Should the U.S. declare Afghanistan a U.S. protectorate?


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
If the U.S. leaves Afghanistan it will become what it was before. An Islamist/Taliban state. The Russians figured that out and left. Extending the U.S. stay for time limited periods is not going to change anything. Just declare the place a U.S. protectorate and take charge. The Russians, unlike the U.S. when the Russians were keeping the lid on, will not help the Islamists so just a few thousand troops will keep the Taliban from taking over.
The U.S. should get the FUCK out of Afghanistan. It's absolute madness that we're still there. Obama can't defend this dumbass move about staying there.

There is not a single reasonable explanation for why anyone in the U.S. gives a damn about the future of Afghanistan. We need to GTFO.
If the U.S. leaves Afghanistan it will become what it was before. An Islamist/Taliban state. The Russians figured that out and left. Extending the U.S. stay for time limited periods is not going to change anything. Just declare the place a U.S. protectorate and take charge. The Russians, unlike the U.S. when the Russians were keeping the lid on, will not help the Islamists so just a few thousand troops will keep the Taliban from taking over.

"what it was before....." what it was BEFORE WHAT??? The Taliban went there in the 1980s for the PURPOSE of making that land a shariah shit hole------it was not so before the Taliban got there. The Taliban
are Pakistani caliphatist nuts ------no better than Iranian Shiite shit or Baathist Nazi shit. Afghanistan was a
lot better before it got hit with the totalitarian shit. Hopefully not too many of the PASHTUN-----got into
totalitarian mode related to any of the present sick movements of the day------caliphatism of the
sunni type, caliphatism of the Baathist Nazi type, caliphateism of Shiite shit type and even caliphatism--
---of the OTTOMAN TYPE NONE OF THE GENOCIDAL SHIT that so many on this very board support.
This board has devolved into a "MY TOTALITARIAN SHIT is better than your TOTALITARIAN SHIT"

for the record-----it was the Russians who created havoc in Afghanistan-----they created an excuse for
the Invasion of the PSYCHOTIC Pakistani Taliban-----and the Taliban created a crib for Bin Laden.
The Russians left because they were thrown out from everywhere-----their REICH fell apart at the seams.
The Taliban will fall apart on its own------it has no support. Pakistan no longer supports it
You have reading comprehension problem, and a vivid imagination. You write nonsense.
You have reading comprehension problem, and a vivid imagination. You write nonsense.

You, monte, have a shit mouth. I assume you are referring to post #4. It is a bit lengthy-----what parts of
that post do you wish to imagine are "nonsense"??
Might as well just make them a State...I think they have a better economy than Puerto Rico.
You have reading comprehension problem, and a vivid imagination. You write nonsense.

You, monte, have a shit mouth. I assume you are referring to post #4. It is a bit lengthy-----what parts of
that post do you wish to imagine are "nonsense"??

The Taliban did not go Afghanistan. They are Afghans ffs. The Taliban are simply the sons of the Islamists that were fighting the Soviets. Those same Muhajedin that attacked Soviet built schools for girls and all the other secular institutions the Russians were attempting to put in place. The U.S. supported those Sunni Islamists just because they were fighting against the Russians. The U.S. also supplied those Islamists with shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles that killed Russian pilots and air crews. That the Russians have not done the same while U.S. troops are fighting the same bankrupt Sunni Islamist ideology demonstrates which people have more character.
You have reading comprehension problem, and a vivid imagination. You write nonsense.

You, monte, have a shit mouth. I assume you are referring to post #4. It is a bit lengthy-----what parts of
that post do you wish to imagine are "nonsense"??

The Taliban did not go Afghanistan. They are Afghans ffs. The Taliban are simply the sons of the Islamists that were fighting the Soviets. Those same Muhajedin that attacked Soviet built schools for girls and all the other secular institutions the Russians were attempting to put in place. The U.S. supported those Sunni Islamists just because they were fighting against the Russians. The U.S. also supplied those Islamists with shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles that killed Russian pilots and air crews. That the Russians have not done the same while U.S. troops are fighting the same bankrupt Sunni Islamist ideology demonstrates which people have more character.

The TALIBAN are Pakistanis-------I need not get my information from jerks like you------I have worked closely with RELATIVES OF TALIBAN-------and PERSONS WHO HAD ATTENDED SCHOOL WITH THEM
IN PAKISTAN--------they are Pakistanis-------you got CITATIONS to prove that there are AFGHANI TALIBAN
who attacked RUSSIAN BUILT GIRL's SCHOOLS ? you are quite a joke------I am sure you can find
the writing that shoved that fantasy into your head. How do you say GOEBBELS IN PASTUN?
Forget the Taliban, ISIS have just invaded Afghanistan. Now the crap has really hit the fan.
Turning the place into a US territory might be the best way to go.

Huh? Even hinting at that, talk about the violence, my goodness what's happening in Afghanistan now would look like a picnic compared to what would follow.
If the U.S. leaves Afghanistan it will become what it was before. An Islamist/Taliban state. The Russians figured that out and left. Extending the U.S. stay for time limited periods is not going to change anything. Just declare the place a U.S. protectorate and take charge. The Russians, unlike the U.S. when the Russians were keeping the lid on, will not help the Islamists so just a few thousand troops will keep the Taliban from taking over.

You are joking! What a completely ridiculous suggestion....unless you're trying to bring on Armageddon that is.
Forget the Taliban, ISIS have just invaded Afghanistan. Now the crap has really hit the fan.

The situation already is a nightmare.

Let's face it, Afghanistan and Iraq, both were exceptionally ill-advised interventions from day one.
Forget the Taliban, ISIS have just invaded Afghanistan. Now the crap has really hit the fan.

The situation already is a nightmare.

Let's face it, Afghanistan and Iraq, both were exceptionally ill-advised interventions from day one.

Iraq War II was initiated by Israeli lobby, oil lobby and weapons lobby in tandem. I agree that it was not in the interest of the U.S. However, Afghanistan was a different story. Afghanistan was taken over by Pakistan's proxy Taliban which gave shelter to Al Queda. Al Queda and Taliban planned an attack on the U.S. which killed more than 3K Americans in one day. So American action in Afghanistan was justified. However, attention of American people was systematically diverted from Afghanistan to Iraq by compromised American media which facilitated invasion of Iraq later.
Forget the Taliban, ISIS have just invaded Afghanistan. Now the crap has really hit the fan.

The situation already is a nightmare.

Let's face it, Afghanistan and Iraq, both were exceptionally ill-advised interventions from day one.

Iraq War II was initiated by Israeli lobby, oil lobby and weapons lobby in tandem. I agree that it was not in the interest of the U.S. However, Afghanistan was a different story. Afghanistan was taken over by Pakistan's proxy Taliban which gave shelter to Al Queda. Al Queda and Taliban planned an attack on the U.S. which killed more than 3K Americans in one day. So American action in Afghanistan was justified. However, attention of American people was systematically diverted from Afghanistan to Iraq by compromised American media which facilitated invasion of Iraq later.

^^^^^ Idiot indian propagaganda---promulgated by indian journalists. So full
of nonsense that it is difficult to so much as begin. I do not recall a "lobbyist"
invasion of Iraq. An interesting factoid is that Lobbyists are actually registered
as such in the USA. No doubt the Indian journalists have IDENTIFIED the legion
of lobbyists which invaded Iraq. Taliban is not actually a Pakistani proxy-----it started out as a popular "youth movement" and since its stated goal early one---
when it was not yet CALLED Taliban was the a fight against the USSR----the
"movement" even had some support from the USA. It played no role in the
9-11-01 attack on the USA------that one was AL QUAIDA. The attention of the
USA has not been OFF Iraq from long before anyone so much as mentioned
the apparent waste-land which stagnant Afghanistan seemed to be. Iraq has been
IN THE NEWS for episodes of filth that Indian journalists endorse since the 1960s
(in my recollection-----I was a toddler in the early 50s)
It doesn't matter whether the Taliban or any other Islamic faction ultimately takes charge of Afghanistan. Anywhere you have an Islamic government, you have a terrorist manufacturing center. It's true of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Indonesia, Comoros, Sudan, Qatar, Morrocco, Chad, Brunei, Niger, et cetera, et cetera.
The western nations sit by in utter denial that "Islam" is at war with not only the west, but the non-Islamic world in general.
In centuries past, Islam would send armies to try and conquer the non-Islamic nations. Try as they may, they could not successfully win against the better equipped and led armies they were up against. Fast forward to the twentieth century and they have finally found the way to destroy the infidel enemy......."from within." Simply send millions of fighting aged mostly men, into the infidel nations, unarmed, but with the intention to destroy it from within, by growing numbers. An army, without weapons, gradually destroying the infidel nations by growing numbers from within. Eventually, success. Once the numbers are there, simply do as was done in Lebanon. The people killing infidels are simply the armed elements of Islam. The war continues.

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