Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Collusion with a hostile foreign government? Espionage? Treason? Obstruction of justice? Witness intimidation?

We aren't discussing the Obama administration.
That's correct, we're not discussing the Obama administration. Since, unlike Trump, Obama was never investigated for attempting to obstruct a federal investigation.
I'm not even going to argue Benghazi with the two of you. The facts on it aren't really up for debate at this point. Hiding what happened during the attempted coverup is what ultimately did in Hillary Clinton so she has nobody to blame but herself. Of course that isn't what Hillary DOES! She blames everyone else BUT herself for the loss and now seems to think she should get another shot at it!

Hillary is your problem, Kiddies...I'm content to sit back and watch you struggle to make her go away!
Of course you want to stay away from it. Your rightwingnut talking points are no match for my 8 GOP-led investigations.

Those GOP led investigations that uncovered Hillary's secret private servers? The ones that led to her defeat? I hate to break this to you, Faun but Hillary's email scandal isn't a "talking point" it's something that she did that she shouldn't have done and it jumped up and bit her fat ass!
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
18 U.S. Code § 1905 - Disclosure of confidential information generally
Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Collusion with a hostile foreign government? Espionage? Treason? Obstruction of justice? Witness intimidation?

We aren't discussing the Obama administration.
That's correct, we're not discussing the Obama administration. Since, unlike Trump, Obama was never investigated for attempting to obstruct a federal investigation.

That's because Obama had Attorney Generals like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch...both of whom should be serving time for the things that THEY did and didn't do!
Defending Hillary by accusing Trump of making money off the presidency is interesting, to say the least. How much did she make from her stint as Sec State and why did "donations" to her "foundation" dry up after she lost again?

Wouldn't know... do you guys really think you can cover Trump's misconduct by saying, "But, but, but... Hillary" for the next four years? All that does is remind people that the person they voted for didn't win.
What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

So what? Yeah, it was pretty dumb of that Ambassador to go into a city h e knew was dangerous because he thought the Libyans loved him. But frankly, Thousands of Americans were murdered by terrorists on Bush's watch, and you guys never held him accountable.

But the important thing is that it allowed you guys to steal an election and put a mentally unstable man in charge of the nukes. one who will probably blow up the world before he gets impeached.
I'm not even going to argue Benghazi with the two of you. The facts on it aren't really up for debate at this point. Hiding what happened during the attempted coverup is what ultimately did in Hillary Clinton so she has nobody to blame but herself. Of course that isn't what Hillary DOES! She blames everyone else BUT herself for the loss and now seems to think she should get another shot at it!

Hillary is your problem, Kiddies...I'm content to sit back and watch you struggle to make her go away!
Of course you want to stay away from it. Your rightwingnut talking points are no match for my 8 GOP-led investigations.

Those GOP led investigations that uncovered Hillary's secret private servers? The ones that led to her defeat? I hate to break this to you, Faun but Hillary's email scandal isn't a "talking point" it's something that she did that she shouldn't have done and it jumped up and bit her fat ass!
You idiot. We're talking about Benghazi, not her email server. Just how senile are you?? :ack-1:
Defending Hillary by accusing Trump of making money off the presidency is interesting, to say the least. How much did she make from her stint as Sec State and why did "donations" to her "foundation" dry up after she lost again?

Wouldn't know... do you guys really think you can cover Trump's misconduct by saying, "But, but, but... Hillary" for the next four years? All that does is remind people that the person they voted for didn't win.

What "misconduct?"
Defending Hillary by accusing Trump of making money off the presidency is interesting, to say the least. How much did she make from her stint as Sec State and why did "donations" to her "foundation" dry up after she lost again?

Wouldn't know... do you guys really think you can cover Trump's misconduct by saying, "But, but, but... Hillary" for the next four years? All that does is remind people that the person they voted for didn't win.
How'd it work for Obama sycophants to chant, "But BUUUUSSSHHHH" in unison for the last 8 years? The bottom line remains, those in power enrich themselves, and as long as those with higher character do not win office, you can't stop them from doing it.
I'm not even going to argue Benghazi with the two of you. The facts on it aren't really up for debate at this point. Hiding what happened during the attempted coverup is what ultimately did in Hillary Clinton so she has nobody to blame but herself. Of course that isn't what Hillary DOES! She blames everyone else BUT herself for the loss and now seems to think she should get another shot at it!

Hillary is your problem, Kiddies...I'm content to sit back and watch you struggle to make her go away!
Of course you want to stay away from it. Your rightwingnut talking points are no match for my 8 GOP-led investigations.

Those GOP led investigations that uncovered Hillary's secret private servers? The ones that led to her defeat? I hate to break this to you, Faun but Hillary's email scandal isn't a "talking point" it's something that she did that she shouldn't have done and it jumped up and bit her fat ass!
You idiot. We're talking about Benghazi, not her email server. Just how senile are you?? :ack-1:

Let me explain this slowly for you, Clinton handled Benghazi...hiding information from Congressional investigators...led to the discovery of her secret email servers that she'd been running the State Department through (which violates Federal law) and that they contained unsecured classified materials and her whole pay for play scandal with the Clinton Foundation! If Clinton had simply accepted the blame for the appalling lack of security for our diplomats on's a good bet that NONE of that would have come to light and she'd be the President of the United States right now!
.hiding information from Congressional investigators

What information, specifically? You say "33,000 e-mails"...OK, so which of those 33,000 e-mails are you talking about? If you are talking about the ones from Stevens, you don't need HRC's server to get those. Stevens' e-mail was on a different server, so why not just go to that server and recover the e-mails he sent?

You do know how e-mail works, right? There's never just one copy.
You mean the FBI investigation that continued on unabated after Comey was fired? The investigation that Trump encouraged Comey to conduct? Is that the one you're referring to?

So you're being a sophist here...which investigation did Trump encourage Comey to conduct? Not the Flynn one, that's for sure. So which one?
How'd it work for Obama sycophants to chant, "But BUUUUSSSHHHH" in unison for the last 8 years?

Well, it worked fine because everyone knew Bush fucked up, well, everything.

Let me explain this slowly for you, Clinton handled Benghazi...hiding information from Congressional investigators...led to the discovery of her secret email servers that she'd been running the State Department through (which violates Federal law) and that they contained unsecured classified materials and her whole pay for play scandal with the Clinton Foundation!

Only in your bizarre fantasies.

Real world. Hillary got the most votes and the Russians hacked the election. Trump now has a 60% disapproval rate because people are starting to figure it out.

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