Single stat shows the Alabama's dominance in the playoff era

Its pretty good

But the nest of all time?

probably not

Can you name another football program with a bigger or longer dynasty?

I grew up in the Bear Bryant era at Alabama. And what Saban has done since he came to Tuscaloosa in 2007 is far better, and during a time with more restrictions.
A great quote from Coach Saban.

When Nick Saban was told Oregon had over 100 uniform combinations, his response was typical Saban.

“We have two. Red jerseys at home. White jerseys away. Our main concern around here is who is wearing them.“
OU fans would point proudly to Bud Wilkenson and the 47 game winning streak

And that win streak is amazing. It is also likely to stand as a record forever. Undefeated in just under 5 seasons is amazing.

But the Saban dynasty has won 6 national championships, 7 conference championships, and 8 western div championships. His record on the field is 170-23. He has won championships multiple offensive and defensive coordinators. He has adapted from a run first/defense oriented style to a wide open RPO style offense that he was totally against when he was first at Alabama. He has put numerous players into the NFL. And this week was the 100th time since he came to Alabama that his team is ranked #1. He has dominated the college football world for 12 years. That is 3 full cycles of players. And every player who stayed with the team has at least one national championship ring.

And this is in the days with better competition, fewer scholarships and more restrictions on the schools.

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