Sinema's Poll Numbers Are Plumetting!

nope. Republicans would never elect her dog catcher.
And Dems sure as shit won't vote for her.
She's screwed
You need to read "The Art of the Deal". There is always a deal to be had, if she wants to.
Or she can be harassed in the ladies room, I know what I'd do. MAGA.
I agree, she won't win as a democrat, democrats will be toxic, but she would beat any prog that they put up against her if she switches parties and runs as a "moderate" republican.
Republicans would be wise to promise her that she would not be "primaried" and that guarantees her another 6-years.
If she runs as a republican she’ll has proven what she’s made of and her bonafides. It should be an easy win.
universal health care doesn’t work. Comparing the U.S. to countries much smaller in size and population is ridiculous. Why do a lot of Canadian citizens come to the US for medical procedures if your system is so great? How can they not love those 6 month waits for appointments? To embarrass you again, rich people work because THAT’S HOW THEY GOT RICH. Not by sitting their asses on the couch. Giving people more money to not work than they’d get working is counter productive if you want people in the workforce. You really have no clue how things work in this country. If you can’t afford to have a child, you should probably take precautions so that doesn’t happen.

Bullshit!! Absolute fucking bullshit!!! YOUR health care system is a failure. The only thing it's good for is to make money for the wealthy. Your people are the most UNHEALTHLY in the first world. Your life expectancy is declining - the only first world country where this is happening.

People go to the USA for treatment because you're the only country in the world which sells medical care for profit. You CAN'T come to Canada for treatment. You don't pay taxes here. But again, you repeat the lies you've been told.

How did rich people get rich? They were BORN rich. People don't "get rich" in America any more. Bezos and Zuckerberg were born into wealth and their parents helped them financially to start with. You're worshipping those who were lucky by birth.

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