Since we seem to have forgotten, let's review the unbiased professionalism of the FBI and DOJ leaders as they investigate Donald Trump, and HRC

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Some quotes from their texts. Keep in mind that this is Lisa Page, married FBI lawyer cuckolding her husband with FBI senior official Peter Strzok:

“It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in,” Page wrote to Strzok on December 19, 2016. “Sheesh, this has been quite a year,” she added, forwarding a link to The New York Times’ Most Read Stories of 2016.

“Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out,” Strzok texted Page on January 10, 2017. “Hey let me know when you can talk. We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we use it as a pretext to go interview some people.”

That same year, Strzok told Page on July 14, "It's clear he's capturing all the white, poor voters who the mainstream Republicans abandoned in all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$$."

In other messages, the pair shared pro-Clinton views. Strzok told Page in March, "God Hillary should win 100,000,000-0."

Strzok then praised Clinton's nomination in July: "Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party! About damn time!"

In August 2015, Page wrote to Strzok, "I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car." Strzok replied, "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out."

Strzok wonders in March 2016 whether Mr. Trump would "be a worse president than (Ted) Cruz?" Page responds, "Trump? Yes, I think so." Strzok then says Mr. Trump is "awful" and "an idiot."

"HE [Trump] appears to have no ability to experience reverence which I [SIC] the foundation for any capacity to admire or serve anything bigger than self to want to learn about anything beyond self, to want to know and deeply honor the people around you," Strzok lamented. Page wrote back, "He's not ever going to become president, right? Right?"

This one is my all-time favorite, because it shows that it isn't just Trump that the Deepstate holds in contempt, but even more so Trump voters.

Flip to Page 400 of your copy of the IG report for this example, in which Strzok wrote to Page: "Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...."

The bar on classified information was set really low as a result of the no actions taken against SOS Hillary Clinton and her private server. It was chock full of classified information that undoubtedly was hacked by Russia and China and any other two bit hacker who bothered to try. Sealed boxes of paper documents that some may have been planted by the FBI? Meh. The country is facing very serious problems and threats. We got no time for this partisan nonsense.
They were not the only ones, by a long shot. In fact their cheating on their spouses may have made their texts a distraction from even more senior, even more biased, and even more odious bad actors in the FBI:

Subject: FW: Midyear Exam — UNCLASSIFIED
Importance: High
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED


The Director composed the below straw man in an effort to compose what a "final" statement might look like in
the context of a press conference. This was really more of an exercise for him to get his thoughts on the matter
in order, and not any kind of decision about venue, strategy, product, etc.

The Director asked me to share this with you four, but not any further . The only additional people who have
seen this draft are Jim Rybicki and Jim Baker. Please do not disseminate or discuss any further.

I do not know if the boss will want to discuss this at the Monday update but please review it before the meeting
just in case.


Andrew G. McCabe

Deputy Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation

"Venue, strategy, product, etc?" Are these FBI men or multi-level marketeers?

Excerpts from the James Comey message to which Andrew McCabe refers:

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 7:15 PM

Subject: Midyear Exam — UNCLASSIFIED

I’ve been trying to imagine what it would look like if I decided to do an FBI
only press event to close out our work and hand the matter to DOJ. To help
shape our discussions of whether that, or something different, makes sense, I
have spent some time crafting what I would say, which follows. In my
imagination, I don’t see me taking any questions. Here is what it might look

Good afternoon folks. I am here to give you an update on our investigation of

Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email system, which began in late August mid-
Julv .

. . .

From that group of 34,000 30,000 emails that had been returned to the State

Department in late 2014#, the FBI sent xxxx emails to agencies for classification
determinations. Of those, xxxx have been determined by the owning agency to
contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Xxxx of
those contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; xxxx
contained Secret information at the time; and xxxx contained Confidential

information. Separate from those, a total of xxxx additional emails were “up
classified” to make them Secret or Confidential; the information in those had not
been classified at the time the emails were sent.

I've seen the claim from lefties on here that the classified information on Clinton's home server were only classified after she received them. Not at all, as Comey said. Only xxxx emails were upclassified. The other xxxx were classified at the time and xxxx of them were top secret. I assume Comey had some marketing expert working on the best way to make up the numbers to replace the "xxxx."

As Lindsay Graham said a few years ago, "if this doesn't make you mad, you hate Trump too much."
Some quotes from their texts. Keep in mind that this is Lisa Page, married FBI lawyer cuckolding her husband with FBI senior official Peter Strzok:

“It will make your head spin to realize how many stories we played a personal role in,” Page wrote to Strzok on December 19, 2016. “Sheesh, this has been quite a year,” she added, forwarding a link to The New York Times’ Most Read Stories of 2016.

“Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out,” Strzok texted Page on January 10, 2017. “Hey let me know when you can talk. We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we use it as a pretext to go interview some people.”

That same year, Strzok told Page on July 14, "It's clear he's capturing all the white, poor voters who the mainstream Republicans abandoned in all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$$."

In other messages, the pair shared pro-Clinton views. Strzok told Page in March, "God Hillary should win 100,000,000-0."

Strzok then praised Clinton's nomination in July: "Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party! About damn time!"

In August 2015, Page wrote to Strzok, "I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car." Strzok replied, "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out."

Strzok wonders in March 2016 whether Mr. Trump would "be a worse president than (Ted) Cruz?" Page responds, "Trump? Yes, I think so." Strzok then says Mr. Trump is "awful" and "an idiot."

"HE [Trump] appears to have no ability to experience reverence which I [SIC] the foundation for any capacity to admire or serve anything bigger than self to want to learn about anything beyond self, to want to know and deeply honor the people around you," Strzok lamented. Page wrote back, "He's not ever going to become president, right? Right?"

This one is my all-time favorite, because it shows that it isn't just Trump that the Deepstate holds in contempt, but even more so Trump voters.

Flip to Page 400 of your copy of the IG report for this example, in which Strzok wrote to Page: "Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...."

And just how is exchanging private texts with a friend expressing personal opinions wrong, illegal, or worthy of them being fired????
And just how is exchanging private texts with a friend expressing personal opinions wrong, illegal, or worthy of them being fired????
Why don't you ask the FBI leadership who fired them?

If you were being investigated for alleged crimes and you learned of private texts of personal opinions about you similar to Strzok and Page's about Trump you would be confident the investigation was fair?

They used government phones for those texts so personal and private is out the window.

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