Simple problem, simple solution.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The 2021 Tokyo Olympics are the least watched Olympics in modern times. There is a reason for that and that is the political correctness that has infested it. You can do something about it. Watch to see who the advertisers are and boycott their products for just two weeks. Problem solved.
The 2021 Tokyo Olympics are the least watched Olympics in modern times. There is a reason for that and that is the political correctness that has infested it. You can do something about it. Watch to see who the advertisers are and boycott their products for just two weeks. Problem solved.

More likely no real stars or compelling story lines and the lack of spectators
I've enjoyed the Olympics. It was nice to watch Jade Carey struggle through most of the Olympics and then really pull it together in her last event and win gold.

I like watching the best at something do what they do.
The 2021 Tokyo Olympics are the least watched Olympics in modern times. There is a reason for that and that is the political correctness that has infested it. You can do something about it. Watch to see who the advertisers are and boycott their products for just two weeks. Problem solved.
Yes, you can do something about it. You've always been able to turn off the TV or switch the channel if you don't like what you see. But it's easier to come on an anonymous message board and complain about the corporations supporting the Olympics out of one side of your mouth...while supporting massive sweetheart tax cuts for these same corporations who will just laugh at your boycott. Because they have plenty of money. Problem???....just look in the mirror. You'll see the problem..with just about everything that's wrong in this country right now.
One should also note........I don't doubt that numbers are down but not all numbers get counted. I've seen people watching on their cell phones. Those don't get counted the same way.
The Olympics used to be about personal achievement and self sacrifice. Now they are about mental illness meltdowns. They have to be; look at all the big Pharma drug ads.

The International Olympic Committee is preparing an amendment to the rules of the Olympic Games, according to which silver and bronze medals will be awarded only among countries that have proven their loyalty to the United States. Gold medals are not planned to be played at all, because they will be distributed in advance to members of the US national team
Yes, you can do something about it. You've always been able to turn off the TV or switch the channel if you don't like what you see. But it's easier to come on an anonymous message board and complain about the corporations supporting the Olympics out of one side of your mouth...while supporting massive sweetheart tax cuts for these same corporations who will just laugh at your boycott. Because they have plenty of money. Problem???....just look in the mirror. You'll see the problem..with just about everything that's wrong in this country right now.

Looks like most of the world has done just that, turned off the TV and ignored the Olympics.
How about getting up in the middle of the night to watch the events live?


When you already know the result, not much motivation to watch the delayed broadcast and hear the announcers say…..I wonder if he will win?
The International Olympic Committee is preparing an amendment to the rules of the Olympic Games, according to which silver and bronze medals will be awarded only among countries that have proven their loyalty to the United States. Gold medals are not planned to be played at all, because they will be distributed in advance to members of the US national team
How does that explain China having the most Golds?

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