Sitcoms From The 90's That Are Worth Re-Watching


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the list. The only show on the list that I ever cared enough for is the Boy Meets World show and even it got boring to me at one point. How could the following prime time sitcoms be overlooked?

Perfect Strangers (ended in 1993)
Full House (ended in 1995)
Step By Step (ended in 1998)
Home Improvement (ended in 1999)
Family Matters (ended in 1998)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I will admit that I have watched Everybody Loves Raymond, but it wasn't until years after it ended. I have seen some of the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air show too, but I doubt that I would be considered an avid enough watcher.
Home Improvement was a great show. Full House was okay but not one of my favorites.

Seinfeld is great, it’s so unpolitically correct by today’s standards.

Friends too, although the portrayal of the men as complete cucks gets old.
Home Improvement was a great show. Full House was okay but not one of my favorites.

Seinfeld is great, it’s so unpolitically correct by today’s standards.

Friends too, although the portrayal of the men as complete cucks gets old.
The measure of a great show is that you can watch the same episode you already saw half a dozen times. Most shows have good episodes and bad ones. The great shows, have nearly every episode is watchable.
Go away, flurge.
So what is a flurge, exactly? Answer: Well, kids, according to UrbanDictionary, "flurge" refers to the sudden urge to be flaccid, but it's very likely that the geniuses over at "Saturday Night Live" made up the word, and it doesn't actually stand for anything at all.

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