his flabby arse kicked again is beyond me though.

Maybe the Iranians could find some dirt on Joe Biden and they could be re-admitted to the circle of trust ?

Don't have control?
Sure you do if you live there and support the very measures you are praising
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

Yeah... because it was French missile as well as anti-aircraft systems that supplied Iraq when Saddam was invading his neighbors.
Proud of that are you?
The Swiss also sell electronic weaponry systems to the Middle East.... can't stop that!!!
Interesting to see you support the continuance of global weaponizing by the Europeans.
Well I have no control over French and Swiss arms sales. I wish that I did. I would stop all arms sales to the middle east, including Israel. What that has to do with donny getting his flabby arse kicked again is beyond me though.

Maybe the Iranians could find some dirt on Joe Biden and they could be re-admitted to the circle of trust ?

Don't have control?
Sure you do if you live there and support the very measures you are praising
I vote for parties that oppose arms sales. Unfortunately,Plaid Cymru has little sway in Europe. The US does though. What have you done to stop global arms sales ?
Mate, the US will suffer more from that.

I’m fine with that. We need to get out of the international community, even if it’s painful. That’s the only way to make Isolationism work.
When you are nuts deep in the affairs of many, many nations then withdrawal should be a gradual process that ensures a stable world. Maybe start with Venezuela ?
When you are nuts deep in the affairs of many, many nations then withdrawal should be a gradual process that ensures a stable world. Maybe start with Venezuela ?

You mistake me for someone who gives a fuck about anything outside the borders of my country. In my mind the split should be complete, immediate, and permanent. No trade. No communications. No travel. Nothing.
When you are nuts deep in the affairs of many, many nations then withdrawal should be a gradual process that ensures a stable world. Maybe start with Venezuela ?

You mistake me for someone who gives a fuck about anything outside the borders of my country. In my mind the split should be complete, immediate, and permanent. No trade. No communications. No travel. Nothing.
Nope, I am aware of your eccentricities. But even you will be aware that decisions made by the US will wash up on your doorstep. Getting out is not always easy..
Nope, I am aware of your eccentricities. But even you will be aware that decisions made by the US will wash up on your doorstep. Getting out is not always easy..

Thsts why I’m talking about a nation that doesn’t have a door, just a one-way trash disposal chute to get rid of those who don’t want to comply with the new Society.

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