Should there be a transfer fee to every person sending money to their “home country” if they can’t prove they are here legally?

No I dont

It would be nice but not necessary

What I do want is no further investment in china

Iphone production there should be moved to southeast asia and other suitable countries
That was the TPP plan but TPP was torpedeo by Trump on the third day of his admin...

TPP was a partnership to decrease the reliance on the BRIC countries for Brazil (Agriculture), Russia (Raw Materials), India (Services) & China (Manufacturing)...

By offering free trade to other countries who agree to a standardised (human, workers, environment, financial) rights (which would be effectively written by US)...

And yes the down size would be that international court which would sit above the supreme court for violations of this agreement both internationally and domestically... That is how these things get enforced..
Funny how these folks are all into government intrusion and taxation when it suits them, huh?
I'm not totally sure that's right. If money is illegally earned, I think the gummit could pass a law making it forfeit as a fine.

And, I'd guess the taxing power would let the gummit put a surtax on money earned by legal for workers on top of income tax already paid on elec transfers to "just some" countries, but generally surtaxes are used to fund specific programs.

But as we've discussed, the problem's in the details. We have so many large and small businesses that operate here and abroad, and transfer money all the time to just do whatever buy,sell,make ..... how do you not cause harm to the economy, even if you think it's ok to wreck people's businesses?

Legal workers can just open bank accts in multinational banks with overseas branches just like businesses.

Illegal workers may be stuck with wire transfers like western union, but as we discussed, putting fees on that would put walmart workers as the gatekeepers. But if anyone can figure out how to do it, it wouldn't bother me. Hell, I'd seize all their money and ship em back.

But I'd issue a lot of green cards too.
Well you and I pay a fee to send money. Have not done it recently so don't remember what it cost. That fee goes to the wire transfer company. The problem with your plan is that it would put the onus on the wire transfer company to determine citizenship. This would be costly and time consuming. You could levy a tax on all transfers leaving the country but that would penalize legitimate business outside the country. I would support this as it would give companies incentive to keep a larger share of their infrastructure here how ever the Republican partie would not go for it and be public about that opinion. The democrats would not go for it in private as they get their campaign money from the same companies that the Republicans do. Never happen as long as citizens united is alive and well. Not sure it would happen even if it wasn't. The reality is that profits of the one percent is more important to the government then yours and our concerns. It always has been and likely always will be.
Also are they going to get involved with Revolut (and the other type companies ) who can offices not in US (could be in Europe)...

How do you expect to control that... Revolut has effectively stopped kids & Young Adults carrying cash in Europe... As long as you have someone in your address book (email or phone number) you can pay them... Any currency...
I think if we know enough about a person to know they are sending money out of the country and are here illegally, they should simply be taken into custody and deported at once.
LOL. Why don’t you go after the illegals? Not every illegal is working.
If the illegal isn't working then he has no money to send out of country.

If employers didn't hire illegals then illegals would have no money to send out of country.

The fact of the matter is that employers are required to check if the people they hire have valid Social Security numbers
If the illegal isn't working then he has no money to send out of country.

If employers didn't hire illegals then illegals would have no money to send out of country.

The fact of the matter is that employers are required to check if the people they hire have valid Social Security numbers
Then you agree that the United States is a free sovereign nation with borders, language and culture. And that is true nationalism. Free nationalism. But the globalist propagandists promote nationalism as evil. We lived under nationalism until LBJ cut the cord of the idea of freedom and fed the voracious Fiat Currency its potential damage to the world.
Then you agree that the United States is a free sovereign nation with borders, language and culture. And that is true nationalism. Free nationalism. But the globalist propagandists promote nationalism as evil. We lived under nationalism until LBJ cut the cord of the idea of freedom and fed the voracious Fiat Currency its potential damage to the world.

Nationalism is very different than patriotism. Look at the famous nationalists of the last century... It is evil.
Also are they going to get involved with Revolut (and the other type companies ) who can offices not in US (could be in Europe)...

How do you expect to control that... Revolut has effectively stopped kids & Young Adults carrying cash in Europe... As long as you have someone in your address book (email or phone number) you can pay them... Any currency...
Ya, my kids have multiple cash apps they use to pay. Not really familiar with the names though. Tax avoidance was the original intention of crypto from what I understand
It’s their money, that they earned. Regardless of citizenship, it is their right to choose how to spend it.
So a back robber “earned” his money too. And a criminal in jail earns miney by writing a book. In this country, lawbreakers aren’t allowed to profit by their crimes.

And these people are here illegally. Why should honest Americans have to pay $160 billion a year for them? At least this way, they’d cover their own costs.

And it’s the liberal attitude - putting what’s in the best interests of illegal aliens AHEAD of what’s best for honest citizens - that is encouraging more of them.
Ya, my kids have multiple cash apps they use to pay. Not really familiar with the names though. Tax avoidance was the original intention of crypto from what I understand

Stay away from Zelle. They will take your money and you have no recourse.
So a back robber “earned” his money too. And a criminal in jail earns miney by writing a book. In this country, lawbreakers aren’t allowed to profit by their crimes.

And these people are here illegally. Why should honest Americans have to pay $160 billion a year for them? At least this way, they’d cover their own costs.

And it’s the liberal attitude - putting what’s in the best interests of illegal aliens AHEAD of what’s best for honest citizens - that is encouraging more of them.

Comparing them to bank robbers is asinine.
I think if we know enough about a person to know they are sending money out of the country and are here illegally, they should simply be taken into custody and deported at once.
That could be a side benefit. Illegals would either NOT send money home, knowing they could be deported, or….even better, the one’s thinking of coming here won’t, knowing they can’t send money home to their family.

Maybe in 2024, when we win the presidency and have both houses of Congress, G-willing, this could be instituted.
Yes. Or have severe limits on the amount sent.

Where I used to work I can personally attest to mexicans and Nigerians who opted out of insurance because they got free treatment at hospitals, lived in groups in small places and sent most of their combined money back home instead of putting it back into our system.
Lol, I am old school have not taken that plunge into digital transfer. Still a cash and carry type of fellow. Likely could not use if I even wanted to.

Just remember the name Zelle. I know several seniors who have been screwed out of thousands. Their banks are off the hook.
Do you know the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?
Again….defending illegals. They have violated out laws and we can at least recover the $160 billion a year they cost us. Why do you put the interest of illegals over those of honest Americans?
Again….defending illegals. They have violated out laws and we can at least recover the $160 billion a year they cost us. Why do you put the interest of illegals over those of honest Americans?

I don't like violent people. You don't have to dehumanize them to stop illegals. When did your family immigrate to the US?

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