Sick and tired of losing yet?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
Trump came in promising so much winning. He’s going out with so much whining.
It’s all over but the pouting.
Back during the Florida recount in 2000, George W. Bush loyalists made T-shirts altering the Gore-Lieberman logo to say “Sore-Loserman.” But “sore loser” doesn’t do justice to the epic tantrum President Trump has performed to assuage his narcissistic injury. Trump-Pence has become Rump-Nonsense.

Trump lost the 2020 election itself by more than 6 million votes, four percentage points, and an electoral vote margin his own team called “historic” and a “landslide” when he was the victor in 2016.
But that’s just the beginning of the losing.
He has lost dozens of legal rulings in multiple states. He has failed in every single post-election ballot-counting challenge. Judges scold his lawyers: “like Frankenstein’s Monster … haphazardly stitched together,” “simply not how the Constitution works,” “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay,” “generalized speculation,” “your submission is defective.”
He’s met defeat in various and sundry recounts and attempts to block certification of the results. Michigan’s board of canvassers dealt him his latest drubbing Monday afternoon, voting 3-0 (with one Republican abstention) to certify Joe Biden’s win. This followed Georgia’s certification Friday.
Trump is losing his autocratic attempt to get state Republican officials to throw out the election results and instead appoint pro-Trump electors. Michigan Republican legislators summoned by Trump to the White House Friday poured cold water on the idea.
He’s losing prominent Republican allies such as debate adviser Chris Christie, who called Trump’s legal team’s antics a “national embarrassment.”
He’s losing lawyers as they quit or get fired, including Sidney Powell, ousted Sunday after she alleged an election conspiracy involving “communist money,” voting machines and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013.
And the president’s chief lawyer appears to be losing his mind. Rudy Giuliani held one news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and another where something dark and oozy — melting hair dye? — trickled down his cheek.
Trump is losing so much we are sick and tired of his losing. We say, “Please, Mr. President, you can’t lose anymore.” And he says, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep losing, losing, losing.”
What kind of a loser does this?
Perhaps one who faces all sorts of potential unpleasantness after he leaves office: bankruptcy, lawsuits and exposure of all the things he’s been hiding from investigators. Or perhaps one who will be in a position to pay himself and his family with all the “recount” contributions he’s raising from supporters.
There’s no realistic possibility his attempt to overturn the election succeeds, but the clown coup still does damage by preventing the incoming Biden administration from getting up to speed on potential national security crises and vaccine distribution. And last-minute sabotage — another government shutdown, or vetoing a defense bill over Trump’s insistence on keeping the names of bases named for Confederates — can’t be ruled out.
Make America Gripe Again!
The latest court humiliation came in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a federal judge — a conservative appointed by President Barack Obama as part of a bipartisan compromise — scolded Trump’s lawyers for seeking “to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters” on the basis of “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”
This follows a case in which a Trump lawyer, in a lawsuit alleging observers didn’t have access to vote counting, admitted there were “a nonzero number” of Trump observers in the room; a withdrawn lawsuit falsely alleging Sharpie markers invalidated votes; and copious instances in which testimony and affidavits by Trump poll observers failed to support election fraud charges.
GOP elections officials are moving on. Republicans in Georgia, Arizona’s Maricopa County and elsewhere have proceeded with certification.
Influential Republicans, such as Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and big-time Trump donor Stephen Schwarzman are moving on, too. Former George W. Bush administration officials Tom Ridge, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden led a group of Republican national security experts Monday demanding Trump begin the transition. Even Fox News’s Tucker Carlson scolded then-Trump-lawyer Powell because she “never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately.”
Trump, for his part, is avoiding settings where he’d have to defend his nonsense tweets about fraud. He hasn’t taken a single question from reporters since the election, The Post’s Josh Dawsey reports, while playing golf more often than appearing in public.
Voters rejected his “Great American Comeback.” The courts, elections officials and a growing number of Republicans reject his Great American Hijack. Now he looks like a Great American Sad Sack.
As Trump departed from a rare public event Friday without taking questions, CBS News’s Weijia Jiang shouted after him: “Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?”
He came in promising so much winning, but he’s leaving with so much whining.
How's it feel supporting an ALL TIME loser? Loser as a president loser as a human being ?
Trump came in promising so much winning. He’s going out with so much whining.
It’s all over but the pouting.
Back during the Florida recount in 2000, George W. Bush loyalists made T-shirts altering the Gore-Lieberman logo to say “Sore-Loserman.” But “sore loser” doesn’t do justice to the epic tantrum President Trump has performed to assuage his narcissistic injury. Trump-Pence has become Rump-Nonsense.

Trump lost the 2020 election itself by more than 6 million votes, four percentage points, and an electoral vote margin his own team called “historic” and a “landslide” when he was the victor in 2016.
But that’s just the beginning of the losing.
He has lost dozens of legal rulings in multiple states. He has failed in every single post-election ballot-counting challenge. Judges scold his lawyers: “like Frankenstein’s Monster … haphazardly stitched together,” “simply not how the Constitution works,” “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay,” “generalized speculation,” “your submission is defective.”
He’s met defeat in various and sundry recounts and attempts to block certification of the results. Michigan’s board of canvassers dealt him his latest drubbing Monday afternoon, voting 3-0 (with one Republican abstention) to certify Joe Biden’s win. This followed Georgia’s certification Friday.
Trump is losing his autocratic attempt to get state Republican officials to throw out the election results and instead appoint pro-Trump electors. Michigan Republican legislators summoned by Trump to the White House Friday poured cold water on the idea.
He’s losing prominent Republican allies such as debate adviser Chris Christie, who called Trump’s legal team’s antics a “national embarrassment.”
He’s losing lawyers as they quit or get fired, including Sidney Powell, ousted Sunday after she alleged an election conspiracy involving “communist money,” voting machines and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013.
And the president’s chief lawyer appears to be losing his mind. Rudy Giuliani held one news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and another where something dark and oozy — melting hair dye? — trickled down his cheek.
Trump is losing so much we are sick and tired of his losing. We say, “Please, Mr. President, you can’t lose anymore.” And he says, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep losing, losing, losing.”
What kind of a loser does this?
Perhaps one who faces all sorts of potential unpleasantness after he leaves office: bankruptcy, lawsuits and exposure of all the things he’s been hiding from investigators. Or perhaps one who will be in a position to pay himself and his family with all the “recount” contributions he’s raising from supporters.
There’s no realistic possibility his attempt to overturn the election succeeds, but the clown coup still does damage by preventing the incoming Biden administration from getting up to speed on potential national security crises and vaccine distribution. And last-minute sabotage — another government shutdown, or vetoing a defense bill over Trump’s insistence on keeping the names of bases named for Confederates — can’t be ruled out.
Make America Gripe Again!
The latest court humiliation came in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a federal judge — a conservative appointed by President Barack Obama as part of a bipartisan compromise — scolded Trump’s lawyers for seeking “to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters” on the basis of “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”
This follows a case in which a Trump lawyer, in a lawsuit alleging observers didn’t have access to vote counting, admitted there were “a nonzero number” of Trump observers in the room; a withdrawn lawsuit falsely alleging Sharpie markers invalidated votes; and copious instances in which testimony and affidavits by Trump poll observers failed to support election fraud charges.
GOP elections officials are moving on. Republicans in Georgia, Arizona’s Maricopa County and elsewhere have proceeded with certification.
Influential Republicans, such as Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and big-time Trump donor Stephen Schwarzman are moving on, too. Former George W. Bush administration officials Tom Ridge, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden led a group of Republican national security experts Monday demanding Trump begin the transition. Even Fox News’s Tucker Carlson scolded then-Trump-lawyer Powell because she “never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately.”
Trump, for his part, is avoiding settings where he’d have to defend his nonsense tweets about fraud. He hasn’t taken a single question from reporters since the election, The Post’s Josh Dawsey reports, while playing golf more often than appearing in public.
Voters rejected his “Great American Comeback.” The courts, elections officials and a growing number of Republicans reject his Great American Hijack. Now he looks like a Great American Sad Sack.
As Trump departed from a rare public event Friday without taking questions, CBS News’s Weijia Jiang shouted after him: “Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?”
He came in promising so much winning, but he’s leaving with so much whining.

Chavez isn't dead. According to the Party of Rumpers he's still alive. I just found out that he's living in a lap of luxury in Bolivia in a Time Share with Santa Claus.
Now Dale old buddy don't tell me you're disappointed Trump lost?? You're with Will,Pole and Billy K ....How does that make you feel ?
Trump came in promising so much winning. He’s going out with so much whining.
It’s all over but the pouting.
Back during the Florida recount in 2000, George W. Bush loyalists made T-shirts altering the Gore-Lieberman logo to say “Sore-Loserman.” But “sore loser” doesn’t do justice to the epic tantrum President Trump has performed to assuage his narcissistic injury. Trump-Pence has become Rump-Nonsense.

Trump lost the 2020 election itself by more than 6 million votes, four percentage points, and an electoral vote margin his own team called “historic” and a “landslide” when he was the victor in 2016.
But that’s just the beginning of the losing.
He has lost dozens of legal rulings in multiple states. He has failed in every single post-election ballot-counting challenge. Judges scold his lawyers: “like Frankenstein’s Monster … haphazardly stitched together,” “simply not how the Constitution works,” “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay,” “generalized speculation,” “your submission is defective.”
He’s met defeat in various and sundry recounts and attempts to block certification of the results. Michigan’s board of canvassers dealt him his latest drubbing Monday afternoon, voting 3-0 (with one Republican abstention) to certify Joe Biden’s win. This followed Georgia’s certification Friday.
Trump is losing his autocratic attempt to get state Republican officials to throw out the election results and instead appoint pro-Trump electors. Michigan Republican legislators summoned by Trump to the White House Friday poured cold water on the idea.
He’s losing prominent Republican allies such as debate adviser Chris Christie, who called Trump’s legal team’s antics a “national embarrassment.”
He’s losing lawyers as they quit or get fired, including Sidney Powell, ousted Sunday after she alleged an election conspiracy involving “communist money,” voting machines and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013.
And the president’s chief lawyer appears to be losing his mind. Rudy Giuliani held one news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and another where something dark and oozy — melting hair dye? — trickled down his cheek.
Trump is losing so much we are sick and tired of his losing. We say, “Please, Mr. President, you can’t lose anymore.” And he says, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep losing, losing, losing.”
What kind of a loser does this?
Perhaps one who faces all sorts of potential unpleasantness after he leaves office: bankruptcy, lawsuits and exposure of all the things he’s been hiding from investigators. Or perhaps one who will be in a position to pay himself and his family with all the “recount” contributions he’s raising from supporters.
There’s no realistic possibility his attempt to overturn the election succeeds, but the clown coup still does damage by preventing the incoming Biden administration from getting up to speed on potential national security crises and vaccine distribution. And last-minute sabotage — another government shutdown, or vetoing a defense bill over Trump’s insistence on keeping the names of bases named for Confederates — can’t be ruled out.
Make America Gripe Again!
The latest court humiliation came in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a federal judge — a conservative appointed by President Barack Obama as part of a bipartisan compromise — scolded Trump’s lawyers for seeking “to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters” on the basis of “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”
This follows a case in which a Trump lawyer, in a lawsuit alleging observers didn’t have access to vote counting, admitted there were “a nonzero number” of Trump observers in the room; a withdrawn lawsuit falsely alleging Sharpie markers invalidated votes; and copious instances in which testimony and affidavits by Trump poll observers failed to support election fraud charges.
GOP elections officials are moving on. Republicans in Georgia, Arizona’s Maricopa County and elsewhere have proceeded with certification.
Influential Republicans, such as Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and big-time Trump donor Stephen Schwarzman are moving on, too. Former George W. Bush administration officials Tom Ridge, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden led a group of Republican national security experts Monday demanding Trump begin the transition. Even Fox News’s Tucker Carlson scolded then-Trump-lawyer Powell because she “never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately.”
Trump, for his part, is avoiding settings where he’d have to defend his nonsense tweets about fraud. He hasn’t taken a single question from reporters since the election, The Post’s Josh Dawsey reports, while playing golf more often than appearing in public.
Voters rejected his “Great American Comeback.” The courts, elections officials and a growing number of Republicans reject his Great American Hijack. Now he looks like a Great American Sad Sack.
As Trump departed from a rare public event Friday without taking questions, CBS News’s Weijia Jiang shouted after him: “Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?”
He came in promising so much winning, but he’s leaving with so much whining.
SCOTUS Baby!!! Winning is going to last at least a generation or two.
Trump came in promising so much winning. He’s going out with so much whining.
It’s all over but the pouting.
Back during the Florida recount in 2000, George W. Bush loyalists made T-shirts altering the Gore-Lieberman logo to say “Sore-Loserman.” But “sore loser” doesn’t do justice to the epic tantrum President Trump has performed to assuage his narcissistic injury. Trump-Pence has become Rump-Nonsense.

Trump lost the 2020 election itself by more than 6 million votes, four percentage points, and an electoral vote margin his own team called “historic” and a “landslide” when he was the victor in 2016.
But that’s just the beginning of the losing.
He has lost dozens of legal rulings in multiple states. He has failed in every single post-election ballot-counting challenge. Judges scold his lawyers: “like Frankenstein’s Monster … haphazardly stitched together,” “simply not how the Constitution works,” “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay,” “generalized speculation,” “your submission is defective.”
He’s met defeat in various and sundry recounts and attempts to block certification of the results. Michigan’s board of canvassers dealt him his latest drubbing Monday afternoon, voting 3-0 (with one Republican abstention) to certify Joe Biden’s win. This followed Georgia’s certification Friday.
Trump is losing his autocratic attempt to get state Republican officials to throw out the election results and instead appoint pro-Trump electors. Michigan Republican legislators summoned by Trump to the White House Friday poured cold water on the idea.
He’s losing prominent Republican allies such as debate adviser Chris Christie, who called Trump’s legal team’s antics a “national embarrassment.”
He’s losing lawyers as they quit or get fired, including Sidney Powell, ousted Sunday after she alleged an election conspiracy involving “communist money,” voting machines and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013.
And the president’s chief lawyer appears to be losing his mind. Rudy Giuliani held one news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and another where something dark and oozy — melting hair dye? — trickled down his cheek.
Trump is losing so much we are sick and tired of his losing. We say, “Please, Mr. President, you can’t lose anymore.” And he says, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep losing, losing, losing.”
What kind of a loser does this?
Perhaps one who faces all sorts of potential unpleasantness after he leaves office: bankruptcy, lawsuits and exposure of all the things he’s been hiding from investigators. Or perhaps one who will be in a position to pay himself and his family with all the “recount” contributions he’s raising from supporters.
There’s no realistic possibility his attempt to overturn the election succeeds, but the clown coup still does damage by preventing the incoming Biden administration from getting up to speed on potential national security crises and vaccine distribution. And last-minute sabotage — another government shutdown, or vetoing a defense bill over Trump’s insistence on keeping the names of bases named for Confederates — can’t be ruled out.
Make America Gripe Again!
The latest court humiliation came in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a federal judge — a conservative appointed by President Barack Obama as part of a bipartisan compromise — scolded Trump’s lawyers for seeking “to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters” on the basis of “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”
This follows a case in which a Trump lawyer, in a lawsuit alleging observers didn’t have access to vote counting, admitted there were “a nonzero number” of Trump observers in the room; a withdrawn lawsuit falsely alleging Sharpie markers invalidated votes; and copious instances in which testimony and affidavits by Trump poll observers failed to support election fraud charges.
GOP elections officials are moving on. Republicans in Georgia, Arizona’s Maricopa County and elsewhere have proceeded with certification.
Influential Republicans, such as Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and big-time Trump donor Stephen Schwarzman are moving on, too. Former George W. Bush administration officials Tom Ridge, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden led a group of Republican national security experts Monday demanding Trump begin the transition. Even Fox News’s Tucker Carlson scolded then-Trump-lawyer Powell because she “never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately.”
Trump, for his part, is avoiding settings where he’d have to defend his nonsense tweets about fraud. He hasn’t taken a single question from reporters since the election, The Post’s Josh Dawsey reports, while playing golf more often than appearing in public.
Voters rejected his “Great American Comeback.” The courts, elections officials and a growing number of Republicans reject his Great American Hijack. Now he looks like a Great American Sad Sack.
As Trump departed from a rare public event Friday without taking questions, CBS News’s Weijia Jiang shouted after him: “Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?”
He came in promising so much winning, but he’s leaving with so much whining.


Hope you didn't eat your crayons after you scribbled all that.
Trump hasn't lost yet. Oh and if Biden does become POTUS it won't take long for everyone to find out what a mistake he is.

I'd say UE will go through the roof and businesses will close. No jobs anywhere and it won't take long. Once Biden does what he says he will do those that voted for his stupid ass will regret it.
Trump hasn't lost yet. Oh and if Biden does become POTUS it won't take long for everyone to find out what a mistake he is.

I'd say UE will go through the roof and businesses will close. No jobs anywhere and it won't take long. Once Biden does what he says he will do those that voted for his stupid ass will regret it.
How's it feel supporting an ALL TIME loser? Loser as a president loser as a human being ?
How does it feel special Ed that Trump got more votes then Obama?

And how does it feel for him to still lose to Biden who got more than both him and Obama did. If you are trying for a win, I suggest you buy a lottery ticket.
Claudette When a team wins a world series or any other championship it's a TEAM EFFORT For a president to be successful he needs a good team around him Not only was Trump a perfect schmuck but he has only those who would kiss his ass surrounding him Biden is so much smarter than the pussy grabbing degenerate
I don't consider the republicans keeping every single incumbent house seat and gaining 12 more to be losing. Sounds like a whole hearted rejection of the democratic platform. Especially when the media and polls were calling for the republicans to lose 15 seats, and instead gained 12. That's a 27 seat difference.
Claudette When a team wins a world series or any other championship it's a TEAM EFFORT For a president to be successful he needs a good team around him Not only was Trump a perfect schmuck but he has only those who would kiss his ass surrounding him Biden is so much smarter than the pussy grabbing degenerate

Biden probably won't go down as a Great President. He probably will even most Good President. All he needs to be is a competent President after the Circus Act we just lived through for the last 4 years.
I don't consider the republicans keeping every single incumbent house seat and gaining 12 more to be losing. Sounds like a whole hearted rejection of the democratic platform. Especially when the media and polls were calling for the republicans to lose 15 seats, and instead gained 12. That's a 27 seat difference.
OK airplane You go with that ,,,You won ,,,,
Trump came in promising so much winning. He’s going out with so much whining.
It’s all over but the pouting.
Back during the Florida recount in 2000, George W. Bush loyalists made T-shirts altering the Gore-Lieberman logo to say “Sore-Loserman.” But “sore loser” doesn’t do justice to the epic tantrum President Trump has performed to assuage his narcissistic injury. Trump-Pence has become Rump-Nonsense.

Trump lost the 2020 election itself by more than 6 million votes, four percentage points, and an electoral vote margin his own team called “historic” and a “landslide” when he was the victor in 2016.
But that’s just the beginning of the losing.
He has lost dozens of legal rulings in multiple states. He has failed in every single post-election ballot-counting challenge. Judges scold his lawyers: “like Frankenstein’s Monster … haphazardly stitched together,” “simply not how the Constitution works,” “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay,” “generalized speculation,” “your submission is defective.”
He’s met defeat in various and sundry recounts and attempts to block certification of the results. Michigan’s board of canvassers dealt him his latest drubbing Monday afternoon, voting 3-0 (with one Republican abstention) to certify Joe Biden’s win. This followed Georgia’s certification Friday.
Trump is losing his autocratic attempt to get state Republican officials to throw out the election results and instead appoint pro-Trump electors. Michigan Republican legislators summoned by Trump to the White House Friday poured cold water on the idea.
He’s losing prominent Republican allies such as debate adviser Chris Christie, who called Trump’s legal team’s antics a “national embarrassment.”
He’s losing lawyers as they quit or get fired, including Sidney Powell, ousted Sunday after she alleged an election conspiracy involving “communist money,” voting machines and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013.
And the president’s chief lawyer appears to be losing his mind. Rudy Giuliani held one news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and another where something dark and oozy — melting hair dye? — trickled down his cheek.
Trump is losing so much we are sick and tired of his losing. We say, “Please, Mr. President, you can’t lose anymore.” And he says, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to keep losing, losing, losing.”
What kind of a loser does this?
Perhaps one who faces all sorts of potential unpleasantness after he leaves office: bankruptcy, lawsuits and exposure of all the things he’s been hiding from investigators. Or perhaps one who will be in a position to pay himself and his family with all the “recount” contributions he’s raising from supporters.
There’s no realistic possibility his attempt to overturn the election succeeds, but the clown coup still does damage by preventing the incoming Biden administration from getting up to speed on potential national security crises and vaccine distribution. And last-minute sabotage — another government shutdown, or vetoing a defense bill over Trump’s insistence on keeping the names of bases named for Confederates — can’t be ruled out.
Make America Gripe Again!
The latest court humiliation came in Pennsylvania on Saturday when a federal judge — a conservative appointed by President Barack Obama as part of a bipartisan compromise — scolded Trump’s lawyers for seeking “to disenfranchise almost 7 million voters” on the basis of “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations.”
This follows a case in which a Trump lawyer, in a lawsuit alleging observers didn’t have access to vote counting, admitted there were “a nonzero number” of Trump observers in the room; a withdrawn lawsuit falsely alleging Sharpie markers invalidated votes; and copious instances in which testimony and affidavits by Trump poll observers failed to support election fraud charges.
GOP elections officials are moving on. Republicans in Georgia, Arizona’s Maricopa County and elsewhere have proceeded with certification.
Influential Republicans, such as Sen. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and big-time Trump donor Stephen Schwarzman are moving on, too. Former George W. Bush administration officials Tom Ridge, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden led a group of Republican national security experts Monday demanding Trump begin the transition. Even Fox News’s Tucker Carlson scolded then-Trump-lawyer Powell because she “never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately.”
Trump, for his part, is avoiding settings where he’d have to defend his nonsense tweets about fraud. He hasn’t taken a single question from reporters since the election, The Post’s Josh Dawsey reports, while playing golf more often than appearing in public.
Voters rejected his “Great American Comeback.” The courts, elections officials and a growing number of Republicans reject his Great American Hijack. Now he looks like a Great American Sad Sack.
As Trump departed from a rare public event Friday without taking questions, CBS News’s Weijia Jiang shouted after him: “Mr. President, are you being a sore loser?”
He came in promising so much winning, but he’s leaving with so much whining.
The reality is you and the left lost. Joe is to the right of Don but neither side knows it, even though Joe’s 50 year track record shows it.
I don't consider the republicans keeping every single incumbent house seat and gaining 12 more to be losing. Sounds like a whole hearted rejection of the democratic platform. Especially when the media and polls were calling for the republicans to lose 15 seats, and instead gained 12. That's a 27 seat difference.

YOu seem to be overlooking that there is more than a 50-50 chance that the Senate may be at least 50-50 Dems V Reps meaning, with the VP casting the tie breaker, the Dems control the Senate. This is not something I wanted or want to see now but after the last 4 years (especially the last 3 months) there has been some real damage for the Senate done. You aren't winning, we are all going to lose.

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