Should Black Americans pay reparations to descendants of Yankee Soldiers?

Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
How has it escaped your notice that it's goverments that pay reparations? AND I thought you all are always swearing up & down that the Civil War was a fight for "State's rights" and had nothing to do with slavery or freeing the slaves?
Its like what we believe or want to believe. Some believe that a recently deceased Tuskagee Airman flew 145 fighter missions. Yep...its all belief. Come on!
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.
Neither should people who were never slaves. Find the people who sold them into slavery and get reparations from them. Find the Europeans who hunted and captured the free people of Africa and seek reparations from them also. Black Americans' will have to pay too. See what's wrong with the picture! so will people who's families never lived here during slavery and the descendants of men who fought and died to end Slavery. Wake up it's a socialist trick to keep victims(slaves) to the govt.
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.
Neither should people who were never slaves. Find the people who sold them into slavery and get reparations from them. Find the Europeans who hunted and captured the free people of Africa and seek reparations from them also. Black Americans' will have to pay too. See what's wrong with the picture! so will people who's families never lived here during slavery and the descendants of men who fought and died to end Slavery. Wake up it's a socialist trick to keep victims(slaves) to the govt.
I disagree. You dont have to actually be a slave to be given reparations. All you need is to be able to prove you were deprived of the use of something financial to put it simply. Those lost wages are lost inheritance. Since the pay back never came then you start adding interest. Can you explain how its a socialist trick to point out someone owes you back wages with interest? Are you claiming that you work for free or that your children have no right to whatever funds you may have left when you die?
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
How has it escaped your notice that it's goverments that pay reparations? AND I thought you all are always swearing up & down that the Civil War was a fight for "State's rights" and had nothing to do with slavery or freeing the slaves?
Its like what we believe or want to believe. Some believe that a recently deceased Tuskagee Airman flew 145 fighter missions. Yep...its all belief. Come on!
Ah, so sad.
I think Southerners need reparations because the filthy ass Union invaded and killed Americans. That shithead Lincoln raising an Army and invaded America to kill and take away arms is one of the most despicable acts in world history.

He had filthy Neggras in his army to help with the killing and destruction so they need to pony up reparations.
I think Southerners need reparations because the filthy ass Union invaded and killed Americans. That shithead Lincoln raising an Army and invaded America to kill and take away arms is one of the most despicable acts in world history.

He had filthy Neggras in his army to help with the killing and destruction so they need to pony up reparations.
Southern losers got their asses kicked. Dont make the mistake of starting something thats only going to result in another ass kicking. You know good and well if it were to occur again there would be even more Blacks eager to participate in your ass kicking.
Many Thousands of families lost their fathers and sons fighting to free Black Americans.

Odd that nobody is fighting to pay the descendants of these people reparations.
Why should they pay reparations to Yankee soldiers? So what they died. Soldiers dont get paid reparations for doing their jobs.
Neither do Slaves nor Indentured Servants.
It doesn't, but if you expect reparations you need to have proof.
I dont expect reparations. Its a fool that would trust white people to pay their debts. Thats like expecting white people not to be racist.

Yep, this could get a bit complicated.
Father of U.S. slavery was a black man - WND - WND

Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.

And that money would come from the money tree out back? Dumbass.

Now youre making excuses about where the money would come from. Thats like telling the company that finances your car that you cant pay your car note. No one gives a shit. If you create a debt you pay for it. You dont deny it because you feel you cant afford it.

Dang, what kinda stupid-ass analogy is that?
I do.

Not sure what that has to do with the descendants of Yankee soldiers getting paid reparations when they already got paid for being in the military.

It doesn't, but if you expect reparations you need to have proof.
I dont expect reparations. Its a fool that would trust white people to pay their debts. Thats like expecting white people not to be racist.

Yep, this could get a bit complicated.
Father of U.S. slavery was a black man - WND - WND

Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.

Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.

Yet you post no link to backup your BS, what a surprise.
It doesn't, but if you expect reparations you need to have proof.
I dont expect reparations. Its a fool that would trust white people to pay their debts. Thats like expecting white people not to be racist.

Yep, this could get a bit complicated.
Father of U.S. slavery was a black man - WND - WND

Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.

Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.

Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?
I dont expect reparations. Its a fool that would trust white people to pay their debts. Thats like expecting white people not to be racist.

Yep, this could get a bit complicated.
Father of U.S. slavery was a black man - WND - WND

Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.

Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.

Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?

I read the link. Seems like you didnt or you lack reading comprehension. Says right in the link John Punch was the first person enslaved in 1640.

(An earlier case had ended with a man named John Punch being declared a slave for life as a punishment for trying to escape his indentured servitude. His fellow escapees, who were white, were not punished in this way.)
The institution that owes reparations is the Democrat Party. They are responsible for it all, and also for the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The Republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the south and freed the slaves.

Drain the Democrat Party coffers and pay reparations to black Americans. They are the one who owe it, they are the ones shooting their mouths off about it, so by golly they are the ones who need to pay up.

Problem solved.
Slavery existed prior to the formation of the Dems. Youre about a century late.
When the first slave was determined in the Americas by the Courts there were no slave ships from America collecting slaves you dumb moron.
You sound like a fool but I think that was your standard mode of operation from what I remember. You should probably look up things before you post you idiot. :laughing0301:

The last "official" slave ship arrived in 1860. More than 200 years after John Punch was "officially" the first enslaved person in 1640.

that isn't what we were talking about you claimed the first slave owner couldn't be black cause of slave ships by Americans.The First slave in America was an indentured servant that a court ruled was now a slave.

Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.

Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.

Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?

I read the link. Seems like you didnt or you lack reading comprehension. Says right in the link John Punch was the first person enslaved in 1640.

The issue isn't who was the first, the issue is that there were black slave owners...dumbass.
Not really. First anyone dumb enough to believe a Black man was the first slave owner in the US should be tested for retardation. Secondly the government would be paying any reparations.
Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.
Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?
I read the link. Seems like you didnt or you lack reading comprehension. Says right in the link John Punch was the first person enslaved in 1640.

The issue isn't who was the first, the issue is that there were black slave owners...dumbass.
Bullshit. Of course its the issue. Thats why the link was entitled "Father of US slavery was a Black man". Youre just mad because you got caught posting something that was a lie you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:.
The institution that owes reparations is the Democrat Party. They are responsible for it all, and also for the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

The Republican president Abraham Lincoln fought the south and freed the slaves.

Drain the Democrat Party coffers and pay reparations to black Americans. They are the one who owe it, they are the ones shooting their mouths off about it, so by golly they are the ones who need to pay up.

Problem solved.
Slavery existed prior to the formation of the Dems. Youre about a century late.
When the first slave was determined in the Americas by the Courts there were no slave ships from America collecting slaves you dumb moron.
You sound like a fool but I think that was your standard mode of operation from what I remember. You should probably look up things before you post you idiot. :laughing0301:

The last "official" slave ship arrived in 1860. More than 200 years after John Punch was "officially" the first enslaved person in 1640.

that isn't what we were talking about you claimed the first slave owner couldn't be black cause of slave ships by Americans.The First slave in America was an indentured servant that a court ruled was now a slave.
No stupid. Cant you read? I said that slavery existed prior to the Dems being formed. Youre the one that made that stupid remark about there being no slave ships during the time the first slave was determined by the courts. Are you retarded or is someone paying you to pretend youre dumb?
Anyone dumb enough to believe a black man was the first slave owner in the US would be a conservative, and consequently a liar.

The lie that the first slave owner in the United States was black was a creation of rightwing media, and debunked years ago.
Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?
I read the link. Seems like you didnt or you lack reading comprehension. Says right in the link John Punch was the first person enslaved in 1640.

The issue isn't who was the first, the issue is that there were black slave owners...dumbass.
Bullshit. Of course its the issue. Thats why the link was entitled "Father of US slavery was a Black man". Youre just mad because you got caught posting something that was a lie you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:.

Christ sake idiot, father doesn't mean are a fucking dumbass.
Kinda shows the limited thought process most conservatives use. Even though whites sent ships to Africa to capture slaves they actually believe a Black american citizen was the first slave owner. The stupidity of that thought defies logic. :laughing0301:

Gee, sounds like someone didn't read the link, you can read right?
I read the link. Seems like you didnt or you lack reading comprehension. Says right in the link John Punch was the first person enslaved in 1640.

The issue isn't who was the first, the issue is that there were black slave owners...dumbass.
Bullshit. Of course its the issue. Thats why the link was entitled "Father of US slavery was a Black man". Youre just mad because you got caught posting something that was a lie you fucking idiot. :laughing0301:.

Christ sake idiot, father doesn't mean are a fucking dumbass.
If it doesnt mean first in this context what are you claiming it means? Second? :laugh:
Plus they are paid to do their job unlike slaves that were never paid..
Of course slaves were paid. They were given food, housing, clothing, medical care, and even recreation items, like a banjo, or fiddle. Remember Fiddler (played by Lou Gosset Jr) in the TV series "Roots" ?

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