CDZ Should Whoopi have been suspended for her free speech?

Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
I've noticed something about the Whoopie Goldberg thing. Liberal's are now upset that one of their own is finally a victim of cancel culture. They are hypocrits.
Gina Carano was permanently fired for saying this..

"Carano fell under heavy criticism after she posted that “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors.... even by children."

The actor continued to say, “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” ."

If that's the standard... That's the standard...Whoopi should be fired.
Whoopsie should have been sent to exile island incommunicado for one year to contemplate the fatness of her mouth and body, IMHO.
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
Turns out Mark levin asked an important question.
I think many were wondering.How many times did she
state this " Isn't about race ". Then used the words
" Man's Inhumanity to Man " Same exact words used
by Rashida Tlaib when accused of Racist Jewish comments.
A Bill in congress was drafted to soften the impact.
Why did The Whoop repeat this " Isn't about Race ".
Not just a couple of times.More like Half a dozen.
Meaning she was determined to use those words.
WHY.Was she coached to say things like mthat.
Because she has a history of saying outrageous things
and getting away with.Keep in mind the Forces in Hollywood
Made her.She was The Only Major Movie Star allowed to use the " F " word in a Movie in the 80's.And use it she did.
You don’t consider yourself Jewish.

You either are or you aren’t.
There was once a solid Defintion as to one being
Jewish.And no exceptions were tolerated.
A Jew is only a Jew if born by a Jewish Mom.
Nowadays a Jew can be considered Jewish by
Marrying a Jew.However the Orthodox Jew still holds that
Only jews can marry.None of this Hollywood Mogul
bidness.Where Big Jew Producers can Marry a Gentile
and all is well.
I've noticed something about the Whoopie Goldberg thing. Liberal's are now upset that one of their own is finally a victim of cancel culture. They are hypocrits.
What if someone comments about slavery and says it's about "man's inhumanity to man", how well would that go over? Would Whoopi say that about slavery? I doubt it. It's like saying it's no big deal, happens all the time. It's marginalizing the extermination of 6 million Jews, what difference does it make what color they all were? Consider this:

In his new book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People,” Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.

“Who is a Jew?” has been a poignant question for Jews throughout our history. It evokes a complex tapestry of Jewish identity made up of different strains of religious beliefs, cultural practices and blood ties to ancient Palestine and modern Israel. But the question, with its echoes of genetic determinism, also has a dark side.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a “race.”

So was it about race? Maybe, maybe not but it sure as hell was a chicken-shit thing to say and is indicative of the contempt the democrats have for Jewish people. And that is why Whoopie deserved to be suspended.

Yes. The post-exilic Babylonians set themselves up as a 'master race', and proceeded to alienate most other Jews, starting with Ezra's screeds . By the Christian reform era they had a fairly elaborate 'racial purity' framework for Jewish society in place, one of the reasons so many Jews rejected the nonsense and followed the Christian sectarians.
Whoopi just sounds like yet another black ignoramus too stupid to realize that Jewish people did more to help them during the Civil rights era than any other group.

Considering the very high rate of antisemitism among uneducated blacks, it just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished.

And in the case of New York City they were rewarded by black radicals by being fired wholesale from teaching jobs in the city's school system, where they produced the finest public school system in the country for 3 generations; pandering to the black radicals and their AA quota scam took it to from the top the bottom in less than one generation, another case of Jewish liberals shooting themselves in the foot because of their own bigotry against 'Da Evul WASPs culture' and their own pathological compulsions. That whole ' the enemy of my enemy is my friend' culture war thing has never worked out like they hoped it would, more evidence that merely being better educated doesn't conflate to being smarter. That's just a myth promoted by educated narcissists.
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.

No.......and neither should any of the other people who have lost their jobs or careers because of things they have said...
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
The leftist started the cancel/censor train ride... why be upset when one of them gets it?
You been watching Spotify news lately??
You realize the sheer amount of speech censor and banning going on in American universities the past 10 years??
You realize students are getting sent home in some schools for wearing a shirt with an American flag on it??

And you are concerned about Whoopi??
The leftist started the cancel/censor train ride... why be upset when one of them gets it?
You been watching Spotify news lately??
You realize the sheer amount of speech censor and banning going on in American universities the past 10 years??
You realize students are getting sent home in some schools for wearing a shirt with an American flag on it??

And you are concerned about Whoopi??
Yep. It's the product of a tribal mind set where all that matters is advancing the agenda of the tribe. "Social justice" warriors know nothing else.
You don’t consider yourself Jewish.

You either are or you aren’t.
There is a push to divorce Jews from their own ethnicity through these various claims that Jewish identity can simply be chosen as one would choose a flavor of ice cream.

As we both know, converting to Judaism as a religion is extremely difficult, so has been very rare over the centuries and has occurred in such insignificant numbers that it hasn't affected Jewish genotypes that are passed from generation to generation in any great degree.

Whoopi's sophistry falls apart if people DO understand that Jewish identity is ethnic and the hatred of Jews is based upon ethnicity. She trivializes it in order to justify it.
There is a push to divorce Jews from their own ethnicity through these various claims that Jewish identity can simply be chosen as one would choose a flavor of ice cream.

As we both know, converting to Judaism as a religion is extremely difficult, so has been very rare over the centuries and has occurred in such insignificant numbers that it hasn't affected Jewish genotypes that are passed from generation to generation in any great degree.

Whoopi's sophistry falls apart if people DO understand that Jewish identity is ethnic and the hatred of Jews is based upon ethnicity. She trivializes it in order to justify it.

She must have been thinking of it and projecting it in her own context, blacks vs white.
It’s been a hard 2022 for Jews in America, and it’s only February.

In the past few weeks, we’ve had the Colleyville hostage crisis — and the subsequent online debate about whether or not the hostage taker at the synagogue was motivated by antisemitism (no, seriously). We’ve had a Tennessee school board kicking Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer-winning classic graphic novel “Maus” out of its eighth grade curriculum on the pretexts of “profanity” and “nudity.”

Then, while discussing the “Maus” situation (a book thousands more people are now going to read, so yay!), Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of “The View,” said the Holocaust was about “man’s inhumanity to man” and “not about race.” When one of her co-hosts challenged that assertion, saying the Holocaust and murder of millions of Jews was actually driven by white supremacy, Ms. Goldberg said, referring to Jews and Nazis, “But these are two white groups of people.” She added, “This is white people doing it to white people, so y’all going to fight amongst yourselves.”

This discourse was sometimes astute — for example, “Jews Don’t Count” author David Baddiel pointed out that Nazi persecution of Jews was predicated on the idea of Jews as a race, and that Jews often fall victim to a phenomenon he terms “Schrodinger’s whiteness,” meaning that we are seen as white or non-white depending on the politics of the observer: “for centuries…far-right groups have seen Jews as not part of the white race,” and “on the far left, the association of Jews, which is a racist thing, with power and privilege makes them kind of super-white.” And sometimes, the discourse was utterly asinine, like when prolific writer Joyce Carol Oates elected to randomly share with her Twitter followers that marrying a Jew brought her into a “club,” and later described that “club” by reducing all Jews to “a certain lack of reticence re. politics & social justice, high-energy, high-maintenance, hyper-protective of family, darkish sense of humor, Red Diaper baby, loved food, repeat: loved food.”

Uccch. Or, in modern speak, WTAF.

The common denominator of all of these post-Colleyville discussions is Jews, and the Jewish experience, being defined by others — whether by others’ hate, or by others’ ignorance. And frankly, it sucks.


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