Should Burka be banned?

Should Burka be banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 48.6%

  • Total voters
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

So, you concern is the oppression of women? Very commendable but oppression and discrimination takes many form and , while not always so visible, it can be just as insidious right here in the USA. Take for example

10 Surprising Statistics on Women in the Workplace

Tell us which of these practices you are concerned about and are working to remedy.

Then, we can talk about access to reproductive health care which is a problem for many women

We can also talk about the Equal Rights (for women) Amendment that has been hanging out there for a few decades..

Tell us about all of your concerns about how women are treated. You wouldn't want anyone to think that you have a problem with Muslims

Where did you get that I don't have a problem with Islam? Of course I have a problem with the most violent shit hole producing religion out there.

If these people are let to freely do as they wish in Europe, we can say good bye to these amazing western countries. They will degrade to shit-huts like Muslim countries and take away the freedom of the people.

Islamic culture is utter shit. I don't want it anywhere near me. And if you were honest, you would agree. Although in the light of the recent events, you obviously want freedom of speech gone for good.

Immigration is ruining Europe, good job Denmark on taking action.
Women from the ME that come here are not wearing that burka WILLINGLY. They still have to obey their owners (husbands/fathers/brothers). The burka is insulting to women. BAN THE DAMN THINGS.

Even the ones who claim to be wearing it willingly do so out of fear. They wear the blasted things to prevent getting raped.

For fucks sake, westerners have worked for centuries to advance the human condition only to throw it away in deference to troglodytes still living in the 7th century.

Why have we stopped believing in ourselves? Our culture is BETTER than that of these knuckle draggers.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

I do love how you are standing up for Big Brother!

Personally I don't like burkas- but if a woman should choose to wear one- why would I care?

Now I don't have a problem with laws that restrict face coverings that conceal identifies- as long as it applies equally to motorcycle helmets and burkas.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
The rural Township where I live banned goats. A Muslim moved in and started a small goat farm and the Township Trustees banned goats which made the Muslim move to where goats are legal. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Wow........what a very Taliban kind of move.
I do think that in certain situations, you must show your identity.

I have no problem if someone wants to wear one of those ridiculous things - it’s still better than that fucking hip hop!

But in situations where your identification is critical, ie getting on a plane, then a face must be shown.

I have no problem with anybody’s religion. But our values as a society - tolerance, freedom of expression, freedom of association, etc - supersedes those of any religion.
Denmark has banned the outfit of woman hate:

Leftists and feminists, should we also ban this tool of oppression?

On a related note, congratulations to Denmark on finally growing some balls and standing up against the invasion!

So, you concern is the oppression of women? Very commendable but oppression and discrimination takes many form and , while not always so visible, it can be just as insidious right here in the USA. Take for example

10 Surprising Statistics on Women in the Workplace

Tell us which of these practices you are concerned about and are working to remedy.

Then, we can talk about access to reproductive health care which is a problem for many women

We can also talk about the Equal Rights (for women) Amendment that has been hanging out there for a few decades..

Tell us about all of your concerns about how women are treated. You wouldn't want anyone to think that you have a problem with Muslims

Where did you get that I don't have a problem with Islam? Of course I have a problem with the most violent shit hole producing religion out there.

If these people are let to freely do as they wish in Europe, we can say good bye to these amazing western countries. They will degrade to shit-huts like Muslim countries and take away the freedom of the people.

Islamic culture is utter shit. I don't want it anywhere near me. And if you were honest, you would agree. Although in the light of the recent events, you obviously want freedom of speech gone for good.

Immigration is ruining Europe, good job Denmark on taking action.

Thank you for clearly demonstrating that you don't give a rats hind parts about women being oppressed Yet you shamelessly mentioned how the burka oppresses them as a ploy to get peoples attention.
I don't think it's anyone's business how a person's religion compels them to dress...

Did you used to be a cop? What would you do if you pulled over someone wearing a burka? How could you tell if the person driving is the one on the ID since that too probably is covered with a burka.

There is no place in America for that shit. None.

Am I the only one honest enough to admit I don't give a shit about some ID card. The problem is the oppressive religion of Islam that is completely against western values and must be tamed.

I don't think I have ever seen a Muslim woman in America wearing a Burka.

Frankly you seem to be more emulating the Taliban than American values.
Women from the ME that come here are not wearing that burka WILLINGLY. They still have to obey their owners (husbands/fathers/brothers). The burka is insulting to women. BAN THE DAMN THINGS.

Even the ones who claim to be wearing it willingly do so out of fear. They wear the blasted things to prevent getting raped.

For fucks sake, westerners have worked for centuries to advance the human condition only to throw it away in deference to troglodytes still living in the 7th century.

Why have we stopped believing in ourselves? Our culture is BETTER than that of these knuckle draggers.

So to protect women- you insist that we must forbid women from practicing their religion in a way that doesn't harm them.

What Muslim women in America wear the Burka to prevent getting raped?

I have known many Muslim women in America- most don't wear any head gear at all- a few wear the head scarves
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

Meanwhile in reality, they are building Shariah zones. As can be seen in the video I posted, the cop is telling the woman that she will "breach the peace", if she goes near the Muslims. Because if she goes near them without the Burka they will assault and rape her. As you can see, SHE is breaching the peace!

They vote in anti-Western anti freedom candidates. I can see that you have the preference for this, so of course you love them!
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

That is fucking stupid!!

I agree, your original point was fucking stupid.

What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

Meanwhile in reality, they are building Shariah zones. As can be seen in the video I posted, the cop is telling the woman that she will "breach the peace", if she goes near the Muslims. Because if she goes near them without the Burka they will assault and rape her. As you can see, SHE is breaching the peace!

They vote in anti-Western anti freedom candidates. I can see that you have the preference for this, so of course you love them!
Thank you for confirming that you are actually stupid enough to believe that there are Shariah zones in the US. I would not have thought it possible.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??
Apples and oranges and you know it. So go fuck yourself.
What about female genital mutilation?
Just a cute little custom and we should mind our own business?
9 year old girls marrying? Is that a vestige we should allow?
Stoning adulterers? Throwing gays off buildings? Raping infidels?

No dipshit.!! All of that is against the law in this country and applies equally to everyone. It's the fucking white Christian rednecks who want to marry 9 year olds
So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us??
Where did Gracie say people must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture?
That’s right, she didn’t.
Saying people should not be in public spaces masked and disguised is not stripping people of their heritage and culture, nor is it forcing them to become ‘just like us’.
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??
Apples and oranges and you know it. So go fuck yourself.

Thank you for that articulate, logical and well thought out rebuttal to my comments . Clearly , you are superior intellectually. Keep up the good work of of upholding the high standards of civil discourse and meaningful debate on the USMB. God bless you!!
So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us??
Where did Gracie say people must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture?
That’s right, she didn’t.
Saying people should not be in public spaces masked and disguised is not stripping people of their heritage and culture, nor is it forcing them to become ‘just like us’.
Horseshit, as usual!
It is not our custom. It is THEIR custom. But they came HERE. So they need to go with OUR rules. Do they have nude beaches in the ME? No? You will get stoned if you show your breasts AND your face? we have nude beaches and faces must be seen. Especially when driving, banking, etc. They wanna cover their face? Fine. Do it at home.

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?? Really? Would it only apply to manner of dress or would it be extended to customs, holidays and cuisine? Would it apply equally to everyone ? What about Asian Indians who dress up in traditional garb to celebrate Rama Navam.??

So people who come to this country must be stripped of every vestige of their heritage and culture and totally and instantly become just like us?

You're right, Muslims who come here should be allowed to own slaves.
Just like at home, eh?
Don't want to claim our culture is any better than theirs.
That is fucking stupid!! I did not say that they should not live according to our legal structure. Ya know , the funny thing is that it semsto be the same right wing nuts who blather about religious freedom to allow Christians to discriminate against others in the name of God, also are unconcerned about religious freedom for non Christians. Fucking hypocrites

Meanwhile in reality, they are building Shariah zones. As can be seen in the video I posted, the cop is telling the woman that she will "breach the peace", if she goes near the Muslims. Because if she goes near them without the Burka they will assault and rape her. As you can see, SHE is breaching the peace!

They vote in anti-Western anti freedom candidates. I can see that you have the preference for this, so of course you love them!
Thank you for confirming that you are actually stupid enough to believe that there are Shariah zones in the US. I would not have thought it possible.

Where in the fck did I say anything about the US? If you didn't notice the clip was from some Australian location, are you blind?

And of course, you forgot to provide any evidence for your claim. Although this is the default when arguing with a progressive parrot so I am not surprised.

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