Zone1 Should we feel bad for Yahweh?

Blues Man

Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2016
Imagine existing as a being that can instantly create anything it wants by a mere thought.
Imagine existing a a being that knows everything that will happen far before it actually does happen.
Imagine living forever with never having anything to strive for and never being surprised by anything.

To me that sounds like the most horrible of existences. Some would call it Hell.
Imagine existing as a being that can instantly create anything it wants by a mere thought.
Imagine existing a a being that knows everything that will happen far before it actually does happen.
Imagine living forever with never having anything to strive for and never being surprised by anything.

To me that sounds like the most horrible of existences. Some would call it Hell.
Free will is the only answer.

Imagine giving up an extremely small amount of power to the will of man, so insignificant that it is not really measurable, but surrendering power, nonetheless\, the only power you have surrendered anywhere.

It would hold your attention more than anything else, even though you may know the outcome and no matter how insignificant those are that you surrendered your power to.

I think that is part of why God is said to be love in the Bible. For you see, love mandates that two parties have to freedom to accept or reject the other, hence free will. Nothing else matters to God but Love.

The question becomes, how is God all-knowing and powerful and still allow free will? It seems impossible. I reckon if he can do anything, he must have found a way.

But this is why the Left trounces the notion of free will at every turn, pretty much all of them. They instinctively are trying to kill the notion of a loving God with such ideology and replace God with the Left wing state.
Free will is the only answer.

Imagine giving up an extremely small amount of power to the will of man, so insignificant that it is not really measurable, but surrendering power, nonetheless.

It would hold your attention more than anything else, even though you may know the outcome.

I think that is part of why God is said to be love in the Bible. For you see, love mandates that two parties have to freedom to accept or reject the other, hence free will. Nothing else matters to God but Love.

The question becomes, is God all-knowing and powerful and still allow free will? I reckon if he can do anything, he must have found a way.

But this is why the Left trounces the notion of free will at every turn, pretty much all of them. They instinctively kill the notion of a loving God with such ideology.
Our free will is not the answer because an omniscient being will still know everything you will do well in advance of your doing it. It can be argued that if indeed this being created you that it would know everything you will ever do even before you have been created.

So your free will is not something that will ever surprise the omnipotent omniscient being.
Our free will is not the answer because an omniscient being will still know everything you will do well in advance of your doing it. It can be argued that if indeed this being created you that it would know everything you will ever do even before you have been created.

So your free will is not something that will ever surprise the omnipotent omniscient being.

Again, if God can do anything, he would have found a way to do it.

To think you would understand everything about God is not logical, because that would make you God.

At some point, you can only point and say, "That does not make sense", because you are a finite limited creation trying to understand the infinite and all powerful being.

And that dear friend is why faith in God is mandatory. For you see, faith is the only possible way to have interaction with such a being, when certain things don't seem to make sense, which at some point they certainly will make no sense, you either place your faith in God or walk away like Adam and Eve in the garden.

Don't eat the fruit? It's just fruit? Why not? It makes zero sense.
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Imagine existing as a being that can instantly create anything it wants by a mere thought.
Before thoughts, one must have words. Time also comes into play. Creation has never taken place in an instant.
Imagine existing a a being that knows everything that will happen far before it actually does happen.
Knowing my car will start when I turn the key is a real bummer. Knowing I will go for a walk each day is nothing short of a tragedy.
Imagine living forever with never having anything to strive for and never being surprised by anything.
You are imaging a Creator who has nothing more to create? That in itself is surprising.
To me that sounds like the most horrible of existences. Some would call it Hell.
Imagining hell is a horrible existence. Try imagining life. And love.
Imagine existing as a being that can instantly create anything it wants by a mere thought.
Imagine existing a a being that knows everything that will happen far before it actually does happen.
Imagine living forever with never having anything to strive for and never being surprised by anything.

To me that sounds like the most horrible of existences. Some would call it Hell.
You have not seen Hell yet

But be patient, you’ll get there soon enough

because mocking God will punch your ticket
Again, if God can do anything, he would have found a way to do it.

To think you would understand everything about God is not logical, because that would make you God.

At some point, you can only point and say, "That does not make sense", because you are a finite limited creation trying to understand the infinite and all powerful being.

And that dear friend is why faith in God is all important. For you see, faith is the only possible way to have interaction with such a being, when certain things don't seem to make sense.

You are speaking from your point of view

What about Yahweh's point of view?

Yahweh knows who will have faith and who won't even before he created everyone. He knew before the universe was created what every single atom would do, when every single star would go super nova, what every single life form would do and when it would be done

To be able to know everything and do anything and to live forever seems to me to be the most tedious of existences.
You have not seen Hell yet

But be patient, you’ll get there soon enough

because mocking God will punch your ticket
Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think he is mocking God.

I think he genuinely is just confused, which we have all been at some point in our lives.
Imagine existing as a being that can instantly create anything it wants by a mere thought.
Imagine existing a a being that knows everything that will happen far before it actually does happen.
Imagine living forever with never having anything to strive for and never being surprised by anything.

To me that sounds like the most horrible of existences. Some would call it Hell.
God is literally the source of existence. Logically there is no other option than an eternal and never changing source of reality. A source which supplies reality equally to every part of the universe — all events at all times and all places. A source which does not supply energy as a match does to an explosive, but supplies reality instead. This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so. Imbibing its creation with its invisible attributes. As such God is every extant attribute of reality. God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness, infinite goodness and every other extant reality of existence. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes.

So how horrible of an existence do you think it to be to be every extant attribute of reality?
You are speaking from your point of view

What about Yahweh's point of view?

Yahweh knows who will have faith and who won't even before he created everyone. He knew before the universe was created what every single atom would do, when every single star would go super nova, what every single life form would do and when it would be done

To be able to know everything and do anything and to live forever seems to me to be the most tedious of existences.
But you are also speaking from God's point of view, minus any input from God

I at least am trying to use what God has revealed about himself to try and make sense of it as where you are not.

Again, a finite mind will never understand everything about an infinite being. At some point you will hit a wall when trying to understand him and the only way around the wall is faith or to reject him as you turn away from that wall.

If God is all powerful and all knowing, logically he would have found a way to preserve both free will and his powers or he has no such powers.
Before thoughts, one must have words. Time also comes into play. Creation has never taken place in an instant.

Knowing my car will start when I turn the key is a real bummer. Knowing I will go for a walk each day is nothing short of a tragedy.

You are imaging a Creator who has nothing more to create? That in itself is surprising.

Imagining hell is a horrible existence. Try imagining life. And love.
But Yahweh created time and space as places for the rest of all his creations to be put. Or at least that's the idea.

And you may think you know your car will start tomorrow or that you will go for a walk but if while you are asleep there is an earthquake then what you knew the night before about the next day was all wrong wasn't it?

Love as we experience it is wonderful because we do not know when it will happen or even what form it will take. It is a surprise just as we don't really know how long those we love will be with us or if they will break our hearts or if we will break theirs.

There is no wonder in life if you know when where and how everything will happen in the future.
But you are also speaking from God's point of view, minus any input from God

I at least am trying to use what God has revealed about himself to try and make sense of it as where you are not.

Again, a finite mind will never understand everything about an infinite being. At some point you will hit a wall when trying to understand him and the only way around the wall is faith or to reject him as you turn away from that wall.

If God is all powerful and all knowing, logically he would have found a way to preserve both free will and his powers or he has no such powers.

So either Yahweh is omniscient or he isn't.

If he's not omniscient then is he truly the single supreme being ?

And I am speaking of my imagining what being immortal, omnipotent and omniscient would be like
You have not seen Hell yet

But be patient, you’ll get there soon enough

because mocking God will punch your ticket
Have you?

And how am I mocking?

Yahweh would already know when I was going to write this thread
No it's you who claim to know everything.
I've never made that claim. And if I had it still wouldn't negate that you seeing God's existence as horrible is really a reflection of how you see your existence.

It's not an accident that dishonest people tend to see other people as dishonest. It's not an accident that people whose lives are a mess tend to see other people's lives as a mess. It's just human nature. Good people tend to see other people as good people. Honest people tend to see other people as honest people.
And you may think you know your car will start tomorrow or that you will go for a walk but if while you are asleep there is an earthquake then what you knew the night before about the next day was all wrong wasn't it?
What ifs? Have you noticed how "What ifs" seldom happen? And if there is an earthquake, I'll definitely want to go for a walk. Cars can be fixed. The same principle applies.
Love as we experience it is wonderful because we do not know when it will happen or even what form it will take. It is a surprise just as we don't really know how long those we love will be with us or if they will break our hearts or if we will break theirs.
Are you talking about waiting for an emotion? Why not just love? Hearts mend. They can come back even stronger.

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