Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

You POS Nazis would do it if you thought you could get away with it.
Why the fuck would I waste my time trying to convince you nutjobs of anything? Waste of time and money.
Best to just marginalize you. It's not like your belief system and ideology is growing. In fact, it's is your voting demographic.
You're just not being replaced in numbers that will allow you to be a majority again. That's why your political talking heads have to resort to forcing minority rule.
It's really the only way you can hold on to power.
Thread summary:

Trump supporters have been brainwashed into hysterical paranoia, because keeping them terrified keeps them obedient. Very, very obedient. Obedient to a level that makes sheep look independent.

Deprogramming doesn't require force. It only requires gentle talking, by people around them who care. The paranoid brains of the Trump cult loons just assumed force was required, because force is all they know.

Anyways, remember the infallibility of the "Every Republican accusation is a confession." All of the Trump cultists here are hardcore Stalinists, colored red down to their very souls, so they try to deflect from their Stalinist lust by accusing others of what they embrace themselves.

Yes, it really is that obvious. No, it fools nobody. That's why the Trump cult Stalinists keep losing elections. Everyone justifiably hates what they stand for.
This post is clinical projection....

Projection is a defense mechanism in which an individual unconsciously projects their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors onto someone else12. It can occur without an underlying mental health condition, but is also common in those with personality disorders such as BPD and NPD1. Projection can reveal hidden insecurities or beliefs that are valuable to explore in therapy3.
And what? Is that what you believe as well?
Yes of course I agree. What she said makes perfect sense. We need to start working together and not feed devision through lies and conspiracy theories.

She was asked how exactly she planned on doing that and she gave a clear answer. Do you know what it was?
Says the screaming hysteric who robotically repeats any right-wing propaganda that his masters supply him. What his masters appreciate about him is that he never asks questions or engages in independent thought. His masters said it, so that settles it for him.
More projection....
Y’all crack me up. You get all hyped up on these fear mongering tactics that your propaganda media feeds you and then you get all worked up into a hissy.

Nobody is suggesting a legally enforced deprogramming. As much as y’all need it we do have a first amendment so y’all can be as ignorant and dishonest as you want as long as you’re not causing harm or the threat of harm to others
Says the pro baby murdering fiend.
Openly suggesting what exactly? A desire to see facts and truth prevail over lies and conspiracies which feed the trump cult? Well yeah. I think many Americans would like to see that
Goebbels speaks.
Oh? Please point it out, I'm all ears...
She said it would be done by electing better leaders. Simple. Don’t elect Trump clowns and give them power or a podium.

Next time listen to the things you post.

So let me ask you…. Do you disagree with the notion of electing better leaders as a solution to resetting narratives and instituting change within our nation?

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