CDZ Should Whoopi have been suspended for her free speech?

I think Whoopi is as racist as they come and if other races are going to be held responsible for their faux pas, she should be too.
Sadfully she's a 50 year Hollwood project that hasn't
as of yet seen it's completion.She still serves a Political
Purpose as one of the many Hollywood examples
of Tokenism.Hollywood blacks are expected to
tow the Democrat Party line.
The most recent surefire example is Larry Elder.
Big Hollywood types like Rob Reiner ran around
outright Lying about Elder in a very KKK type way.
Saying he's " The Black Face of White Supremacy ".
The fat-faced jew { Reiner } was never forced to even
remotely apologize.
It’s been a hard 2022 for Jews in America, and it’s only February.

In the past few weeks, we’ve had the Colleyville hostage crisis — and the subsequent online debate about whether or not the hostage taker at the synagogue was motivated by antisemitism (no, seriously). We’ve had a Tennessee school board kicking Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer-winning classic graphic novel “Maus” out of its eighth grade curriculum on the pretexts of “profanity” and “nudity.”

Then, while discussing the “Maus” situation (a book thousands more people are now going to read, so yay!), Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of “The View,” said the Holocaust was about “man’s inhumanity to man” and “not about race.” When one of her co-hosts challenged that assertion, saying the Holocaust and murder of millions of Jews was actually driven by white supremacy, Ms. Goldberg said, referring to Jews and Nazis, “But these are two white groups of people.” She added, “This is white people doing it to white people, so y’all going to fight amongst yourselves.”

This discourse was sometimes astute — for example, “Jews Don’t Count” author David Baddiel pointed out that Nazi persecution of Jews was predicated on the idea of Jews as a race, and that Jews often fall victim to a phenomenon he terms “Schrodinger’s whiteness,” meaning that we are seen as white or non-white depending on the politics of the observer: “for centuries…far-right groups have seen Jews as not part of the white race,” and “on the far left, the association of Jews, which is a racist thing, with power and privilege makes them kind of super-white.” And sometimes, the discourse was utterly asinine, like when prolific writer Joyce Carol Oates elected to randomly share with her Twitter followers that marrying a Jew brought her into a “club,” and later described that “club” by reducing all Jews to “a certain lack of reticence re. politics & social justice, high-energy, high-maintenance, hyper-protective of family, darkish sense of humor, Red Diaper baby, loved food, repeat: loved food.”

Uccch. Or, in modern speak, WTAF.

The common denominator of all of these post-Colleyville discussions is Jews, and the Jewish experience, being defined by others — whether by others’ hate, or by others’ ignorance. And frankly, it sucks.

How about *Obtusism Run amuck.
Knowing how it's use played out in
- The Shawshank Redemption - { 1994 }

* Probably no such a word.But one can be an
Obtusest !
She must have been thinking of it and projecting it in her own context, blacks vs white.
Um ... I don't done tink that Ms.Goldbergs has given
much thought as to what she says { blurbs out }.
I mean,why should she start now.Has she EVER payed
any price for blurbing-out inanities year after year.
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
No one should ever be suspended for using their first amendment right. I did laugh at demofks though whimpering
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.

Free speech is the right to say what you want, mostly towards government and government officials, and not be targeted, censored or arrested for it. There is no such thing as "free speech" when you work at some private company. So much fail every time I hear someone talking about free speech outside of a government context.
Free speech is the right to say what you want, mostly towards government and government officials, and not be targeted, censored or arrested for it. There is no such thing as "free speech" when you work at some private company. So much fail every time I hear someone talking about free speech outside of a government context.
Similar but not limited to a Company;s Dress code
McDonalds had a strict policy regarding facial hair.
No Beards ... Period.And Managers can have a moustache
but only if trimmed..Also Counter girls could not wait
on customers if Tattoo'd on their arms or hands.
Of course that was years ago.
Ironically it was demanded for all Southern White
Supremacist to look the part.White Shirt,Dark Pants and
dark polished shoes.No Facial hair and short hair.
Very few exceptions.
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.

Its the 'free speech' part in the title that I take issue with. Freedom from government interference doesn't mean freedom from consequence.

She's an entertainer. Her ability to perform her job is tied to keeping her audience happy and entertained. If she says something that upsets her audience, its going to impair her ability to do her job.

The suspension was probably the least impactful outcome. The issue could have escalated into more active opposition to her online if left unaddressed. A two week suspension demonstrated accountability and her apology demonstrated recognition of her folly. The two together are the most likely to mute the impact publicly.
Funny how things are

Whoopi is suspended for only two weeks, because of her "free" speech

And Roseanne is suspended for life because of her conservative free speech.

Once again the Leftist hypocrisy raises its ugly head.

This is all very sickening.
I was raised to believe that our nation values free speech. However I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s. How times have changed.

I remember people used to say, ”I disagree with what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it with my life.”

Exactly! She wasn't dismissing the holocaust, she was very awkwardly trying to say it COULDN'T be racism because Jews are "White".
Wrong! Hitler declared the Jewish people to be racially inferior. She claimed the Holocaust wasn’t about Race, it was “ two groups of white people” fighting each other. Joy B. Tried to tell her it was Hitler’s goal to annihilate the Jewish people and she refused to listen
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
Liberals will tell you, "It's a private business." They can do what they want. And yes, her voice should be removed permanently. Besides, she's just an eyesore
The levels of ignorance on display here are deeply disturbing. So disturbing that they require some serious reflection. How is it possible that a 66-year-old supposedly switched-on cultural mover and shaker in 21st-century America is not aware that the Holocaust was an act of racial extermination?

That the Nazis were obsessed with race? That the beginning of the Holocaust was the passing of the Nuremberg race laws in which Jews were defined as ‘enemies of the race-based state’? That the founding belief of the Nazis was that Aryans enjoyed racial supremacy and that the state had a responsibility to protect this superior race from any form of pollution by the Jewish race? That the law of Nazi Germany upheld the ‘purity of German blood’ and the isolation and suppression of the pollutant Jews?

That Hitler threatened in 1939 to bring about ‘the annihilation of the Jewish race’? And, of course, that the Nazis very nearly achieved this deranged racial plan with their murder of six million Jews?

Blacks are lucky they didn't have a presence in 1930s Germany. They would have been exterminated too
Liberals will tell you, "It's a private business." They can do what they want. And yes, her voice should be removed permanently. Besides, she's just an eyesore
Yes, she’s not at all attractive. In fact she’s quite ugly. However I don’t believe e she said anything very offensive. Her comment was evidence that she’s not very knowledgeable on the subject of world history.
Yes, she’s not at all attractive. In fact she’s quite ugly. However I don’t believe e she said anything very offensive. Her comment was evidence that she’s not very knowledgeable on the subject of world history.
Joy B tried to tell her but she refused to listen. The Show is in NY. I refuse to believe she never heard of the Holocaust Museum there
Jewish people were at the forefront of the Civil rights movement in the sixties, having marched alongside blacks in solidarity due to their recognition of the similarities of plight of the two people.

Despite this, the black community today is the most antisemitic section of the populace, and ignorant cows like Whoopi are all too typical. Rather than recognize the similarities, she is trying to COMPETE for top victim status, and so sees Jewish people as a threat, instead.

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