Shouldn't the West all drop the facade of the term "progressive" and just be direct and call them Communists?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
I know, every time the orange, retard say's something stupid, (what's on his mind)

The Trump cult insist he was "joking", but I don't hear Trump laughing or even "chuckling".
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
I know, every time the orange, retard say's something stupid, (what's on his mind)

The Trump cult insist he was "joking", but I don't hear Trump laughing or even "chuckling".

He couldn't get rid of term limits as president even if he was being honest. He was basically providing commentary about Xi, their system and his bold move to become an Emperor but was doing it in a way that wouldn't be overly damaging to any U.S/China relations if it leaked out (lo and behold, some random person just happened to be recording it).

In fact, many such leaks are done by state powers on purpose, especially if they say something that may be viewed as flattering another leader. All designed for greater purposes of course.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
It's all about the psychology of terms.

First they were called liberals, but when they soiled that terms they moved onto calling themselves Progressives. The terms socialist and communist had been soiled abroad so that they were unable to use them, that is, until recently when a few socialists like Bernie got into power. But keep in mind, those are only in areas where Leftism is in the water.

Voters simply allow the media to label things and define those labels for them and by in large accept them as presented. The sheeple will then vote according to those false labels accordingly.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
I know, every time the orange, retard say's something stupid, (what's on his mind)

The Trump cult insist he was "joking", but I don't hear Trump laughing or even "chuckling".

He couldn't get rid of term limits as president even if he was being honest. He was basically providing commentary about Xi, their system and his bold move to become an Emperor but was doing it in a way that wouldn't be overly damaging to any U.S/China relations if it leaked out (lo and behold, some random person just happened to be recording it).

In fact, many such leaks are done by state powers on purpose, especially if they say something that may be viewed as flattering another leader. All designed for greater purposes of course.
Of course he was.
The Trump cult will say ANYTHING, to protect, deflect and cover for their communist wanna-be.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
I know, every time the orange, retard say's something stupid, (what's on his mind)

The Trump cult insist he was "joking", but I don't hear Trump laughing or even "chuckling".

Of course Trump was always joking.. He's a dumbass who always gave himself a way out.

Nobody has EVER held Trump respnsible for anything he's said or done.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
It's all about the psychology of terms.

First they were called liberals, but when they soiled that terms they moved onto calling themselves Progressives. The terms socialist and communist had been soiled abroad so that they were unable to use them, that is, until recently when a few socialists like Bernie got into power. But keep in mind, those are only in areas where Leftism is in the water.

Voters simply allow the media to label things and define those labels for them and by in large accept them as presented. The sheeple will then vote according to those false labels accordingly.
"False labels"?
Like Republicans self proclaiming themselves as "conservatives".
The only times they use that are when a democrat is in office or election time, other than that, they produced more debt to this nation, by far than democrats ever did.
Americans are not scared of communists anymore. You people ran around slapping the "communist" label on so many things that it has lost all it's fright value. Only the rapidly aging boomers have any memory of communists bring a threat. The hard right are the baddies of American politics these days.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
I know, every time the orange, retard say's something stupid, (what's on his mind)

The Trump cult insist he was "joking", but I don't hear Trump laughing or even "chuckling".

Of course Trump was always joking.. He's a dumbass who always gave himself a way out.

Nobody has EVER held Trump respnsible for anything he's said or done.
Especially, his cult.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
It's all about the psychology of terms.

First they were called liberals, but when they soiled that terms they moved onto calling themselves Progressives. The terms socialist and communist had been soiled abroad so that they were unable to use them, that is, until recently when a few socialists like Bernie got into power. But keep in mind, those are only in areas where Leftism is in the water.

Voters simply allow the media to label things and define those labels for them and by in large accept them as presented. The sheeple will then vote according to those false labels accordingly.
"False labels"?
Like Republicans self proclaiming themselves as "conservatives".
The only times they use that are when a democrat is in office or election time, other than that, they produced more debt to this nation, by far than democrats ever did.
Exactly. For example, the media continuously referred to "W" as a conservative, yet now he is a Biden supporter.

As for Trump, he supported democrats in New York all those years and voted for them.

So what is a conservative exactly? What makes either Trump or "W" a conservative?
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
It's all about the psychology of terms.

First they were called liberals, but when they soiled that terms they moved onto calling themselves Progressives. The terms socialist and communist had been soiled abroad so that they were unable to use them, that is, until recently when a few socialists like Bernie got into power. But keep in mind, those are only in areas where Leftism is in the water.

Voters simply allow the media to label things and define those labels for them and by in large accept them as presented. The sheeple will then vote according to those false labels accordingly.
"False labels"?
Like Republicans self proclaiming themselves as "conservatives".
The only times they use that are when a democrat is in office or election time, other than that, they produced more debt to this nation, by far than democrats ever did.
Exactly. For example, the media continuously referred to "W" as a conservative, yet now he is a Biden supporter.

As for Trump, he supported democrats in New York all those years and voted for them.

So what is a conservative exactly? What makes either Trump or "W" a conservative?

Of course he's a Biden supporter.. Trump was an international joke.

Laughing at Trump

Only 4 were caught on camera, but they were the biggest. Especially Johnson , Trudeau and Macron.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
It's all about the psychology of terms.

First they were called liberals, but when they soiled that terms they moved onto calling themselves Progressives. The terms socialist and communist had been soiled abroad so that they were unable to use them, that is, until recently when a few socialists like Bernie got into power. But keep in mind, those are only in areas where Leftism is in the water.

Voters simply allow the media to label things and define those labels for them and by in large accept them as presented. The sheeple will then vote according to those false labels accordingly.
"False labels"?
Like Republicans self proclaiming themselves as "conservatives".
The only times they use that are when a democrat is in office or election time, other than that, they produced more debt to this nation, by far than democrats ever did.
Exactly. For example, the media continuously referred to "W" as a conservative, yet now he is a Biden supporter.

As for Trump, he supported democrats in New York all those years and voted for them.

So what is a conservative exactly? What makes either Trump or "W" a conservative?
IDK, Republicans, namely Reagan came up with term, he more than doubled the debt.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Do you know what communism actually is? What is it?

And please provide examples of Democrats who want it. Feel free to start with Bernie and AOC if you wish. And get specific.

Thanks in advance.
Last edited:
Hannity had a Chinese-American mom on who first berated a school board for "Critical Race Theory" because she said that is how the Chicoms took control of China. There are direct parallels, but instead of race the Chicoms used other "oppressor/oppressed" classes. She said CRT needs to be stopped ASAP. This from someone who went thru the commie indoctrination and recognized it.

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