Should Gerrymandering be Banned?

Yes. And btw, fairness doesn't mean 50/50.
Democracy is not designed to be fair to everyone. Majority United States...we preserve minority rights.

Actually I think majority rule is fair and democratic with a constitutional democracy that guarantees rights of minorities. However when you carve up those minority communities (whether by race or political party) so that you eat away at what little representation they do have becomes undemocratic and infringes on the rights of those minorities. tire me are they based on race? If 90% of Blacks are Democrats how can that be helped? Geezus...fucking race that all you got? It’s tiresome to listen to this broken record.

When you cut a large black populace into pieces and contain those tiny pieces into larger white populated areas. It's called cracking, look into it.
What happens when whites do it to whites in Utah? What the fuck are talking about. Blacks are no more affected by gerrymandering than any other ethnic group. Democrats gerrymander to produce black districts and maintain black districts.

Gerrymandering doesn't have to be done by race, duh, it's an example.

When you draw districts to pervert majority control in government it's undemocratic. What else is there to say?
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.
Dude I’m out. This race shit is not supported and just plain dumb. Nice talking to ya Maxine Waters.

Bye, dumbass.
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.

What is "naturally"?

I don't disagree that particularly egregious gerrymandering should go to the courts - and it does - but at it's root, it's a political inevitability.

You get an independent commission to draw the lines and take it out of the hands of politicians. Several states already do this.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

What they have done in MI and NC is criminal. Florida as well, Gaetz got a little help from his Daddy, and his Daddy got help from gerrymandering.

Look at Maryland...


Yup...MD is one of the top ten gerrymanders.
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.

What is "naturally"?

I don't disagree that particularly egregious gerrymandering should go to the courts - and it does - but at it's root, it's a political inevitability.

You get an independent commission to draw the lines and take it out of the hands of politicians. Several states already do this.

I've never met a truly "independant" human being.

Who appoints that commission? How are they chosen?

When there's something important on the line, people will figure out how to game the system.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be independant of politics. How has that worked out?
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.

What is "naturally"?

I don't disagree that particularly egregious gerrymandering should go to the courts - and it does - but at it's root, it's a political inevitability.

You get an independent commission to draw the lines and take it out of the hands of politicians. Several states already do this.

I've never met a truly "independant" human being.

Probably not, nothing is perfect but who is talking about a single human being? How about 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats?

Who appoints that commission? How are they chosen?

I would imagine the state legislatures would. The Republicans would pick the Republicans and the Democrats would pick the Democrats.

When there's something important on the line, people will figure out how to game the system.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be independant of politics. How has that worked out?

You're right, it'll never be 100% perfect, let's just give up on what, everything?
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

What they have done in MI and NC is criminal. Florida as well, Gaetz got a little help from his Daddy, and his Daddy got help from gerrymandering.

Look at Maryland...


Yup...MD is one of the top ten gerrymanders.
PG County, Montgomery County, Baltimore City, and pockets of Baltimore County are Democrat.

The rest of the State leans Conservative.

The urban areas control the politics and as a resident of Anne Arundel County, the most Conservative County in Maryland, based on population, was divided between Baltimore County and PG County to leave 1 Republican representative.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

What they have done in MI and NC is criminal. Florida as well, Gaetz got a little help from his Daddy, and his Daddy got help from gerrymandering.

Look at Maryland...


Yup...MD is one of the top ten gerrymanders.

Yep, doesn't matter the party, gerrymandering is still bad.
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.

What is "naturally"?

I don't disagree that particularly egregious gerrymandering should go to the courts - and it does - but at it's root, it's a political inevitability.

You get an independent commission to draw the lines and take it out of the hands of politicians. Several states already do this.

I've never met a truly "independant" human being.

Probably not, nothing is perfect but who is talking about a single human being? How about 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats?

Who appoints that commission? How are they chosen?

I would imagine the state legislatures would. The Republicans would pick the Republicans and the Democrats would pick the Democrats.

When there's something important on the line, people will figure out how to game the system.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be independant of politics. How has that worked out?

You're right, it'll never be 100% perfect, let's just give up on what, everything?

As I've already said, when it's particularly egregious, take it to the courts.

Other than that, it's just a matter of whining from one side or the other, depending on how it's done.
Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.

What is "naturally"?

I don't disagree that particularly egregious gerrymandering should go to the courts - and it does - but at it's root, it's a political inevitability.

You get an independent commission to draw the lines and take it out of the hands of politicians. Several states already do this.

I've never met a truly "independant" human being.

Probably not, nothing is perfect but who is talking about a single human being? How about 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats?

Who appoints that commission? How are they chosen?

I would imagine the state legislatures would. The Republicans would pick the Republicans and the Democrats would pick the Democrats.

When there's something important on the line, people will figure out how to game the system.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be independant of politics. How has that worked out?

You're right, it'll never be 100% perfect, let's just give up on what, everything?

As I've already said, when it's particularly egregious, take it to the courts.

Other than that, it's just a matter of whining from one side or the other, depending on how it's done.

So, what was wrong with an independent commission? Why not remove the process from politics as much as possible?

Eh, we both know you'd be fine with that.
Yes, but how do we find non partisan people to set the districts up?
There are computer programs, algorithms that have been developed, that can reset district lines with the same amount of people in each district....that are not calculated in a partisan manner.

That would shrink the number minority representatives in the US House.
Where the alogrithms interesected majority minority populations, their representation would increase.

Where the alogrithms interesected majority minority populations, their representation would increase.

Increased representation from inner-city districts? Try again.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Yes it should be banned. It is an attack on our voting rights. is not. When were you denied the right to vote?

It of course is. The politicians move things around and pick the winners, not the people.

And the courts do the same.

They've said districts can't be intentionally drawn to preclude the election of minorities
And what exactly do you see wrong with that ruling?

If Republicans were INTENTIONALLY drawing lines to preclude the election of minorities, then that is PURE EVIL.....

Didn't say there was anything wrong with it, it just doesn't apply to political persuasion. The VRA doesn't require a partisan balance.

States drawing up congressional districts is in the Constitution and is a check on potential federal abuse of power. Liberals like to force their values on rest of nation from afar with a central Moscow...Beijing...Pyongyang...Tehran..

OMG, you really don't know what gerrymandering is, do you? And you're so god damned sure of your idiotic opinion that you haven't bothered to look into it further. What a tool.’s constitutional.

What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.

OK, let's hear the difference, straight from the horse's ass! What is the difference, hot shot?
There is no way to draw district lines in a way that doesn't favor one side over the other.

Gerrymandering is a problem without a solution.

Naturally drawing districts is going to favor the majority, however when you divide up the minorities populations so that they are absorbed by the majority then it's undemocratic.
Dude I’m out. This race shit is not supported and just plain dumb. Nice talking to ya Maxine Waters.
If youre a republican, why even ask the question?
The GOP needs gerrymandering to hold onto the house.
Trump supports gerrymandering. The leader in pennsylvania will defy anti-gerrymandering order.

But its really easy to fix,
Apportionment Act of 1911 had it in section 3.
But it'll never happen, because GOP would become minority party.
The Democrats love gerrymandering.....but only when they do it

We've never gone too far like the Republicans have.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues New Congressional Map To Replace Gerrymandered One | HuffPost

Republicans have enjoyed a considerable advantage under the earlier map, which was in place for three congressional elections.

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court on Monday issued a new congressional map to replace the state’s current one, which the court said is so partisan it violates the state’s Constitution.

You do care if Republican Gerrymandering goes so far it's actually unconstitutional, right? You Republicans who supposedly cherish the constitution.
Curious about the political affiliation of judges. Any info on that?’s constitutional.

What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Educate yourself dip shit. Gerrymandering born out of redistricting and is alive and well in United States at federal and state levels. Fuck your dumb.
Gerrymandering, Where to Draw the Line? - The Legal Edition’s constitutional.

What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Educate yourself dip shit. Gerrymandering born out of redistricting and is alive and well in United States at federal and state levels. Fuck your dumb.
Gerrymandering, Where to Draw the Line? - The Legal Edition

Gerrymandering is perverting redistricting and you are now conflating common with fair. A democracy does not work when the majority party bends the rules to it's own favor.

Who is "Gerrymandering" named after? Do you even know the history behind it? Did you know the practice is over 200 years old?
OMG, you really don't know what gerrymandering is, do you? And you're so god damned sure of your idiotic opinion that you haven't bothered to look into it further. What a tool.’s constitutional.

What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.

OK, let's hear the difference, straight from the horse's ass! What is the difference, hot shot?

Redistricting is the process of redrawing legislative districts usually performed after the census is taken every 10 years.

Gerrymandering is manipulating those districts to favor one political party over another by using tricks such as cracking and packing (look it up).

Try google, it's your friend.
What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Educate yourself dip shit. Gerrymandering born out of redistricting and is alive and well in United States at federal and state levels. Fuck your dumb.
Gerrymandering, Where to Draw the Line? - The Legal Edition

What is your definition of gerrymandering?
“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union...” redistricting is left up to the states. Elections have consequences. In those states where majority wants to skew it their way...good for them. If they want a commission or panel...sure. But keep the power of Congressional districts in the hands of the states. If they want to be it.

Just as I thought, you're conflating redistricting with gerrymandering. You should go back to whatever shithole you got your poli-sci degree from and demand a refund.
Educate yourself dip shit. Gerrymandering born out of redistricting and is alive and well in United States at federal and state levels. Fuck your dumb.
Gerrymandering, Where to Draw the Line? - The Legal Edition

Gerrymandering is perverting redistricting and you are now conflating common with fair. A democracy does not work when the majority party bends the rules to it's own favor.

Who is "Gerrymandering" named after? Do you even know the history behind it? Did you know the practice is over 200 years old?

Yes, we've been through this, maybe read through the thread first before posting.
I see it as another check that states, the state parties, and the people have over the dangerous federal government. Keep the practice.
Why the North Carolina redistricting ruling could end gerrymandering as we know it - CNNPolitics

Some of the worse gerrymandered districts are court ordered to insure minorities (read dems) are elected. This court will be no different.


What court order? What's the current status?

Not my job to educate you on the history of court ordered redistricting, google can be your friend.


Do you or do you not realize the Voting Rights Act was repealed?

Wrong. Dumbass!

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Why are liberals so stupid as to post shit that takes 10 seconds to provide proof they are wrong?

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