Simple and Honest Qst. on Trump's deportation scheme....

Cant tell if serious.......
Deadly. It's supply and demand. If they leave there is too much supply and too little demand. Prices and values crash. Four million fewer kids to teach, for example, means 160,000 teaching jobs just went away, and 80,000 school bus drivers, teachers aides, school administrators, custodians, after-school daycare workers, pencil and crayon makers, etc., all of whom can no longer afford to buy lunch at the diner, go to the movies, buy new clothes, cars, houses, and furniture, affecting everyone involved with that. If the cash doesn't flow you get a recession that turns into a depression. In a house of cards it's critical that everyone stay at the table and play. If a few leave, the game is over and everyone is screwed.

You either grow or you die - it's basic economics.

There's good growth and bad.
Flooding our country with low income,uneducated morons would be the bad growth I was referring to.
Good luck proving how they have been bad for the American economy? No one else can. We need babies, black, white, or brown. They hold the key to your future.

Do it for the chiiiiildren!!!
Oh fer fucks sake...there's is plenty of info on the cost to the American tax payer regarding illegals on the internet.
You know it,and I know it.
You know the costs not the benefits, which are far more.

Yeah.....they only send 54 billion a year out of the country in remittance,which of course wouldn't have helped the US economy right?
As a reference thats the second largest income for mexico next to PEMEX.
Good luck proving how they have been bad for the American economy?

A lot of illegals are keeping the cost of a pound of tomatoes real cheap.......I'd love to see the bitching of right wingers if a pound of tomatoes or onions or lettuce were to cost the same as filling up your tank with petrol.
How is it that liberals claim higher min wages wouldnt raise the cost of products...
What fool said that?

Studies have been done. Seattle upped the minimum wage and it didn't cause prices to go up.

Most Seattle employers surveyed in a University of Washington-led study said in 2015 that they expected to raise prices on goods and services to compensate for the city’s move to a $15 per hour minimum wage.

But a year after the law’s April 2015 implementation, the study indicates such increases don’t seem to be happening.

Early analysis of Seattle’s $15 wage law: Effect on prices minimal one year after implementation | UW Today

Seattle's $15 Minimum Wage: Jobs Down, Unemployment Up. This Isn't Working, Is It?

I can't see your link.....Forbes requires you to log in....those kind of links are not useful...but I found one in the LA Times that refutes your link, anyway. Looks like the Forbes (right-wing oriented) writer was using bad data. Some other cities in Washington showed the same percentage decrease although they had not increased wages. I highlighted it for you.

Mike Patton of Forbes broke out of the box early, with a piece on Sept. 28 asserting that "thus far the data doesn’t bode well for supporters of this law." His evidence was an apparent spike in Seattle's unemployment rate after April 1, when the first increase to $11 from the Washington state minimum of $9.47 was implemented.

almost no good information. Patton, for instance, used a few months of non-seasonally adjusted data, but he may not have noticed that Seattle employment falls every April before recovering in subsequent months. Adjusting for seasonal variation, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics does routinely, the spike in the unemployment rate disappeared.

In fact, firm figures for city employment and wages in the post-April 1 period won't become available until early this year. A study team from the University of Washington, which has contracted with the city to analyze the effect, won't produce its first, very preliminary report, until mid-year.

The problem, as several commentators pointed out, was that the Seattle metropolitan statistical area is not the same as the city of Seattle. It's huge — three counties encompassing 39 cities, with a population of 3.6 million compared to Seattle's 660,000 residents — and only Seattle had enacted a $15 minimum wage. As regional economist Annaliese Vance-Sherman told the economics blogger Invictus of, "It is not possible to draw conclusions about the city based on the MSA."

Now, Perry is back, armed with what he says are Seattle-only statistics. "Seattle's 'radical experiment' might be a model for the rest of the nation not to follow," he wrote on Feb. 18. He cited figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing that Seattle employment fell by more than 11,000 from April, the date of the first minimum wage hike, through December. He compared these numbers to the Seattle MSA, writing that "while jobs in the city of Seattle were tanking starting last April, employment in the suburbs surrounding Seattle was increasing steadily to a new record high in November."

Unfortunately, local economists say Perry is still using bad data. Although he attributes the city-only numbers to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they're not reliable jobs numbers. Perry's source is the Local Area Unemployment Statistics file, or LAUS, which is based on a small sampling. It's aimed at counting the number of employed people living in the sample area (in this case, Seattle), not the number of jobs. The data are "prone to error," University of Washington economist Jacob Vigdor told me by email, and "basically worthless for any serious analysis."

Indeed, Vigdor — who is overseeing the university's analysis of minimum-wage data — notes that the same statistics for Bellevue and Everett, Wash., showed exactly the same percentage decrease that Perry found in Seattle, even though they haven't increased their minimum wage.
(See below.)

Why do conservatives keep saying Seattle's minimum wage hike has failed -- without data?
Pretty sure all Conservatives,on this board at least,have all said they'd support high fines for businesses that hired illegals.
I know I would.

If THAT were the case, then Trump would be talking about such fines (including on his own businesses)....but he isn't, is he?

Expect if that were to happen for your cost on goods and services to skyrocket...The cost of fixing your roof or constructing a new house would double. Ready for that?
We already have millions of empty housing units. If you thought the housing bubble was bad when it burst just add another set of millions of units on top of that and watch values plunge and maybe never recover. Who's going to to be paying for your house when they can live rent-free just down the road? Not only that, the house they squat in is fully furnished, it even comes with cars and clothes. Winner, winner, taco dinner in the fridge.

Cant tell if serious.......
Deadly. It's supply and demand. If they leave there is too much supply and too little demand. Prices and values crash. Four million fewer kids to teach, for example, means 160,000 teaching jobs just went away, and 80,000 school bus drivers, teachers aides, school administrators, custodians, after-school daycare workers, pencil and crayon makers, etc., all of whom can no longer afford to buy lunch at the diner, go to the movies, buy new clothes, cars, houses, and furniture, affecting everyone involved with that. If the cash doesn't flow you get a recession that turns into a depression. In a house of cards it's critical that everyone stay at the table and play. If a few leave, the game is over and everyone is screwed.

You either grow or you die - it's basic economics.

There's good growth and bad.
Flooding our country with low income,uneducated morons would be the bad growth I was referring to.
Good luck proving how they have been bad for the American economy? No one else can. We need babies, black, white, or brown. They hold the key to your future.

Do it for the chiiiiildren!!!
Oh fer fucks sake...there's is plenty of info on the cost to the American tax payer regarding illegals on the internet.
You know it,and I know it.

But you only seem to believe that info that supports your way of thinking. We already have plenty of low income, uneducated morons and they support Trump.
Yeah.....they only send 54 billion a year out of the country in remittance,which of course wouldn't have helped the US economy right?
As a reference thats the second largest income for mexico next to PEMEX.

EVERY single group of immigrants to the U.S. has sent money back to their country of origin....EVERY group.

BTW, NOT all of illegals are Mexican
oke's on you guys, mostly Democrats get abortions, so you're only killing potential voters.

The jokes on you......I know Republicans that have had abortions. My church ministers to them, so quit with your righteous baloney.
I dont buy used cars.
Typical Republican/conservative way of thinking. If it doesn't hurt me or mine, then I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else.

The problem with that way of thinking is that many Republican/conservatives, including Donald Trump claim to be Christian.
Pretty sure all Conservatives,on this board at least,have all said they'd support high fines for businesses that hired illegals.
I know I would.

If THAT were the case, then Trump would be talking about such fines (including on his own businesses)....but he isn't, is he?

Expect if that were to happen for your cost on goods and services to skyrocket...The cost of fixing your roof or constructing a new house would double. Ready for that?

Not necessarily. He's already said he's not giving details on several issues.
He's not like barry who tells the opposition his next move.
You ship them where ever the hell they came from with just the clothes on their backs. They supposedly came here with nothing, they leave with nothing. Unless of course if they save us the money and self deport.

So, picture emptying out the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania of every living soul in that state, placing them in box cars and buses......and THEN, and only then, agree with the Trumpster.

Actually, I would say the real numbers are twice that, but hey, feel free to show how people can be returned to China, Vietnam, Europe, Africa or other countries over seas by bus or train. Damn you're one ignorant broad.
I dont buy used cars.
Typical Republican/conservative way of thinking. If it doesn't hurt me or mine, then I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else.

The problem with that way of thinking is that many Republican/conservatives, including Donald Trump claim to be Christian.

Well dumbass reduced costs benefit low income workers far more than they'd benefit me.
Oh, I'm sorry, is it suddenly racist and xenophobic to enforce the law?

Want to enforce the law, moron? Go after those white, business people (like Trump) who hire and demand more cheap labor to beef up their profits........

Pretty sure all Conservatives,on this board at least,have all said they'd support high fines for businesses that hired illegals.
I know I would.

Or jail for repeat offenders.
Oh, I'm sorry, is it suddenly racist and xenophobic to enforce the law?

Want to enforce the law, moron? Go after those white, business people (like Trump) who hire and demand more cheap labor to beef up their profits........
I'm all for massive fines and jail for hiring illegals. On the other hand, boarder hopping is also illegal, so they should both be punished. What you're advocating is ignoring that the illegals broke the law, and granting them citizenship. That's rewarding law-breaking. It sounds to me like you want to punish only the businessmen because they're 'rich' and 'white'.
Deadly. It's supply and demand. If they leave there is too much supply and too little demand. Prices and values crash. Four million fewer kids to teach, for example, means 160,000 teaching jobs just went away, and 80,000 school bus drivers, teachers aides, school administrators, custodians, after-school daycare workers, pencil and crayon makers, etc., all of whom can no longer afford to buy lunch at the diner, go to the movies, buy new clothes, cars, houses, and furniture, affecting everyone involved with that. If the cash doesn't flow you get a recession that turns into a depression. In a house of cards it's critical that everyone stay at the table and play. If a few leave, the game is over and everyone is screwed.

You either grow or you die - it's basic economics.

There's good growth and bad.
Flooding our country with low income,uneducated morons would be the bad growth I was referring to.
Good luck proving how they have been bad for the American economy? No one else can. We need babies, black, white, or brown. They hold the key to your future.

Do it for the chiiiiildren!!!
Oh fer fucks sake...there's is plenty of info on the cost to the American tax payer regarding illegals on the internet.
You know it,and I know it.
You know the costs not the benefits, which are far more.

Yeah.....they only send 54 billion a year out of the country in remittance,which of course wouldn't have helped the US economy right?
As a reference thats the second largest income for mexico next to PEMEX.
54B in 16T is peanuts. Do the math. 16,000 - 54? Peanuts.
Pretty sure all Conservatives,on this board at least,have all said they'd support high fines for businesses that hired illegals.
I know I would.

If THAT were the case, then Trump would be talking about such fines (including on his own businesses)....but he isn't, is he?

Expect if that were to happen for your cost on goods and services to skyrocket...The cost of fixing your roof or constructing a new house would double. Ready for that?

Not necessarily. He's already said he's not giving details on several issues.
He's not like barry who tells the opposition his next move.

Except Donald doesn't have any details. We'll find out when Hillary debates him next month and obliterates him. He makes great promises, many which go against the Constitution...(how's that for most conservatives who claim they love the Constitution?) but he never explains how he is going to do it. So, most of his supporters are just gullible people, who don't even bother to check out what it would take to accomplish some of his promises, and know that he can't possibly do it. Go figure.

Central to Mr. Trump’s campaign, and to his national security strategy, is his intent to clamp down on illegal immigration, using a vast deportation “force” to relocate people to the other side of a wall, funded by Mexico, that would stretch nearly the length of the southern border.

Mr. Trump has suggested he will flesh out his ideas in a forthcoming speech. But experts across many fields who have analyzed his plans so far warn that they would come at astronomical costs — whoever paid — and would in many ways defy the logic of science, engineering and law.

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