Should Buying Knives Require Background Checks?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Since statistics show that most murders are committed using knives as the weapon of choice, should we force people to fill out forms and be subjected to background checks before purchasing paring knives or that steak knife set? And can we still give those as wedding gifts considering they are 4 times more likely to be used as murder weapons than guns? And people often put them in wooden holders and leave them out in plain sight for anyone to access. Or simply open the kitchen drawer and, viola, your own personal arsenal. This is alarming!

If the real objective is to save lives, then how can anyone with a conscience abide by so many stores selling knives like candy?

Baseball bats or other heavy objects are the second most used weapons. This covers a wide range of household and sports items. Hockey sticks or golf clubs can be dangerous. Fireplace tools can do some serious damage. I could probably put someone in the hospital or worse with the large vase in my living room. Imagine dropping a bowling ball on someone's head.

Most of these things are readily available to any unstable or angry person on the planet.

The world is a very dangerous place. I hope if someone ever breaks into my home, the worst weapon he has is a knife- because a gun beats a knife.

Somehow, the left will yawn at this. You see, it's okay if people get killed one a time, like more than one murder a day in Chicago so far this year. It's only bad when more than one person gets killed at a time. Even though way more people will be brutally murdered using weapons readily available or even using one's bare hands, the left is going after the one thing that people can actually use to defend themselves against the other threats.

Again, way more people are killed each year by knives, heavy objects or hands. But the alarmists just want gun control. Why?
Maybe because tyrants who control the military aren't afraid of knives, baseball bats, and fireplace pokers.
It isn't about guns - its about control.
Gun control is being able to shoot five rounds into less than one inch at 100 yards.
Government control is about having 100% of the population do what they say no matter how stupid it is.

Ok, all passengers boarding the flight get in this line and begin removing your clothing. No your spouse cannot go to the gate with you unless he has a ticket too. Little girl, I am going to frisk you now - to make it safe for everyone on the plane. Ma'am, I don't care if you are wearing a colostomy bag, I am going to frisk you anyway. Sir, You will have to remove your artificial leg so I can be sure there isn't a bomb in it - no I don't care about your service in Afganistan - I still need to have the leg. Ms. would you remove the diaper from your daughter - I need to check for explosive devices.

The terrorists have already won, we no longer have our rights.
Again, way more people are killed each year by knives, heavy objects or hands. But the alarmists just want gun control. Why?
There was a law passed in 1958 called the Federal Switchblade Act. It restricts the sale and importation of this kind of knife.
The 1958 law bans the possession of switchblades on federal lands and prohibits the mailing or sale of switchblades across state lines. It does not mandate prohibition within states and localities, though a number of states, including Maryland, have passed their own statutes banning or limiting the possession and carrying of switchblades.
As a resident of Maryland I am glad these laws are on the books.
Again, way more people are killed each year by knives, heavy objects or hands. But the alarmists just want gun control. Why?
There was a law passed in 1958 called the Federal Switchblade Act. It restricts the sale and importation of this kind of knife.
The 1958 law bans the possession of switchblades on federal lands and prohibits the mailing or sale of switchblades across state lines. It does not mandate prohibition within states and localities, though a number of states, including Maryland, have passed their own statutes banning or limiting the possession and carrying of switchblades.
As a resident of Maryland I am glad these laws are on the books.
What's the difference if you stab somebody with a hunting knife or a switchblade? They're just as stabbed either way.
That will be a three day wait on your Ginsus sir. We can't have you out there murdering cans.
Every couple getting married should be investigated before being able to put knives on their gift registry:)
Again, way more people are killed each year by knives, heavy objects or hands. But the alarmists just want gun control. Why?
There was a law passed in 1958 called the Federal Switchblade Act. It restricts the sale and importation of this kind of knife.
The 1958 law bans the possession of switchblades on federal lands and prohibits the mailing or sale of switchblades across state lines. It does not mandate prohibition within states and localities, though a number of states, including Maryland, have passed their own statutes banning or limiting the possession and carrying of switchblades.
As a resident of Maryland I am glad these laws are on the books.
What's the difference if you stab somebody with a hunting knife or a switchblade? They're just as stabbed either way.
A good article on how switchblades came to be banned is SWITCHBLADE LEGACY by Bernard Levine
To quote from Mr Levine's article:
"The switchblade knife had become the symbol, as well as the weapon, of the teen-age gang."
Every couple getting married should be investigated before being able to put knives on their gift registry:)
Meanwhile, in Great Emasculated Britain:

I challenge the OP's basic validity.

More people are killed by knives and clubs and such than with rifles, but not handguns.
That is still not justification to ban any of them. A deadly weapon can be made of most things we commonly use today. Bricks, garden tools, lawn mower blades, #2 wooden pencils, tire tools, scissors, coat hangers, name it. Sadly, there will NEVER be an end to man's ability to murder one another. Without some divine intervention or catastrophic ending of all human life on earth, there will also never be a last murder committed.
Good fuking God you gun nuts are stupid. Ban knives. Why, you must be trying to make a point with your pea brains. What is it? Oh I know, you want to ignore deaths by handgun so you can do the knife thing. Aint that cute? Stupid fuks.

Why not pretend hand guns don't exist. Then the death numbers will look a lot better. Yea, that's the ticket. No hand gun deaths.
Again, way more people are killed each year by knives, heavy objects or hands. But the alarmists just want gun control. Why?
There was a law passed in 1958 called the Federal Switchblade Act. It restricts the sale and importation of this kind of knife.
The 1958 law bans the possession of switchblades on federal lands and prohibits the mailing or sale of switchblades across state lines. It does not mandate prohibition within states and localities, though a number of states, including Maryland, have passed their own statutes banning or limiting the possession and carrying of switchblades.
As a resident of Maryland I am glad these laws are on the books.
What's the difference if you stab somebody with a hunting knife or a switchblade? They're just as stabbed either way.

Switchblades are useless anyway it was just another feel good ban like the much coveted ban on "assault weapons"
I challenge the OP's basic validity.

More people are killed by knives and clubs and such than with rifles, but not handguns.
That is still not justification to ban any of them. A deadly weapon can be made of most things we commonly use today. Bricks, garden tools, lawn mower blades, #2 wooden pencils, tire tools, scissors, coat hangers, name it. Sadly, there will NEVER be an end to man's ability to murder one another. Without some divine intervention or catastrophic ending of all human life on earth, there will also never be a last murder committed.

Yea that's it. Kill with anything. Why just yesterday, at the college in Texas, two guys went about trying to kill each other. One pulled out a piece of wire and the other pulled out a hammer.

Then three people were shot. Who in the fuk brought a gun?

How come you gun nutters don't apply for a license to carry a brick? Or a lawn mower blade. Is that what you use for personal defense asa rtis, a wooden pencil? LMAO at the shere stupidity of gun nuts.
I challenge the OP's basic validity.

More people are killed by knives and clubs and such than with rifles, but not handguns.
That is still not justification to ban any of them. A deadly weapon can be made of most things we commonly use today. Bricks, garden tools, lawn mower blades, #2 wooden pencils, tire tools, scissors, coat hangers, name it. Sadly, there will NEVER be an end to man's ability to murder one another. Without some divine intervention or catastrophic ending of all human life on earth, there will also never be a last murder committed.
I agree. One might also improvise a weapon for murder (or for self defense) from a piece of broken glass.

Self Portrait with Broken Piece of Mirror Glass

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