Singapore Bank Heist*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A good deal of jarring news about tourists in trouble has come out of Singapore, an otherwise very lively and commercial modernizing city in Asia, so I thought I'd offer up a special post-retirement bank heist story set in the fabled and controversy-troubled modern city. This is a city my mother visited with her parents while traveling around the world after college, and hearing her stories makes me want to grasp the breadth of this magical place, which is why this heist fairy-tale is set there. Enjoy!


Isaac Satan (aka, 'Shadow') was a master-thief traveling around the world and landed in the Asian marvel city of Singapore, a place where a number of Western tourists ran into some real trouble with the police and government. Isaac/Shadow, however, saw no trouble with the place and was bike riding around Singapore, planning the perfect bank heist in the summer of 2010. However, for the moment, he was in love with the lights of Singapore and with a gorgeous young Asian woman there named Aesha.


"DBS Bank is the place where I'll orchestrate my special summer heist, and Aesha will have the incentive to leave with me!" ---Isaac


Now, DBS Bank is a very reputed institution in Singapore, with marvelous vault rooms and safe-boxes owned by wealthy investors from Europe and Asia, including the very controversial Dutch blood diamond investor, reputedly, Ernst Kuyt, who transferred gems between South Africa and Antwerp and stored them in Singapore. Isaac/Shadow knew this and wanted some of the gold and diamonds Kuyt stored there in the DBS Bank center in Singapore. He began staking out the various DBS branches and resources and computerized connectivity between the banking centers and sites.


ISAAC/SHADOW: I know Kuyt has diamonds and gold in that vault, but he also has tranferred bearer-bonds, and I'll be masked!


Shadow walked into the DBS Bank in Singapore masked and costumed and suited and gloved, claiming he was a member of the new local Capoeira theater performance group from Eastern Europe, seeking to inspect the vault and safe-box and banking resources in Sinagpore. He began asking about the famed treasury of the Dutchman Kuyt at DBS. He was impressed with Singapore's lavish financial institutionalized investments in capital securites. The bank itself was both welcoming...and well guarded.


ISAAC/SHADOW: Walking around this place is an experience in of itself, so one sees that Singapore cares about tourism.


AESHA: I don't know what my boyfriend from Eastern Europe, Isaac, is up to, but I hope he's alright, because I want to marry him.


DBS BANK MANAGER: We've hired our own security personnel to ensure safe and monitored traffic in our bank area.


Isaac/Shadow walked into the DBS Bank masked and claiming to be a Capoeira theater group member on the day of a very well televised presentation at the bank about Singapore's new tech investments in media and marketing for investor information. He noticed the staging area and all the cameras and seats ready to offer the investors in the audience a film show about the new tech toys in the bank. Everything was controlled by the computer terminal operating all the switches and signal frequencies at the front of the staging area.


While the investors were busy preparing for this stage event inside the bank, working in various media laptop tables inside the bank, Isaac/Shadow (still masked!) requested a bank representative prepare to give him a tour of the safe-box room. As the bank rep prepared to give Isaac/Shadow a tour with an escorting guardsman/policeman, Isaac/Shadow crept by the computer terminal mainframe area by the stage center in front of the media presentation event area and disconnected and cut all the main wires with his Swiss army-knife! No one suspected, since everyone was still at their waiting-area laptop terminal areas in the bank ahead of the media presentation.


You see, LucasFilm Corp was set in Singapore and was working alongside DBS Bank for its new tech armory and media toys.


While Isaac/Shadow, still masked of course, was being escorted into the safe-box area in the highly-secured vault room, the media stage area coordinators noticed that someone had cut the wires to the main computer terminal area in front of the media center. While there was a panic and lots of crowd noise, and some suspected ironically that rats may have crawled in and cut the wires with their teeth(!), Isaac/Shadow calmly walked to the vault center with the bank rep and the escorting guard.


Isaac/Shadow was shown the warehouse room with all the bearer-bonds and then the safe-box and vault room with the gold and diamonds. That's when he pulled out a miniature water-gun sealed on the bottom of the indented sole of his shoe and revealed the water-gun was filled with corrosive acid! He instructed the guardsman and bank rep to go ahead and turn on the alarm-button on their security phones. However, no one notices, because of the media area commotion regarding the tech presentation which has been delayed!


ISAAC/SHADOW: I took $2 million in gold bars and diamonds and bearer-bonds from Kuyt's treasury room and crawled out the bank bathroom window without anyone noticing in time after tying up the guardsman and bank rep in the vault room with a nylon rope hidden in his pants.


Isaac/Shadow then walked across the street and got himself photographed in the fashion house center where there was an incredible presentation of Eastern women's saree clothing. He told the photographers to mention he was a visiting theater-group member part of the Capoeira Singapore arts team.


SINGAPORE TIMES: We know that Kuyt's assets were stolen from the bank and that a masked theater member was photographed in the nearby saree fashion show for a magazine and that the bank representative refused to comment if this mysterious masked visitor had any role in the heist of Kuyt's evil blood diamonds from Antwerp.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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