Signs of a Coming Trump Victory


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Signs of a Coming Trump Victory

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root

Don't kid yourself. Don't be fooled by the bravado. Democrats behind the scenes are scared and getting more desperate by the day because there are so many signs of a coming Donald Trump victory.
The signs are everywhere.
Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans don't want to defund police. They want law and order. They support police. Even 80 percent of black voters overwhelmingly disagree with defunding police.
Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Joe Biden or Democrats? Do you think all these Americans who support the police, want more law and order, and want more police funding are leaning to "law and order Trump" or "defund the police Joe Biden"?
Polls show 83 percent of Americans support President Trump and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson's ending of former President Obama's program designed to fill the suburbs with high-density low-income housing, bringing crime and drugs to the neighborhoods of suburban moms and dads.
Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think these millions of suburban American homeowners who don't want to see their home value destroyed or their neighborhood turned into war zones like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore are going to vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden?
Remember, Biden's presidential platform actually puts in writing his goal to supercharge Obama's "destroy the suburbs" program. Biden wants to bring Frankenstein back to life, except twice as big. Goodbye to your safe, peaceful suburban life. Trump wants to protect your neighborhood. I wonder who suburban moms and dads will vote for.
Finally, there's the Democratic National Convention. After hearing from all the big guns -- Michelle and Barack Obama; Bill and Hillary Clinton; Jill Biden; and Harris -- Thursday's Rasmussen poll shows Trump moving from 47% to 51% approval. Clearly, the more Democrats speak, the more voters are repelled.
Remember when then-President Jimmy Carter led Republican nominee Ronald Reagan by 10 points during the summer of 1980? Reagan won in a historic landslide.
Remember when Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis was up by 17 points over Republican nominee George H.W. Bush after the Democratic convention? Bush won the electoral vote 426 to 111.
Don't look now ... but it's about to happen again. The signs are everywhere. Trump is about to win in an electoral landslide.

We should never take any election for granted.... Vote on November 3rd and vote often.
I can't understand how the citizen residents living in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York in Mad Max’s urban blight can take it. It’s scary to think we could have so many really stupid people voting against their own self-interests.
The exodus from these cities tells the truth about what's happening. Governors like Cuomo are begging to bring back the wealthy and the jobs, it's just not happening....

Hopefully a well timed massive earth quake breaking off and into the sea could solve a lot of issues if everything west of Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho .. just break off and sink in the Pacific ocean.
In a normal year this would be a walk over win for Donald Trump. But this is about as abnormal a year as we have had, so I don't know.

We do know that the democrats have been taking extraordinary measures (legitimate and illegitimate) to win.
I do not believe they could win a fair election and neither do they. The cheating may surprise us all.
We already survived 4-years of Trump.
I'm not sure we'd survive 4-years of Biden with the crazy Democrat policies.

You have to be deluding yourself to believe 4 more years of Trump would be better than a "chimp in charge!" Dems usually have to clean up Republican messes so this will be no different! "W" and Trump inherited booming economies and they fk'd it up; plain and simple! Starting wars and ignoring pandemics isn't conducive to "good times!" Republicans can't stand peace, prosperity, and people actually happy with their representation! Their sort have to go out there and "down" everything and be a party of "NO!" "Thanks Trump, McConnell, and the rest of those weak-kneed a-holes that allowed him to trash the country in less than 4 years!" :yourpointsmile:
Signs of a Coming Trump Victory

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root

Don't kid yourself. Don't be fooled by the bravado. Democrats behind the scenes are scared and getting more desperate by the day because there are so many signs of a coming Donald Trump victory.
The signs are everywhere.
Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans don't want to defund police. They want law and order. They support police. Even 80 percent of black voters overwhelmingly disagree with defunding police.
Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Joe Biden or Democrats? Do you think all these Americans who support the police, want more law and order, and want more police funding are leaning to "law and order Trump" or "defund the police Joe Biden"?
Polls show 83 percent of Americans support President Trump and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson's ending of former President Obama's program designed to fill the suburbs with high-density low-income housing, bringing crime and drugs to the neighborhoods of suburban moms and dads.
Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think these millions of suburban American homeowners who don't want to see their home value destroyed or their neighborhood turned into war zones like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore are going to vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden?
Remember, Biden's presidential platform actually puts in writing his goal to supercharge Obama's "destroy the suburbs" program. Biden wants to bring Frankenstein back to life, except twice as big. Goodbye to your safe, peaceful suburban life. Trump wants to protect your neighborhood. I wonder who suburban moms and dads will vote for.
Finally, there's the Democratic National Convention. After hearing from all the big guns -- Michelle and Barack Obama; Bill and Hillary Clinton; Jill Biden; and Harris -- Thursday's Rasmussen poll shows Trump moving from 47% to 51% approval. Clearly, the more Democrats speak, the more voters are repelled.
Remember when then-President Jimmy Carter led Republican nominee Ronald Reagan by 10 points during the summer of 1980? Reagan won in a historic landslide.
Remember when Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis was up by 17 points over Republican nominee George H.W. Bush after the Democratic convention? Bush won the electoral vote 426 to 111.
Don't look now ... but it's about to happen again. The signs are everywhere. Trump is about to win in an electoral landslide.

We should never take any election for granted.... Vote on November 3rd and vote often.
I can't understand how the citizen residents living in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York in Mad Max’s urban blight can take it. It’s scary to think we could have so many really stupid people voting against their own self-interests.
The exodus from these cities tells the truth about what's happening. Governors like Cuomo are begging to bring back the wealthy and the jobs, it's just not happening....

Hopefully a well timed massive earth quake breaking off and into the sea could solve a lot of issues if everything west of Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho .. just break off and sink in the Pacific ocean.
We already survived 4-years of Trump.
I'm not sure we'd survive 4-years of Biden with the crazy Democrat policies.

You have to be deluding yourself to believe 4 more years of Trump would be better than a "chimp in charge!" Dems usually have to clean up Republican messes so this will be no different! "W" and Trump inherited booming economies and they fk'd it up; plain and simple! Starting wars and ignoring pandemics isn't conducive to "good times!" Republicans can't stand peace, prosperity, and people actually happy with their representation! Their sort have to go out there and "down" everything and be a party of "NO!" "Thanks Trump, McConnell, and the rest of those weak-kneed a-holes that allowed him to trash the country in less than 4 years!" :yourpointsmile:
1. A Biden presidency would be a "chimp in charge". No thanks.
2. Trump did not fuck up the US economy. China did with COVID-19. Get a clue.
3. Democrats can't stand peace and prosperity, Trump defeated ISIS (Obama's ME mess), and is getting us out the the ME, all the way out.
4. We'll see who voters prefer, we can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
We already survived 4-years of Trump.
I'm not sure we'd survive 4-years of Biden with the crazy Democrat policies.

You have to be deluding yourself to believe 4 more years of Trump would be better than a "chimp in charge!" Dems usually have to clean up Republican messes so this will be no different! "W" and Trump inherited booming economies and they fk'd it up; plain and simple! Starting wars and ignoring pandemics isn't conducive to "good times!" Republicans can't stand peace, prosperity, and people actually happy with their representation! Their sort have to go out there and "down" everything and be a party of "NO!" "Thanks Trump, McConnell, and the rest of those weak-kneed a-holes that allowed him to trash the country in less than 4 years!" :yourpointsmile:

So you call the Clinton dot-com bubble a "booming economy?" No, Clinton handed Bush a fucking mess and he had to try to clean it up, even with the worst terrorist attack in our nation happening in the first 8 months of his presidency, he still brought the economy back.

The truth is Clinton happened to be fucking president during the emerging of the technology field, and the growth that field felt in its infancy. NOT A SINGLE FUCKING THING Clinton did had anything to do with this. After all he was too busy getting blowjobs from young interns while married and then lying the American public about it.

Me thinks you need to retake Econ 101.

Clinton is responsible for more blacks being locked up than any other president. His crime bill hit the negros very hard, and they still vote for him. Good negros. Don't think on your own, just pull the lever we tell you to and exit the voting booth. Thank you and have a great day.
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In a normal year this would be a walk over win for Donald Trump. But this is about as abnormal a year as we have had, so I don't know.
Trump will win, and win big, but the results will be in chaos, because of Democrat vote tampering. We're seeing it already with their insistence on the kind of things that make it easy to vote tamper. They're already working on it.

Cancel the election. Keep Trump president indefinitely. Democrats have asked for that. Give it to them.
You have to be deluding yourself to believe 4 more years of Trump would be better than a "chimp in charge!" Dems usually have to clean up Republican messes so this will be no different! "W" and Trump inherited booming economies and they fk'd it up; plain and simple! Starting wars and ignoring pandemics isn't conducive to "good times!" Republicans can't stand peace, prosperity, and people actually happy with their representation! Their sort have to go out there and "down" everything and be a party of "NO!" "Thanks Trump, McConnell, and the rest of those weak-kneed a-holes that allowed him to trash the country in less than 4 years!" :yourpointsmile:
This mess is easily repairable, Just insert "Republicans" wherever you see "Dems"

Insert Dems wherever you see Republicans.
The Dems will gin up enough fake votes in Blue mail-in states to prevent Trump from winning the popular vote, then claim that his reelection was fixed. They should be prosecuted under RICO statutes.
We already survived 4-years of Trump.
I'm not sure we'd survive 4-years of Biden with the crazy Democrat policies.

You have to be deluding yourself to believe 4 more years of Trump would be better than a "chimp in charge!" Dems usually have to clean up Republican messes so this will be no different! "W" and Trump inherited booming economies and they fk'd it up; plain and simple! Starting wars and ignoring pandemics isn't conducive to "good times!" Republicans can't stand peace, prosperity, and people actually happy with their representation! Their sort have to go out there and "down" everything and be a party of "NO!" "Thanks Trump, McConnell, and the rest of those weak-kneed a-holes that allowed him to trash the country in less than 4 years!" :yourpointsmile:

Thats just absolute delusion.
Rassmussen. Lol!
In the 2016 election Rasmussen wrongly had Clinton ahead by 2 points. But they were closer than all other polls, except IBD/TIPP which declared Trump would win.

Rasmussen was closer to correct, than ABC/Washington Post, CBS, NBC/Wall St J, Reuters/Ipsos, Fox news, Monmouth, Gravis, Economist/YouGov, and Bloomberg.


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