Show me one offical peer-reviewed paper that doesn't think co2 is a green house gas


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Show me one(or more) recent peer-reviewed papers that show(solid scientific reasoning) that co2 isn't a greenhouse gas.

1. It has to show that it isn't a green-house gas.
2. It has to be from a respected journal, publication, etc. Can't be from a blog, website of some kook or watts-up with that. lol.
3. within 5 years

Extra points
4. If some serious scientist say it is good work. Please post the site of this respected scientist.
5. If you wish you can also do the same for the second law of thermodynamics.
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Define greenhouse gas.

If your definition is simply that CO2 is a radiative gas, then who is arguing? One could just as easily ask you to provide one peer reviewed paper that demonstrates conclusively that the addition of so called greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere cause warming. We all know that you could not provide any such paper because no observed, measured evidence exists to support the claim that the so called greenhouse gasses cause warming which is by far, the more important question. The only evidence is the output of failed climate models which warmers use as if it were actual evidence but we all know that it isn't.
Show me one(or more) recent peer-reviewed papers that show(solid scientific reasoning) that co2 isn't a greenhouse gas.

1. It has to show that it isn't a green-house gas.
2. It has to be from a respected journal, publication, etc. Can't be from a blog, website of some kook or watts-up with that. lol.
3. within 5 years

Extra points
4. If some serious scientist say it is good work. Please post the site of this respected scientist.
5. If you wish you can also do the same for the second law of thermodynamics.

We do have lots and lots of naive mofu's on this forum especially.

The whole "peer review" process that is always hailed by the climte OC's is completely rigged. Most of the environmental religion would gladly buy a bag of stinky dog doo for $1,000 a pop if it was packaged up just right. These people NEVER, NEVER question the legitimacy of the peer review process.

But dont take my word for it.........

Peer review, a flawed process at the heart of science and journal publications -- Science & Technology --

Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals

A Flawed Process Is At The Heart of Science and Journal Publications - Waking Times : Waking Times
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Hey Oddball........when I saw this, I split my sides laughing.

[ame=]CO2 is a trace gas. - YouTube[/ame]

Ever go to an Italian wake? Ive been to many wakes, but just a couple of Italian wakes in Brooklyn here in NY. These fuckers throw themselves on the casket and bay at the moon for half and hour.......a real fucked up anomoly. Thats what these climate k00ks remind me of.....part of the hysterical fringe of society. For people like this, they gotta be hysterical about something ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Like a trace gas in the atmosphere.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:. No different than the PITA assholes who freaked out when Gov Christie killed a spider on his desk ysterday and the camera's caught it. The climate k00ks just get hysterical about even shit like a wind gust, "Shit.....somethings happening here!!"

Some people just tend to get fucked up and hystrical about most the neighbors in this video. Guess there is a Rolling Thunder and Matthew and STAR in every neighborhood!!!

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