Should we blackball media candidates who promote conspiracy theories regarding Russia?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
The tin foil hatters on the left are up in arms over all of the silly and nonsensical conspiracy theories, usually involving something about Trump "colluding" with Putin or Russia, and trying to start World War 3; probably even invoking "Boris Badenov" into it somehow...

I'm not sure why the media puts up with the left and their habit of spreading disinformation and childish, anti-government conspiracy theories of that nature; I'm thinking that eventually we people with some marginal grasps on reality should simply stop tolerating this, and blackballing any and every person in mass media, whether Maher, Colbert, Stewart, or other propaganda and disinformation outlets.

The most pragmatic approach for those on the 'right' side of reality and history, of course, would simply be shutting them down out right, sadly arguably outdated notions of "free peach" and "Constitutional shenanigan's' which imply that an idiot like Colbert or Maher has something akin to a "right" to spread his anti-government, Tin Foil Hattery to his audience of ill-informed idiots.

Instead, I'd venture it might be better for us simply to use grassroots campaigns to have our social media networks, Facebook, Twitter, and the remaining dinosaur left-wing networks blackball and shut down pundits of this nature, as well as outing as many leftists and their anti-government notions of Russian conspiracy theory drive as oppose.

Rallying social media and university departments to this aim might work, were the current administration and its media allies to initiate a propaganda campaign with wide public reach; particularly utilizing social media as much as possible, into the major outlets of left-wing lies and disinformation are pressured by their media platforms into shutting down.

The same could be done in regards to the blackballing of any "celebrities" or "Hollywood films" and such which are used by idiots to rile up their fellow audiences of hapless idiots with a leftist streak.

Done effectively, this would ideally allow our current government those on the 'right' side of it, to effectively and subtly gain effective control of all popular media outlets and media personnel; whether Hollywood, radio, TV, cable, or social media in particular; no having to bother with Constitutional shenanigan's or even invoke "freez peach" or childish things of that nature; simply use propaganda campaigns to gain effective popular control de facto, to the point that any and all left-wing, Anti-government, Russian conspiracy theory promoters are effectively shut entirely out in practice, even if not in theory.

Such a campaign could also be effected in regards to our European and British allies, in which the social media campaigns, which have far more business and economic viability than most archaic, dinosaur media networks anyway, whether 'left' or right', could be used to pressure what remaining dino networks are left in those countries to likewise conform with our media's noble agency, effectively blackballing anyone from UK or other Western European media who promotes anti-US, Russian conspiracy theory drama; easily doable even without needing or having to take any "direct" control over those networks, or go through the effort it would take to, say, use America's superior economic and technological power to shut down the UK BCC outright, something which I would venture that America's financial elite, preferably those on the side of the current administration, could very well use their financial leverage to do.
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Blackballed? No.

Arrested and tried? Yes!

Charge them with treason or sedition...involved in a coup attempt!

Spreading false information with intent to overthrow the president/government of the united states!

Unlike president Trump...THEY will be allowed due process of law.
What conspiracy theory?
The silly conspiracy theories about Trump Colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and David Ickish-nonsense like that.
The only silly conspiracy theories are those propagated by Trump and the rest of the dishonest right.
First amendment dumbasses. It's the only reason propaganda piss buckets like Fox news and Breitbart are allowed to exist.
The silly conspiracy theories about Trump Colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and David Ickish-nonsense like that.

No, blackballing/censorship is a vile and evil solution, it does more harm than good...
...besides people are smart enough to know those things were lies before the mueller investigation bore that out, the only ones who fell for it were the ones who wanted to believe it and no amount of proof otherwise will change that, never mind silence on the matter...
...the best thing to do to prove how bias the media is, is to counteract it [give the other side a taste] with more of the same type of news in favor of the counter argument, but that will not happen if there is no need for it due to censorship.
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The tin foil hatters on the left are up in arms over all of the silly and nonsensical conspiracy theories, usually involving something about Trump "colluding" with Putin or Russia, and trying to start World War 3; probably even invoking "Boris Badenov" into it somehow...

I'm not sure why the media puts up with the left and their habit of spreading disinformation and childish, anti-government conspiracy theories of that nature; I'm thinking that eventually we people with some marginal grasps on reality should simply stop tolerating this, and blackballing any and every person in mass media, whether Maher, Colbert, Stewart, or other propaganda and disinformation outlets.

The most pragmatic approach for those on the 'right' side of reality and history, of course, would simply be shutting them down out right, sadly arguably outdated notions of "free peach" and "Constitutional shenanigan's' which imply that an idiot like Colbert or Maher has something akin to a "right" to spread his anti-government, Tin Foil Hattery to his audience of ill-informed idiots.

Instead, I'd venture it might be better for us simply to use grassroots campaigns to have our social media networks, Facebook, Twitter, and the remaining dinosaur left-wing networks blackball and shut down pundits of this nature, as well as outing as many leftists and their anti-government notions of Russian conspiracy theory drive as oppose.

Rallying social media and university departments to this aim might work, were the current administration and its media allies to initiate a propaganda campaign with wide public reach; particularly utilizing social media as much as possible, into the major outlets of left-wing lies and disinformation are pressured by their media platforms into shutting down.

The same could be done in regards to the blackballing of any "celebrities" or "Hollywood films" and such which are used by idiots to rile up their fellow audiences of hapless idiots with a leftist streak.

Done effectively, this would ideally allow our current government those on the 'right' side of it, to effectively and subtly gain effective control of all popular media outlets and media personnel; whether Hollywood, radio, TV, cable, or social media in particular; no having to bother with Constitutional shenanigan's or even invoke "freez peach" or childish things of that nature; simply use propaganda campaigns to gain effective popular control de facto, to the point that any and all left-wing, Anti-government, Russian conspiracy theory promoters are effectively shut entirely out in practice, even if not in theory.

Such a campaign could also be effected in regards to our European and British allies, in which the social media campaigns, which have far more business and economic viability than most archaic, dinosaur media networks anyway, whether 'left' or right', could be used to pressure what remaining dino networks are left in those countries to likewise conform with our media's noble agency, effectively blackballing anyone from UK or other Western European media who promotes anti-US, Russian conspiracy theory drama; easily doable even without needing or having to take any "direct" control over those networks, or go through the effort it would take to, say, use America's superior economic and technological power to shut down the UK BCC outright, something which I would venture that America's financial elite, preferably those on the side of the current administration, could very well use their financial leverage to do.

How come all your threads are about stifling somebody you'd rather not be heard?

And then you come here and ask for permission by hanging a question mark on the end?
First amendment dumbasses. It's the only reason propaganda piss buckets like Fox news and Breitbart are allowed to exist.
^--- people are actually this stupid; oh please, spare me the ignorance and need for condescension.
What conspiracy theory?
The silly conspiracy theories about Trump Colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and David Ickish-nonsense like that.
The only silly conspiracy theories are those propagated by Trump and the rest of the dishonest right.
Yes, we get "conspiracy theory" merely means "anything you don't like", rather than what a conspiracy theory actually is, such as your silly shenanigans regarding Trump colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and so on and so forth... hilarious...
The tin foil hatters on the left are up in arms over all of the silly and nonsensical conspiracy theories, usually involving something about Trump "colluding" with Putin or Russia, and trying to start World War 3; probably even invoking "Boris Badenov" into it somehow...

I'm not sure why the media puts up with the left and their habit of spreading disinformation and childish, anti-government conspiracy theories of that nature; I'm thinking that eventually we people with some marginal grasps on reality should simply stop tolerating this, and blackballing any and every person in mass media, whether Maher, Colbert, Stewart, or other propaganda and disinformation outlets.

The most pragmatic approach for those on the 'right' side of reality and history, of course, would simply be shutting them down out right, sadly arguably outdated notions of "free peach" and "Constitutional shenanigan's' which imply that an idiot like Colbert or Maher has something akin to a "right" to spread his anti-government, Tin Foil Hattery to his audience of ill-informed idiots.

Instead, I'd venture it might be better for us simply to use grassroots campaigns to have our social media networks, Facebook, Twitter, and the remaining dinosaur left-wing networks blackball and shut down pundits of this nature, as well as outing as many leftists and their anti-government notions of Russian conspiracy theory drive as oppose.

Rallying social media and university departments to this aim might work, were the current administration and its media allies to initiate a propaganda campaign with wide public reach; particularly utilizing social media as much as possible, into the major outlets of left-wing lies and disinformation are pressured by their media platforms into shutting down.

The same could be done in regards to the blackballing of any "celebrities" or "Hollywood films" and such which are used by idiots to rile up their fellow audiences of hapless idiots with a leftist streak.

Done effectively, this would ideally allow our current government those on the 'right' side of it, to effectively and subtly gain effective control of all popular media outlets and media personnel; whether Hollywood, radio, TV, cable, or social media in particular; no having to bother with Constitutional shenanigan's or even invoke "freez peach" or childish things of that nature; simply use propaganda campaigns to gain effective popular control de facto, to the point that any and all left-wing, Anti-government, Russian conspiracy theory promoters are effectively shut entirely out in practice, even if not in theory.

Such a campaign could also be effected in regards to our European and British allies, in which the social media campaigns, which have far more business and economic viability than most archaic, dinosaur media networks anyway, whether 'left' or right', could be used to pressure what remaining dino networks are left in those countries to likewise conform with our media's noble agency, effectively blackballing anyone from UK or other Western European media who promotes anti-US, Russian conspiracy theory drama; easily doable even without needing or having to take any "direct" control over those networks, or go through the effort it would take to, say, use America's superior economic and technological power to shut down the UK BCC outright, something which I would venture that America's financial elite, preferably those on the side of the current administration, could very well use their financial leverage to do.

How come all your threads are about stifling somebody you'd rather not be heard?

And then you come here and ask for permission by hanging a question mark on the end?
In our two party system about half the people are Democrats and about half the people are Republicans. Of the half the people that are Democrats a percentage of them are Progs. The remaining Democrats have no voice. And many are not even aware of it. For many people just vote D or R.
Shut down MSNBC, CNN, and eventually the BBC, and we'll see how quick and quaint individuals are in their rather erroneous descriptions of "propaganda", which is what every major news network, along with the educational informational demographics it's marketed to as a whole are...
6th grade reading level media or childish propaganda as a substitute for reading educating oneself with a healthy diet of 'long form' literature or media isn't really much of a thinking man or woman's cup of tea to begin with.

It's just that lately, the left-wing propaganda outlets, MSNBC, CNN, and various other leftist tabloids and radio, and the like, have become the primary outlets of misinformation and fearmongering propaganda and conspiracy theories such as those regarding Russia; preying on the stupidity and intellectual or cultural ineptitude of their disaffected, left-wing and anarchist constituents, as well as the various propagandists and disinformation agents posing as "Comedians", whether Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Falon, Bill Maher, Colbert, John Stuart, and the like - simply axe them and remove their predacious ways and natures, effectively relying on the inclination to disinformation and simplistic, easily marketable and repeatable stories and slogans for them to even stay in business, as having even read or comprehended one full length book of any philosophical variant, preferably conservative, as of late, would render their shows without any barely literate audience..

The current aim, should be either directly or indirectly shutting down MSNBC, CNN, DNC media, and any other variant of left-wing tabloidism widely available to the masses; then the next proper step on the agenda should be the dismantling of archaic, dinosaur outlets such as NPR, the BBC, as well left-wing pedagogues and rabble rousers who have managed to infiltrate our public and private universities and academia in general, disgracing it with baseness and repellance of their lies, their propagandas; their false idols, their disinformation, their childish propaganda campaigns and other dishonest and intellectually base and inept sentiments, akin to those of the animal or the beast of the more feral and beastly, and less inclined to proper understandings and respects for civilization and its various founding components, whether the physical, the intellectual, or the spiritual and creative.

Social media, having already more or less rendered dinosaur media irrelevant and archaic, as far as serious and entrepreurial minded men and women are concerned, is of course the new frontier for talented storytellers and myth-makers, preferably those on the right side of history and reality, to utilize with full force, until left-wing archaism and misinformation is banished for the forseeable future, not only in the dying, dinosaur networks, but in their morally, culturally, and intellectually vapid social media echo chambers as well; we merely need to have them effectively routed, as the Allies and the Soviets did Germany, such as during the Battle of the Bulge and whatnot.

A conservative, one party state in America, Britain, Europe and the new intellectual and informational frontier that is social media, in everything but name, at least as far as dominance all mass media outlets, public and private is concerned (false as that dichotomy often is) for the foreseeable future.
What conspiracy theory?
The silly conspiracy theories about Trump Colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and David Ickish-nonsense like that.
The only silly conspiracy theories are those propagated by Trump and the rest of the dishonest right.
Yes, we get "conspiracy theory" merely means "anything you don't like", rather than what a conspiracy theory actually is, such as your silly shenanigans regarding Trump colluding with Putin and Boris Badenov, and so on and so forth... hilarious...
Wow, are you confused!

Over here in reality it's exactly the opposite of that.
The tin foil hatters on the left are up in arms over all of the silly and nonsensical conspiracy theories, usually involving something about Trump "colluding" with Putin or Russia, and trying to start World War 3; probably even invoking "Boris Badenov" into it somehow...

I'm not sure why the media puts up with the left and their habit of spreading disinformation and childish, anti-government conspiracy theories of that nature; I'm thinking that eventually we people with some marginal grasps on reality should simply stop tolerating this, and blackballing any and every person in mass media, whether Maher, Colbert, Stewart, or other propaganda and disinformation outlets.

The most pragmatic approach for those on the 'right' side of reality and history, of course, would simply be shutting them down out right, sadly arguably outdated notions of "free peach" and "Constitutional shenanigan's' which imply that an idiot like Colbert or Maher has something akin to a "right" to spread his anti-government, Tin Foil Hattery to his audience of ill-informed idiots.

Instead, I'd venture it might be better for us simply to use grassroots campaigns to have our social media networks, Facebook, Twitter, and the remaining dinosaur left-wing networks blackball and shut down pundits of this nature, as well as outing as many leftists and their anti-government notions of Russian conspiracy theory drive as oppose.

Rallying social media and university departments to this aim might work, were the current administration and its media allies to initiate a propaganda campaign with wide public reach; particularly utilizing social media as much as possible, into the major outlets of left-wing lies and disinformation are pressured by their media platforms into shutting down.

The same could be done in regards to the blackballing of any "celebrities" or "Hollywood films" and such which are used by idiots to rile up their fellow audiences of hapless idiots with a leftist streak.

Done effectively, this would ideally allow our current government those on the 'right' side of it, to effectively and subtly gain effective control of all popular media outlets and media personnel; whether Hollywood, radio, TV, cable, or social media in particular; no having to bother with Constitutional shenanigan's or even invoke "freez peach" or childish things of that nature; simply use propaganda campaigns to gain effective popular control de facto, to the point that any and all left-wing, Anti-government, Russian conspiracy theory promoters are effectively shut entirely out in practice, even if not in theory.

Such a campaign could also be effected in regards to our European and British allies, in which the social media campaigns, which have far more business and economic viability than most archaic, dinosaur media networks anyway, whether 'left' or right', could be used to pressure what remaining dino networks are left in those countries to likewise conform with our media's noble agency, effectively blackballing anyone from UK or other Western European media who promotes anti-US, Russian conspiracy theory drama; easily doable even without needing or having to take any "direct" control over those networks, or go through the effort it would take to, say, use America's superior economic and technological power to shut down the UK BCC outright, something which I would venture that America's financial elite, preferably those on the side of the current administration, could very well use their financial leverage to do.

How come all your threads are about stifling somebody you'd rather not be heard?

And then you come here and ask for permission by hanging a question mark on the end?
In our two party system about half the people are Democrats and about half the people are Republicans. Of the half the people that are Democrats a percentage of them are Progs. The remaining Democrats have no voice. And many are not even aware of it. For many people just vote D or R.

Complete Dichotomy-fallacy Bullshit. FAR more of us have No Party than have any party. See it here, pick your week.

"Progs" died out a century ago.

This inane Dichotomy Disease needs to Die, Yesterday.

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