Should the IRS become the 5th branch of the military?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

They are certainly buying enough arms to be another branch of the military, $10 million worth of guns.

But they don't audit foreign hostile nations do they?

Gee, I wonder who they are going to war with.
Seventh branch ... Coast Guard came under DHS in the early oh-oh's and ATFE back during the Reagan Administration ...

Tax cheats hate our country ... pack 'em off to Italy ...

They are certainly buying enough arms to be another branch of the military, $10 million worth of guns.

But they don't audit foreign hostile nations do they?

Gee, I wonder who they are going to war with.
If we ever needed gun control we need it now.
I guess this makes all the poor people the Dems used as an excuse to bloat the administrative state the WMD's in this instance?
I pay what little taxes I'm due every year ... only tax cheats fear the IRS ... we're not free to commit crimes ... might wanna read Article I again ...
Lots of innocent people have wrongfully been destroyed by the IRS. They are legendary for that.

But now they can not only destroy you financially, they can literally kill you.

The Federal Income tax, which led to the creation of the IRS, was once struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional, but Leftists like yourself simply added it.

They are certainly buying enough arms to be another branch of the military, $10 million worth of guns.

But they don't audit foreign hostile nations do they?

Gee, I wonder who they are going to war with.

Your source is fake news. The IRS has bought guns and ammo for decades. This is not a new action. Sometimes they have to deal with criminal cartels in their investigations. It was a earlier version of the IRS that brought down Al Capone.
Lots of innocent people have wrongfully been destroyed by the IRS. They are legendary for that.

But now they can not only destroy you financially, they can literally kill you.

The Federal Income tax, which led to the creation of the IRS, was once struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional, but Leftists like yourself simply added it.

You are another right wing idiot. They are not killing anyone.

Should the IRS become the 5th branch of the military?​

Too late ... it already is (along with the ATF, FBI, CIA, EPA, DOJ, DHS, JDL, ACLU, & LGBTQ+Pedo).
poor weak monded tool....ninety cents of every dollar y ou spend goes towards taxes....get woke.....

That's only for the Middle Class ... the Rich have thousands of pages of tax code that lowers our taxes ... do you file at least one Form 4562? ... that's available to the Middle Class, you use it? ... one year I filed seven, plus four Forms 3383 ...

Oh wait ... you have H&R Block fill out your taxes, right? ... have you ever read IRS Pub 334 (Tax Guide to Small Businesses)? ...

Oregon uses a flat tax of 9% ... no way around that ... property tax is 3% gross revenues ... not bad, not good ... road tax on a tank of gas every month is trivial ... you pay 15% SS taxes on Net Earnings?, that's funny, no wonder you're broke all the time ... and you call me weak monded [sic] ...
Lots of innocent people have wrongfully been destroyed by the IRS. They are legendary for that.

But now they can not only destroy you financially, they can literally kill you.

The Federal Income tax, which led to the creation of the IRS, was once struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional, but Leftists like yourself simply added it.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." -- US Constitution, 16th Amendment ...

Many many more guilty people have been rightfully ruined by the IRS ... Al Capone for example ... the IRS is crime's BIGGEST enemy ... why would want less IRS activity? ...

The Police can literally kill you too ... they carry guns ... I'm not a criminal, so I help the police ... I'm not a tax cheat, so I help the IRS ... simple citizenship ... if you're afraid of government officials killing you, you're in the wrong country ...

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