Shut This Down!

"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option
Things have gotten out of hand! Why do people want this? I don't want America to look like a police state.
Too late
Don't count on any of our current politicians to do anything to stop it. We're on our own.
What's the matter Jake? You don't support the Police? They're keeping us safe! You should thank them for not shooting you when you don't wear a seat belt.

You know you're either with us or you're with the Criminals.

Thanks Veterans!
I can't find fault with policemen wearing protective gear and carrying scary black guns when dealing with thugs, looters and other criminals. They want to go home to their families too.
Things have gotten out of hand! Why do people want this? I don't want America to look like a police state.
Too late

Looking for terrorists who set off bombs in Boston is inelegant.

Obama's fault.
I dont recall blaming Obama.
Rousting people out of their homes with warrantless seaches, aiming high powered rifles at people who pose no threat, violating the Constitution.
Yeah, you support all that, Bundesmaedel.
Things have gotten out of hand! Why do people want this? I don't want America to look like a police state.
Too late

Looking for terrorists who set off bombs in Boston is inelegant.

Obama's fault.
I dont recall blaming Obama.
Rousting people out of their homes with warrantless seaches, aiming high powered rifles at people who pose no threat, violating the Constitution.
Yeah, you support all that, Bundesmaedel.

When you have strong suspicion that a terrorist who just set off two bombs in Boston is in the bet I do

What your picture reveals is that the family is on the steps. What your words (lies of course) say is that the police busted in and are aiming rifles at people. Nobody is aiming a rifle in your picture.

I'm sure you can dive deep and find some....but try to at least stop lying about what your own picture reveals, okay Shirley?
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

Only reason Republicans are against this is they don't have control over it, the Democrats do. If a Republican wins in 2016 they'll be all for it.
Things have gotten out of hand! Why do people want this? I don't want America to look like a police state.
Too late

Looking for terrorists who set off bombs in Boston is inelegant.

Obama's fault.
I dont recall blaming Obama.
Rousting people out of their homes with warrantless seaches, aiming high powered rifles at people who pose no threat, violating the Constitution.
Yeah, you support all that, Bundesmaedel.

When you have strong suspicion that a terrorist who just set off two bombs in Boston is in the bet I do

What your picture reveals is that the family is on the steps. What your words (lies of course) say is that the police busted in and are aiming rifles at people. Nobody is aiming a rifle in your picture.

I'm sure you can dive deep and find some....but try to at least stop lying about what your own picture reveals, okay Shirley?
It isnt hard to find pics like I described. All it took was paying attention, something you're clearly very bad at.
Everything I wrote is true. Your response, which is typical, is : It isnt true. And if it is true it's good because...
IOW, you're an ignorant fascist state loving moron.
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

Only reason Republicans are against this is they don't have control over it, the Democrats do. If a Republican wins in 2016 they'll be all for it.
Oh yeah. It's "they all do it". The classic argument fo losers.
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Funny, I can't imagine a GOP President even thinking such a thing.

Yet, Dems and Progs and Libs are DEFENDING this shit?

When you value your nation, your government and your system of government so little that you can't even remember when you became anti-American isn't that nature's way of telling you it's time to stop?

And that means stopping Obama before its too late!

You'll be welcomed by the Right with open arms and you'll be treated like a prodigal son come home.

Stop your support of this traitorous boob.
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

Only reason Republicans are against this is they don't have control over it, the Democrats do. If a Republican wins in 2016 they'll be all for it.

Things have gotten out of hand! Why do people want this? I don't want America to look like a police state.

I think sometimes some of us get too focused on how things APPEAR rather than what is accomplished.

Liberals are much about appearances rather than substance.

They can't help themselves.

They are handicapped at birth to be that way, with Liberal hardwiring that we have had to accept and try to live with. But they are making it almost impossible to save this country what with the Libs/Progs/Dem's contempt for our Constitution, their aggressive tactics and anti-American values or lack of any traditional values.
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

Only reason Republicans are against this is they don't have control over it, the Democrats do. If a Republican wins in 2016 they'll be all for it.

there is where you are confused

republicans are against such

now progressive republicans on the other hand

are for it
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Funny, I can't imagine a GOP President even thinking such a thing.

Yet, Dems and Progs and Libs are DEFENDING this shit?

When you value your nation, your government and your system of government so little that you can't even remember when you became anti-American isn't that nature's way of telling you it's time to stop?

And that means stopping Obama before its too late!

You'll be welcomed by the Right with open arms and you'll be treated like a prodigal son come home.

Stop your support of this traitorous boob.

when the prezbo made that statement they stood and clapped and cheered
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -the prezbo

this comes with the territory when one institutes the big government option

"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Funny, I can't imagine a GOP President even thinking such a thing.

Yet, Dems and Progs and Libs are DEFENDING this shit?

When you value your nation, your government and your system of government so little that you can't even remember when you became anti-American isn't that nature's way of telling you it's time to stop?

And that means stopping Obama before its too late!

You'll be welcomed by the Right with open arms and you'll be treated like a prodigal son come home.

Stop your support of this traitorous boob.

Had an R uttered those words, the media would have called him Hitler, Nazi, and claimed here comes the brown shirts...rightfully so.

But...since a D uttered those words, hardly a peep from the media and obama sycophants. Hell...I do not recall any R polls criticizing him.

Those words are about as anti-American as words can get.

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