Should guns be allowed in hospitals?

Obviously the shooting wasn't stopped. Duh. Doesn't mean the no guns policy is what caused it.

to anti gunner it is an honor to be a victim:eusa_whistle:

To the gunner, the victims do not matter, only their right to carry guns matters.

The right to carry so a person will not be a victim, sure beats the hell out of your position unarmed victim.
No I think pro gun people are defiantly against people being forced to be victims.
Funny how people carry guns with them, and they are the ones most likely to shoot innocent people. Law abiding citizens, eh?
Funny how people carry guns with them, and they are the ones most likely to shoot innocent people. Law abiding citizens, eh?

Guns don't make people shoot people. Criminals with criminal intent shoot people

Most of the people who go on shooting sprees have no criminal record, and are law abiding citizens - not people with a record, and therefore, criminals.
I find myself wondering whether this is the price we pay for all but abolishing Capital Punishment in a nation where common folk are entitled to carry guns?

If you give up on life and decide to shoot somebody, to get a 3-squares-a-day meal ticiket for the rest of your life, then, without Capital Punishment, you're going to get your wish.

I'm guessing that a lot fewer such shootings would occur if the shooters could be assured of a swiftly-executed death sentence, polling and recidivism statistical indicators be damned.
If someone opens up in public, my first thought is cover and concealment. My second-thought is "what can I use as a weapon?" If I have a pistol already, that's the preferred tool. But I'm not going to sit there hoping the gunman doesn't see and engage me, I'm going to actively protect myself however I'm able.

If we pass laws preventing lawful citizens from arming themselves then we're wriitng off x number of people to be slaughtered when some nut cooks off. Having a weapon is no guarantee of safety, but if does give us far better chances of limiting the crime. And certainly does prevent gunmen from walking around clamly murdering people without being challenged as at Sandy Hook.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but at the same time, by allowing anyone and everyone to carry, we will see many more situations like what happened in Florida where the ex-cop gunned down some guy in a movie theater because he threw popcorn at him. The ex-cop was supposed to be the good guy capable of controlling his temper. If everyone is running around with a gun, we may stop or limit the damage of one of these true nutjobs who just want to kill as many as possible, but we are also going to see a lot more people killed due to simple arguments.

I really don't know what happened to people in this country, but a lot of people got pussified over the years. It used to be that if someone pissed you off, you beat their ass and that was the end of it. Now you just shoot them.
Funny how people carry guns with them, and they are the ones most likely to shoot innocent people. Law abiding citizens, eh?

Guns don't make people shoot people. Criminals with criminal intent shoot people

Most of the people who go on shooting sprees have no criminal record, and are law abiding citizens - not people with a record, and therefore, criminals.

When they pull the trigger, they cross that line. Laws taking my rights don't stop that....

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