Should Trump Fire Mike Pompeo For Treason??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Pompeo clashes with Lavrov on election meddling, Ukraine, arms control

So on the day that the House began drafting articles of impeachment -- the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov came to the White House so him and Trump can paint each other's nails and dish about all the latest gossip....He also came to reinforce the notion that Russia is absolutely innocent when it comes to election meddling, the same exact message that Trump has been why is Pompeo basically committing treason against the president, the country and Russia when it comes to this Russia and the 2016 elections??

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo clashed publicly with Russia's top diplomat Tuesday over Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Pompeo said he told Lavrov that Russia's election interference was "unacceptable" and the United States is prepared to respond if it happens again in 2020. Lavrov called the accusations "baseless" and pressed Pompeo to release diplomatic cables from 2016 and 2017 that he claimed would clear Russia of such suspicions. Lavrov continued, 'Let's publish this cross-channel correspondence, so it would all become very clear," Lavrov said. "This administration refused to do so."

Wait a minute!! Is Lavrov claiming he got receipts???

One thing is for sure, it is an absolute betrayal for Pompeo in front of the Russian foreign minister, in front of President Trump and most importantly in front of Putin -- to parrot the same Democrat, Deep State, 17 different intelligence committees' talking points that unfairly claims Russia was interfering in the elections, when the truth is that Russia and Putin are innocent -- and to undercut Trump like that is outrageous....

I hope Lavrov does force Pompeo to release those receipts, maybe it will finally vindicate Trump and Putin once and for all..

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