Should The Federal Government Oversee School Discipline?

That is already a thing in most schools....there is no situation where schools are out of control and need to be taken over by the DOJ
I don’t want the DOK involved. I want the local PD, the PTA, the Teacher’s Union and the School Board involved in ensuring that there is a safe environment in and around the schools to ensure these kids have the opportunity to LEARN, rather than being concerned about when the next brawl, shooting, or social engineering seminar is happening.

Let’s turn schools back into educational facilities instead of shitholes. The best people to do that are not the DOJ, or anyone else in Washington DC. It’s local leaders and parents.
When I was in school, many a moon ago, the nuns who taught us didn't need a federal bureaucrat to tell them when kids needed to be swatted. But teachers aren't as sharp as they were years ago and the situation has changed.

Hell no.

How much power are we going to give the federal government?

Trump is not really a Republican. He just hijacked the tired old GOP elephant and rode it to victory over Hillary’s lame Donkey.

I favor letting the states run their public educational system. Currently the system is broke. Fifty individual states running their own experiments on public education might find a least one solution to the problem.

Best damn post on this thread.:2up:

Exactly,The OP is too much a stupid fuck to understand Trump is not part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicans and republicrats,that is WHY the establishment republicans who are in bed with the dems like murkowski of alaska,Bush and Romney and others all hate Trump.

trump pissed off the establishemt by bringing more jobs back to the country than any other president in 60 years going back to kennedy instead of shipping them off to foreign countries all the others sense kennedy ALL did and made it possible for veterans that were whistleblowers who got mistreaded by the government to be a whistleblower without suffering repercusions. trump is a RINO.

we need the states to look over the education instead of our corrupt government and that means arresting the crimiinal politicians in congress which are mostly dems and putting patriotic people in governent like Kerry lake in office to run out states.
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Best damn post on this thread.:2up:

Exactly,The OP is too much a stupid fuck to understand Trump is not part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicans and republicrats,that is WHY the establishment republicans who are in bed with the RINOS like murkowski of alaska,Bush and Romney and others all hate Trump.

trump pissed off the establishemt by bringing more jobs back to the country than any other president in 60 years going back to kennedy instead of shipping them off to foreign countries all the others sense kennedy ALL did and made it possible for veterans that were whistleblowers who got mistreaded by the government to be a whistleblower without suffering repercusions. trump is a RINO.

we need the states to look over the education instead of our corrupt government and that means arresting the crimiinal politicians in congress which are mostly dems and putting patriotic people in governent like Kerry lake in office to run out states.
Thanks for your support.
Federal guidelines already exist. Obama worked on them a bit during his term as well , so did you have a problem with that?
Show me the federal guidelines for federal school discipline?

I'll wait

Furthermore, your goofy ass is trying to defend something Trump is doing by saying "Obama did it" -- this is why I clown you dic suckers..
Show me the federal guidelines for federal school discipline?

I'll wait

Furthermore, your goofy ass is trying to defend something Trump is doing by saying "Obama did it" -- this is why I clown you dic suckers..

Fed's only make things worse anymore.

Dial 1-800-EATSHIT for a life line.
Fed's only make things worse anymore.

Dial 1-800-EATSHIT for a life line.
That is NOT what I asked you...

Show me the federal guidelines on school discipline?

Why do you feel you have to lie to defend your cult leader?
So tell us about these federal school standards that Democrats have tampered with. Specifically, what are they?

personally I think it should be all left up to the states individually. There's no reason someone in the Federal government is any wiser than someone in the state government, and different states and counties
have different situations.
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