sidney powell Ignored A trump Campaign Memo Saying Her Dominion Theories Were Bunk, Legal Filings Show


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The trump campaign knew all of Powell's claims were total garbage and told her so.

She ignored it and went on to spew her lies far and wide.

She knew what she was spewing was all lie and tried to make a mockery of our court and justice system.

And she is still out there spewing her lies. It's incredible.

By the time Dominion is done with her I hope she is destitute for the rest of her life.

So all you trump people who still believe that Dominion cheated to elect Biden president, even the trump campaign says you're a liar.

Either she is literally delusional, or she's just making the most of this for marketing purposes, figuring this exposure will get her a ton of business from Trumpsters in whatever the hell her field is.

But this is been a true fucking national disgrace. One of the many craven people in the orange orbit who is willing to sell out their soul and our democracy for their own fucking personal agenda.
Either she is literally delusional, or she's just making the most of this for marketing purposes, figuring this exposure will get her a ton of business from Trumpsters in whatever the hell her field is.

But this is been a true fucking national disgrace. One of the many craven people in the orange orbit who is willing to sell out their soul and our democracy for their own fucking personal agenda.

She is at risk of losing her law license in Michigan.

I believe she should be disbarred and prevented from ever practicing law in the United States again.

The only reason I can figure out why she's still lying is money. The big lie is a big money making machine.
The Trump Admin KNEW she AND Roody were nuts. They didn't care

They all knew and they all kept spewing the lies.

They are still spewing the lies too even thought they know it's all lies.

Those lies lead to an insurrection on our capitol.

It's disgusting.
Yeah, "speaking engagements", maybe.

Yes she's been to many of the conservative "conventions" and "rallies" to speak.

I wouldn't be surprised if she has her own PAC that she's sending out emails to the trump people begging for money. They send it too.

It's a big money making machine.

Meanwhile, it's harming our nation.
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They all knew and they all kept spewing the lies.

They are still spewing the lies too even thought they know it's all lies.

Those lies lead to an insurrection on our capitol.

It's disgusting.
I do think there is a line of demarcation between the politicians/politicos and the rubes. I'd guess that 98% of the politicians/politicos know this is Kabuki Theater, with the possible exceptions of people like Boebert and MTG, who appear to be full-on talk radio True Believers -- rubes who somehow got elected.

It really is amazing that these people are willing to sink this low.
The trump campaign knew all of Powell's claims were total garbage and told her so.

She ignored it and went on to spew her lies far and wide.

She knew what she was spewing was all lie and tried to make a mockery of our court and justice system.

And she is still out there spewing her lies. It's incredible.

By the time Dominion is done with her I hope she is destitute for the rest of her life.

So all you trump people who still believe that Dominion cheated to elect Biden president, even the trump campaign says you're a liar.

It means she wasn't lying and she probably underestimated a certain agency's involvement went as deep as it does.

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