Six Disastrous Obama-Era Foreign Policies Set to Return Under Biden


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

These aren't progressive policies. These (along with rebuilding the State Department) return the US to a position of leadership in the word. Bringing in seasoned professionals and career diplomats to try and undo some of the damage skippy and his merry band of incompetents wrought. Cede our "standing"??? Again, what dream world do you Trump supporters live in? That's what we've been doing for the last four years. All the while tearing down our government institutions and letting an incompetent fraud try to establish a dictatorship...right here in our own country. So far, the incoming Biden administration has been a breath of fresh air next to the constant farting of the Trump administration.
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

The trump mistake set us back a few years, but soon enough the progressive wing of the democrats will be able to actually tax the rich properly rather than pander to us and insist they want to raise taxes adequately but just can't because of the repuglicans. They're a minor obstacle at this point.
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

The trump mistake set us back a few years, but soon enough the progressive wing of the democrats will be able to actually tax the rich properly rather than pander to us and insist they want to raise taxes adequately but just can't because of the repuglicans. They're a minor obstacle at this point.

And what does the "proper" tax rate for the rich look like to you?
Imagine supporting human rights, world health,nuclear disarmament, the environment and free trade

What is Biden thinking?
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

The trump mistake set us back a few years, but soon enough the progressive wing of the democrats will be able to actually tax the rich properly rather than pander to us and insist they want to raise taxes adequately but just can't because of the repuglicans. They're a minor obstacle at this point.

And what does the "proper" tax rate for the rich look like to you?

50 percent sounds good
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

The trump mistake set us back a few years, but soon enough the progressive wing of the democrats will be able to actually tax the rich properly rather than pander to us and insist they want to raise taxes adequately but just can't because of the repuglicans. They're a minor obstacle at this point.
.....stop smoking crack crap .....the UN is a paper tiger that is useless
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

I present Exhibit A. This is the mindset and goal of those on the left, even the ones that claim to be moderate. One world government. Scary stuff.
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

I present Exhibit A. This is the mindset and goal of those on the left, even the ones that claim to be moderate. One world government. Scary stuff.
it's not even a goal--it's lunacy........

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

These aren't progressive policies. These (along with rebuilding the State Department) return the US to a position of leadership in the word. Bringing in seasoned professionals and career diplomats to try and undo some of the damage skippy and his merry band of incompetents wrought. Cede our "standing"??? Again, what dream world do you Trump supporters live in? That's what we've been doing for the last four years. All the while tearing down our government institutions and letting an incompetent fraud try to establish a dictatorship...right here in our own country. So far, the incoming Biden administration has been a breath of fresh air next to the constant farting of the Trump administration.
Falling in line with lesser nations isn't leading.

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

These aren't progressive policies. These (along with rebuilding the State Department) return the US to a position of leadership in the word. Bringing in seasoned professionals and career diplomats to try and undo some of the damage skippy and his merry band of incompetents wrought. Cede our "standing"??? Again, what dream world do you Trump supporters live in? That's what we've been doing for the last four years. All the while tearing down our government institutions and letting an incompetent fraud try to establish a dictatorship...right here in our own country. So far, the incoming Biden administration has been a breath of fresh air next to the constant farting of the Trump administration.
Falling in line with lesser nations isn't leading.

But keep diplomacy and communications flowing between not only our allies but with other countries...IS.
It's what leaders do. They lead. Unlike the current administration which has done...well...nothing.

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