Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo Covered the Same Person


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
Took 20 centuries to gain this technology, but what it has provided is amazing.

The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo “almost certainly covered the cadaver of the same person.” This is the conclusion from an investigation that has compared the two relics using forensics and geometry.

The research was done by Dr. Juan Manuel Miñarro, a sculpture professor at the University of Seville, as part of a project sponsored by the Valencia-based Centro Español de Sindonología (CES) (The Spanish Center of Sindonology).


Transparency acetate on three-dimensional model used in the investigation of Juan Manuel Miñarro . LINTEUM
The study thus supports what tradition has held for more than two millennia: that the two cloths came from the same historical person, who, according to this tradition, was Jesus of Nazareth.

The Shroud of Turin would have been the linen that covered that body of Jesus when he was placed in the tomb, while the Sudarium would have been the cloth used to cover his face on the cross after he died.

Both cloths would be those found by Peter and John in the tomb, as the Gospel recounts.

The study “doesn’t prove in itself that this person was Jesus Christ, but it does clearly advance us along the path of being able to indisputably demonstrate that the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium were wrapped around the head of the same cadaver,” Miñarro explained to Paraula.

New Study: The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo Covered the Same Person
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interesting, though I've always believed they covered the same person, Jesus of Nazareth
Took 20 centuries to gain this technology, but what it has provided is amazing.

The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo “almost certainly covered the cadaver of the same person.” This is the conclusion from an investigation that has compared the two relics using forensics and geometry.

The research was done by Dr. Juan Manuel Miñarro, a sculpture professor at the University of Seville, as part of a project sponsored by the Valencia-based Centro Español de Sindonología (CES) (The Spanish Center of Sindonology).


Transparency acetate on three-dimensional model used in the investigation of Juan Manuel Miñarro . LINTEUM
The study thus supports what tradition has held for more than two millennia: that the two cloths came from the same historical person, who, according to this tradition, was Jesus of Nazareth.

The Shroud of Turin would have been the linen that covered that body of Jesus when he was placed in the tomb, while the Sudarium would have been the cloth used to cover his face on the cross after he died.

Both cloths would be those found by Peter and John in the tomb, as the Gospel recounts.

The study “doesn’t prove in itself that this person was Jesus Christ, but it does clearly advance us along the path of being able to indisputably demonstrate that the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium were wrapped around the head of the same cadaver,” Miñarro explained to Paraula.

New Study: The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo Covered the Same Person
Was it also of a larger then 6' person image like the shroud of Turin?
Because 1)Jesus is recorded as only 4'6", Jews avgd 5' back then.
2)the church only claimed they had Peter and Yehudas shrouds so your figure would be the 6bc Galilean christ if it were real which it isn't. However they never claim Yeshu spn of Mary's cloth which was stoned hanged thus crucifixion marks would invalidate the son of mary figure.

You claim blood is on it yet itcs red clay and dated no way near any of your mythologies. Epic fail and continued lies.
Was it also of a larger then 6' person image like the shroud of Turin?
Because 1)Jesus is recorded as only 4'6", Jews avgd 5' back then.
2)the church only claimed they had Peter and Yehudas shrouds so your figure would be the 6bc Galilean christ if it were real which it isn't. However they never claim Yeshu spn of Mary's cloth which was stoned hanged thus crucifixion marks would invalidate the son of mary figure.

You claim blood is on it yet itcs red clay and dated no way near any of your mythologies. Epic fail and continued lies.
Please stay out of the thread, this is for adults only. Go finish your report on there really are land mines in Israel.
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.
Was it also of a larger then 6' person image like the shroud of Turin?
Because 1)Jesus is recorded as only 4'6", Jews avgd 5' back then.
2)the church only claimed they had Peter and Yehudas shrouds so your figure would be the 6bc Galilean christ if it were real which it isn't. However they never claim Yeshu spn of Mary's cloth which was stoned hanged thus crucifixion marks would invalidate the son of mary figure.

You claim blood is on it yet itcs red clay and dated no way near any of your mythologies. Epic fail and continued lies.

Blood type AB on both cloths, not the most common

At three cubits, he would be around 5'5".
The shroud image would be around 5'9"-5'11". Drape and how fitted to the body curves might alter the height a bit

5' to 5'6" was average for the time
6' would have been exceptional

No one can be absolute sure
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Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

So you are saying you don't believe the Bible which calls my name or Jesus who said my name more then he said any other name?
I turned on the TV and the first words poped up in the preachers mouth was
Place Back(HaShev) Jesus Christ.
If you aren't a believer then stop saying my name everytime as much as you say his who said mine. :-)
Was it also of a larger then 6' person image like the shroud of Turin?
Because 1)Jesus is recorded as only 4'6", Jews avgd 5' back then.
2)the church only claimed they had Peter and Yehudas shrouds so your figure would be the 6bc Galilean christ if it were real which it isn't. However they never claim Yeshu spn of Mary's cloth which was stoned hanged thus crucifixion marks would invalidate the son of mary figure.

You claim blood is on it yet itcs red clay and dated no way near any of your mythologies. Epic fail and continued lies.

Blood type AB on both cloths, not the most common

At three cubits, he would be around 5'5".
The shroud image would be around 5'9"-5'11". Drape and how fitted to the body curves might alter the height a bit

5' to 5'6" was average for the time
6' would have been exceptional

No one can be absolute sure

ORANGE RED CLAY IS NOT BLOOD, go clone pokey gumbys horse with the dna in orange red clay.
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

He is not god, by any name, and he will not be returning from the dead thankfully

just this forum
Was it also of a larger then 6' person image like the shroud of Turin?
Because 1)Jesus is recorded as only 4'6", Jews avgd 5' back then.
2)the church only claimed they had Peter and Yehudas shrouds so your figure would be the 6bc Galilean christ if it were real which it isn't. However they never claim Yeshu spn of Mary's cloth which was stoned hanged thus crucifixion marks would invalidate the son of mary figure.

You claim blood is on it yet itcs red clay and dated no way near any of your mythologies. Epic fail and continued lies.

Blood type AB on both cloths, not the most common

At three cubits, he would be around 5'5".
The shroud image would be around 5'9"-5'11". Drape and how fitted to the body curves might alter the height a bit

5' to 5'6" was average for the time
6' would have been exceptional

No one can be absolute sure

ORANGE RED CLAY IS NOT BLOOD, go clone pokey gumbys horse with the dna in orange red clay.

Mad because you don't understand science? tell it to your mirror
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

He is not god, by any name, and he will not be returning from the dead thankfully

just this forum

See you just exposed Jesus as Lucifer because his made image into a god is not a Judaic teaching whereby Moshiach is just a man and God is not. Only lucifer would be deemed the messiah deemed perfect who falks byvthe hands of Rome for claiming to be a god. Ezekiel28, try reading the
chapter instead of skipping around the Bible avoiding verses where Jesus is exposed as Lucifer.
By the way you said my name Return(HaShev), exactly what I aaid not to do. *slaps forehead*

sources: "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).

Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5

Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
I reported that Berkley scam to Berkley police whereby they claimed they could clone Jesus from the shroud, they agreed it was a scam because it's clay not blood and everyone knows Charlie Manson was Jesus resurrected.
These silly claims to Jesus being Messiah are based on saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means ypu reject your own logic and claims based on selective recognition.
Ha Shev believes he is the real Jewish Messiah, Turzovka thinks he is the Russian Catholic Messiah, Jeremiah thinks she is the Pentecostal Mary Magdalene, and Holly is in the bull pen waiting to be called.

He is not god, by any name, and he will not be returning from the dead thankfully

just this forum
Christ is coming back. It could be tomorrow, it could be 10,000 years from now.

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