Should I join the NRA?

Semper Fi

VIP Member
Nov 25, 2003
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Are there any NRA members here? What do you think of the organization?
Speaking on behalf of my ex, Tim, join. He's a card carrying member of the NRA and apparently loves the organization. Charleton Heston is apart of them too! Even more reason to join (Soylent Green is people o.o )!
I am a member, though I don't do much. I joined more because I believe very very very strongly in the right ot bear arms, and the NRA is the nation's #1 organization defending that right. I get a magazine each month that discusses a lot of the politics of gun freedoms (and gun control). However, the NRA also has magazines for hunters and recreational shooters. Like I said, I'm not involved much, but I definitely enjoy belonging.
gop_jeff said:
I am a member, though I don't do much. I joined more because I believe very very very strongly in the right ot bear arms, and the NRA is the nation's #1 organization defending that right. I get a magazine each month that discusses a lot of the politics of gun freedoms (and gun control). However, the NRA also has magazines for hunters and recreational shooters. Like I said, I'm not involved much, but I definitely enjoy belonging.

I see... if you were to get more involved, how would you do that and what would you do? Do you think there's limitations on me because I'm not legally an adult yet?
Semper Fi said:
I see... if you were to get more involved, how would you do that and what would you do? Do you think there's limitations on me because I'm not legally an adult yet?

I think you can be involved as a youth just as much as an adult. The NRA teaches classes on gun safety and shooting, they have competitions, they've got lots of stuff. Check out their homepage if you haven't already ( and check it out.

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