Simple solution to the Gun problem and fears without violating the 2nd amendment.

First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.
That will solve nothing.

What you will accomplish is to inconvenience or deprive the legitimate recreational shooter and to create another black market in ammunition (which is very easy to manufacture with readily available reloading equipment -- which millions of people own). And if you doubt that just consider how successful the war on drugs has been.
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First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.
You have the right to free speech as guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, the government should monitor your phone conversations and internet activity, and you should have to fill out applications before you have any in-person conversations.

But, hey, your free-speech rights aren't being infringed, are they?

Who's to say that the government doesn't already monitor your phone calls, internet activity, financial transactions, books you check out at the library, groceries you buy, etc? They probably know more about you than you do yourself.

But we must not infringe upon the rights of nutjobs. They must be free to shoot up our schools, churches, theaters, and restaurants. To hell with the rights of their victims.
First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Which explains why no one ever did anything like this before the Internet.


You should stop making assumptions based on wild guesses.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!

Define limited.

By the way, how is limiting access to ammunition not limiting the right to keep and bear arms?


Wait, I thought that the only restrictions were on ammo, now you want to make guns illegal too?

Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.

You are an idiot.
While this could be argued to be an infringement on your constitutional right, you are half right, in a way.

This is to regulate, not to ban.
As for what type of gun you have or what it's capable of, I don't give a damn. I think everyone should have a right to any type of weapon/ammo. But I do think that this shit needs to be monitored and documented for whoever bought it. Ban ALL ONLINE SALES. While I am for respecting privacy, this issue is just too much to rule in favor of anonymity when buying stuff. Identify yourself, provide proper paperwork and licensing, document that you bought x amount of guns and supplies (get the exact model, make, etc), and please be responsible with your weaponry.

If it was online and electronics, I would vote for anonymity, but this is guns, where alot of these perpetrators have seeked anonymity with getting their supplies and have gotten it. I mean 6,000 rounds for a full auto assault rifle for someone who lives in a city should set off a red flag of some sort and someone should ask if everything is alright and whatnot.

While my views are disagreeable, I stand firmly behind them with the safety of others and the rights of gun owners in mind.
What I said makes no indication that I want the government to make all my decision for me. I absolutely do not want the government to make all of my decisions for me. I do understand however the role of government in protecting the civilian base from people seeking to acquire firearms.
Simple ownership/posession harms no one, nor places anyone in a condtition of clear, present and immediate danger.
Given that, from what does the 'civilian base' need protection?
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The problem is, most gun owners want the ability to stockpile guns and ammunition for eventual showdowns with the government, WITHOUT the government knowing about it.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me, given that this is one of the many reasons the 2nd was included into the BoR.

I have no objection about stockpiling.

But whether or not they want to battle with the government, it's none of my concern.
My concern is taking away anonymity by requiring everyone to buy in person and to document it. Not to ban ammo/weapons.

It's their right to oppose the government if they choose to do so, but good luck with that.
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News flash. Those with the intent or propensity to commit violence or other crimes with guns generally have no problem circumventing the law to get whatever guns or ammo they want.
News flash. Those with the intent or propensity to commit violence or other crimes with guns generally have no problem circumventing the law to get whatever guns or ammo they want.
Every day, all day.

Since 1994, how may criminals have been arrested, prosecuted, convicted and jailed after failing the federal background check?
News flash. Those with the intent or propensity to commit violence or other crimes with guns generally have no problem circumventing the law to get whatever guns or ammo they want.

Indeed. Track the type of gun, model, serial number down to who has it documented under them and give them severe consequences. Consequences can be only avoided if the weapon/ry was reported stolen.

edit: Drug cartels and whatnot buy their guns from gun shows in Texas. Start requiring documentation for all sales and track guns used in Mexico to track who bought the guns and start rounding them up! :thup:
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News flash. Those with the intent or propensity to commit violence or other crimes with guns generally have no problem circumventing the law to get whatever guns or ammo they want.

Indeed. Track the type of gun, model, serial number down to who has it documented under them and give them severe consequences. Consequences can be only avoided if the weapon/ry was reported stolen.
Gun registration violates the constitution as it infringes the right.
"Drug cartels and whatnot buy their guns from gun shows in Texas."

Uh...lately they've been getting them from the US government. You know, the same good ole boys you want to give more power and responsibility to? They are likely to be upset by the "severe penalties" you want to impose though.
Why on earth should we work so hard at keeping weapons out of the hands of honest and upright citizens? It's the criminals that are the problem. Are they going to magically follow the law?
First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.

The problem is, most gun owners want the ability to stockpile guns and ammunition for eventual showdowns with the government, WITHOUT the government knowing about it.
What happened to the revolutionary spirit of the left?

In the Sixties, you'd never find a leftist supporting the government.

Now, you want the government to make all your decisions for you.

Abbie Hoffman is rolling over in his grave. :cool:

Abbie Hoffman was a fraud and a joke.

As far as reasonable legislation, the problem with guns in this country is that the nutjobs look just like the rest of us. They can go off any minute without any real warning.

We have a choice.

ban all guns ( which I oppose )


Accept the consequences.

If we choose the latter ( which I support ) , the least we can do is be humble about it.
"Drug cartels and whatnot buy their guns from gun shows in Texas."

Uh...lately they've been getting them from the US government. You know, the same good ole boys you want to give more power and responsibility to? They are likely to be upset by the "severe penalties" you want to impose though.

What do you think is going to happen to the shooter in Colorado?

think hes going to get life in prison or the death penalty?

How exactly can we get any more severe than that?

Obviously the two sides will NEVER come to agreement. Lets stop throwing the same bullshit debate points out there hmmm?
First, make all online sales for guns, gun accessories/add ons, and ammo ILLEGAL! Most of these rampage shootings get their ammo online anonymously.

Second, HEAVILY REGULATE ALL AMMO! Make them sign a shit ton of documents and whatnot so the authorities know whats up. You should buy this stuff IN PERSON and in limited quantities!


Guns are like cars. They need ammo to shoot, just like how cars need gas to drive and go.
If you target all the ammo, then you solve the problem without bringing up conflicts on the 2nd amendment because they will have nothing to bitch at you about.

the problem si none of that will have the desired effect.

Gun owners are law abiding citizens...until theyre not.

Severe punishments are not a deterent to someone whos decided that killing a bunch of people and maybe getting death by cop sounds like a reasonable plan for next Tuesday.

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