Should people who chose to not vaccinate get preference?

When a responsible person gets a covid vaccine and needs life saving medical care, but the hospitals are full of the misguided non vaccinated. Somethings wrong . They won’t vaccinate but will beg for any treatment at the hospitals,
FDA approved or not, at that point.

Vaccinated Morons with altered DNA are now feminized trans humans and should go to the back of the line. The non vaccinated is who should go to the front of the line!

Time to thin the herd out.
When a responsible person gets a covid vaccine and needs life saving medical care, but the hospitals are full of the misguided non vaccinated. Somethings wrong . They won’t vaccinate but will beg for any treatment at the hospitals,
FDA approved or not, at that point.'s the same as when an illegal alien who has never paid a dime into the system gets care ahead of a liftime tax payer at the ER...
Tough shit buck up and stop your whining.

Jo's the same as when an illegal alien who has never paid a dime into the system gets care ahead of a liftime tax payer at the ER...
Tough shit buck up and stop your whining.

Not exactly. There are constitutional limits on not providing illegal aliens with at least some treatment. Which is why the border needs to be secure, and people need to be deported.

But all citizens deserve, and are entitled to, equal access.
Smokers dont deserve priority.
Drinkers dont deserve priority.
Obese people dont deserve priority.
People who overexert themselves in the heat dont deserve priority.
Athletes who get hurt on the field dont deserve priority.
How is that you fuckin dickhead?

There’s a difference between smokers and COVID. Smokers don’t perpetuate disease in the community.
How do Constitutional limits on government have any bearing here?
ah, well, according to the SC if a person illegally hear shows he/she wants to have the protection and consequences of laws, then we can't just kick him out without a court, and he/she gets education from K-12 and minimal healthcare.
So when the side effects kick in, it would only be fair to prioritize care people who didn't jab poison into themselves, right?
ah, well, according to the SC if a person illegally hear shows he/she wants to have the protection and consequences of laws, then we can't just kick him out without a court, and he/she gets education from K-12 and minimal healthcare.

What? You cited Constitutional limits on government power. What you're describing has nothing, at all, to do with limited government. More the opposite.
When a responsible person gets a covid vaccine and needs life saving medical care, but the hospitals are full of the misguided non vaccinated. Somethings wrong . They won’t vaccinate but will beg for any treatment at the hospitals,
FDA approved or not, at that point.

What is this, the dark ages? People should get care like they have always gotten care. First come, first serve, triage considered.
When a responsible person gets a covid vaccine and needs life saving medical care, but the hospitals are full of the misguided non vaccinated. Somethings wrong . They won’t vaccinate but will beg for any treatment at the hospitals,
FDA approved or not, at that point.

thats what hilters nazis did during their reign,, figures democrats would follow their playbook,,
What? You cited Constitutional limits on government power. What you're describing has nothing, at all, to do with limited government. More the opposite.
That's true. But the theory is that once govt extends entitlements to citizens, there are limits on govt's power to deny them to illegal aliens.

I don't really expect any change on this from the current "crop" of textual literalists McConnell installed. The theory goes back to the 14th Amendment. Slavery was outlawed in the Thirteenth. But the Fourteenth went further is explicitly making it impossible for Americans to import foreigners to work without govt protections. The framers of the amendments, foresaw former slaveowners trying an end around. Not without some foresight into human nature, imo. Desperate people will take what is offered, even if it's slave wages.

But we can close the borders.
What do you think should be done? Should hospitals be allowed to put unvaccinated patients on a "waiting list", or otherwise discriminate against them?
how about first come first serve likes its always been?? and after that severity of case,,,
I have no sympathy for the hospitals. They took the care money and cooked the books on covid cases from a PCR test that was manipulated to show false positives and now is firing the same nurses and doctors who will not take this snake juice, the ones who actually worked helping the sick. Hospitals are required by law not to discriminate.

That is TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT. The hospitals saved peoples lives.

You'll blame anyone and everyone for this mess except the right wing media who continue to spread lies about the vaccines, and who tell their viewers that covid isn't real, and right wing politicians who tell people that wearing masks and getting vaccines are "personal freedoms" which cannot be infringed.

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