CDZ Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?

Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?​

Absolutely not.
Our founders had it right from the start...ONLY those with a dog in the fight should be permitted to vote...This is a no-brainer for ALL sane folks
So then people who don't pay into the system should not have to abide by laws passed by people they didn't have the right to vote for.
So then people who don't pay into the system should not have to abide by laws passed by people they didn't have the right to vote for.
They're free to try.. but the police will protect the paying citizenry, right?
Okay, how was the scenario I gave out wrong?

Would you have the 3 children rule via vote over the 2 wage-earning adults?
OF COURSE Lefty would! That's why his children are spoiled rotten losers. All they ever have to do is whine for anything they want. Outrage and being offended makes them right, makes them better than you. Don't you understand anything Mister? You voted for Trump. He voted for the crooked racist with dementia and Vice President Whore.

To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. - Teddy Roosevelt

They're free to try.. but the police will protect the paying citizenry, right?
And what happens, pray tell, if you fall behind on your payments? Does the fire department come to your house when your home is going up in flames? Do they have to wait for a credit check to see if you're going to repay them? What if you happen to live in Baltimore but work in DC for example...should the police respond to a call if your car gets stolen while you're at work?

As for your silly scenario with children... okay...what if one parent says no and the other one says yes.... does it come down to which parent earns more money or which one spends less?
OF COURSE Lefty would! That's why his children are spoiled rotten losers. All they ever have to do is whine for anything they want. Outrage and being offended makes them right, makes them better than you. Don't you understand anything Mister? You voted for Trump. He voted for the crooked racist with dementia and Vice President Whore.

To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. - Teddy Roosevelt

Are you familiar with the teenager who used "affluenza" as a criminal defense?

Big time republican.
lol rubbish topic. As I've said before, right wing nutjobs aren't any better than left wing nutjobs; they're distinctions without a difference as far as their policies will affect the majority of people, i.e. they both plan to work you to death, pay you zilch, and keep the gains for themselves.

Should Those Who Don't Pay into the System Be Able to Vote?​


Only property owners should be entered into the voting franchise..."Skin in the game" and all that.

No buy-in, you can't play the game.
OF COURSE Lefty would! That's why his children are spoiled rotten losers. All they ever have to do is whine for anything they want. Outrage and being offended makes them right, makes them better than you. Don't you understand anything Mister? You voted for Trump. He voted for the crooked racist with dementia and Vice President Whore.

To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth. - Teddy Roosevelt

And here we have a classic right winger. He's whining but accuses others of being whiners.
Here we go again.

These people should have more power than those people.
Give it a rest.
Those that don't contribute, shouldn't have a say. One they have no skin in the game so they do vote for free chit that they don't pay for and two---idiots who can't take care of themselves generally don't have the brain or the moral backbone to be considered to make good choices.
White boy, as much as your race has mooched that we pd for with fee labor or taxes for things we were excluded from, you really need to shut the fuck up.
White boy, as much as your race has mooched that we pd for with fee labor or taxes for things we were excluded from, you really need to shut the fuck up.
You are delusional--in all things, blacks have taken more in government beanies than they ever paid in.
The more I think about it, it seems like an obvious hole in the system.

As a politician, all you have to do is promise the non-payers tons of money until the non-payers outnumber the payers.. and then... it collapses, and you never had much skin in the game to begin with.. F it.

SJW's will say it's every negative label in the book because all they can see is race, but, should non-payers be able to vote?

If 2 adults don't want to buy the big screen TV, but 3 kids do... should the big screen TV be bought?
Unfortunately for you, you'd need a constitutional amendment for that to happen.

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