Should Trump receive same treatment that Hillary received?

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You just keep thinking that....

Be honest and be willing to acknowledge simple truths. You have yet to do either in this thread. I have acknowledged many sins and errors on the part of Trump. Why can't you acknowledge the sins and errors of liberal politicians and officials?
Who hasn't?

Typical kunt response. I ask a simple fucking question and you give a kunt response. Like I said, you're not worth reading, let alone engaging. On "ignore" you go. Bye bye kunt.

Ok my little partisan zealot, tell me who high up has gone to jail for any of the things we have seen our Govt do since the days of Reagan?

But instead you will retreat to your safe space and put anyone that does not think just like you on ignore.

Fucking snowflake
NO!!! Trump should not receive the treatment Hillary received. Trump is a lying pig, but nobody deserves the bullshit that Hillary had to put up with.

So you believe that there was nothing improper about the DOJ investigation of Hillary and her transmissions of classified material on her private server?

You think there was?

Of course there was. She had classified material on an unsecure server, that is a big no me.

You mean like Jared did?
Looks like Crooked Hillary may be in big trouble.

Hillary broke significant laws. The DOJ went out of its way to protect Hillary and then exonerated her. She skated. Not a single liberal on this forum has acknowledged in this thread that the DOJ investigation was done in a totally improper way.

Ronald Reagan broke significant laws, the DOJ went out of its way to protect him. IT HAPPENS ALL THE FUCKING TIME...god you are such a snowflake
My contention with the graphic I posted is that your oversimplified presentation constitutes "spin."

The so-called investigation was a sham - and you supported it. You're another partisan hack.

Incidentally, I thought I made it clear in the OP that I wasn't the author. I simply shared it here.
You just keep thinking that....

You just keep thinking that....

Be honest and be willing to acknowledge simple truths. You have yet to do either in this thread. I have acknowledged many sins and errors on the part of Trump. Why can't you acknowledge the sins and errors of liberal politicians and officials?
Do you really want to make this discussion about me? That's so kind of you, and I truly appreciate the gesture, but I doubt anyone here, except perhaps you, wants to read posts about me.
(Courtesy of Sheryl Attkisson)

Re: Trump interview w/special counsel, perhaps all can agree it should be under same terms @TheJusticeDept gave Hillary Clinton:

1. An exoneration letter is drafted in advance.
2. Immunity is given to top Trump aides (and they’re allowed to sit in on interview).
3. Interview isn’t recorded.
4. Lead official (Mueller) doesn’t attend.
5. #2 official’s family has received large donations from Trump political friends.
6. Prior to the interview, lead official meets privately on plane tarmac with Trump's wife (to discuss grandchildren).
7. Main interviewer has expressed disdain for Trump’s opponents, such as discussing an “insurance plan” with higher-ups to undermine them. If the same terms aren’t offered...Was Clinton’s interview process unfair? Or is the one proposed for Trump unfair?
8. As long as they believe Trump didn't intend any harm, he's let off the hook for any violations.
9. If Trump becomes a target, it should be referred to as a "matter" not an investigation.
10. Trump aides should be permitted to destroy subpoenaed or relevant public records and wipe relevant servers with a cloth or something.

BULLSEYE, K9, in fact, it would be highly suspicious if Trump, the PRESIDENT, didn't get at least AS GOOD a deal as Hillary did! And I would love to be a fly on the wall when Trump walks in and throws those terms on the table as says: Fine, we have a deal so long as you give me all the same conditions you gave Hillary a year ago!~~~ and they refuse. And the best part is, if they gave Trump HALF what Hillary got, all the Libtard Snowflakes would be BALLISTIC!!!! Another double-standard moment for the Left.
It's too late for 30 years of conspiracies.

But we should have thousands chanting "Lock him up".

Only if your chant can be put together with some nursery rhyme, you know how good the lefties are at that.
^ says the dumb motherfucker who cheered as Lyin’ Ted read Green Eggs and Ham as his great weapon for conservatism

^^^ The brain-truss of the Left letting his uncouth nature slip out exposed once again.
Do you really want to make this discussion about me? That's so kind of you, and I truly appreciate the gesture, but I doubt anyone here, except perhaps you, wants to read posts about me.

I'm simply trying to encourage you to be honest. You are obviously free to be dishonest.
On another note,You're a non-objective, partisan hack. I should put you on "ignore" because everything you post is idiotic drivel.
Sooooo ironic, you inbred piece of trash

TRANSLATION: Another Liberal run out of words painted into his own corner out of facts.
^ Oh! Another inbred, non-objective, partisan conservative hack joins the thread!


And Old School really thinks HE is objective and non-partisan??? :laugh2: :laughing0301: :laugh:

Also, you guys know there has to be original content and links in the OP.
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