Shrubya's State of the Union Scorecard!

Do we really need a scorecard? No answers will be acceptable to the liberals. The bitching and moaning has already been scripted, regardless of what is said this evening.
Originally posted by Zhukov
It isn't the Federal Government's job to provide you with health care.

Zhukov for President.

I think living in this country with life as good as we have it, people don't realize that it takes a considerable amount of work to get through life even in terms of just keeping yourself healthy. Just because one doesn't make an effort to do so doesn't mean they get to be a leech the rest of the their life.

Yes many people, myself being one, have unavoidable medical complications like cancer. It's kinda tough for someone who gets cancer for no known reason and the bills wipe out their savings. In these cases maybe the government should help out. i haven't thought it through enough yet. The gov't and ultimately the tax payers don't need to be paying for illnesses due to smoking or a generally poor diet that results in heart complications
Orignally posted by jimnyc
The bitching and moaning has already been scripted, regardless of what is said this evening.
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Holy ****, did you catch the Pelosi Daschle rebuttal afterwards? They both did a mindmeld with the cameraman, stammered, and pelosi looked like she was about to sprout lizard wings to go hunt for a replacement face. It was hilarious.
I partiuclarly liked the inevitable "going it alone" comment out of the Dems after the rousing applause and laughter as Bush listed all the other countries with troops in Iraq.

It truly is a peculiar talent how they manage to let facts go in one ear and out the other. Or better yet, hear and understand the facts, then with a straight face say something completely illogical and profess to believe it.

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