Should airline pilots be DEI hires?

With DEI in the cockpit, you fly under your own risk! :dunno:

Putting race and gender and sexuality on par or above merit can result in nothing but reduced quality and safety. That’s very simple, obvious math.
Or, imagine if every NBA team had to start three whites, one highspanic, one black with an oriental sixth man.
You are trying and failing to make an argument that the source article never even mentions, further who are you or anyone for that matter to assume (usually incorrectly) anyone not white can't have been in their job because their abilities are just as proficient as whites? would be taken more seriously at the klan meeting or your fellow racists on this board; everyone else simply shakes their head and avoids you pile a pile of dog droppings.
You are trying and failing to make an argument that the source article never even mentions, further who are you or anyone for that matter to assume (usually incorrectly) anyone not white can't have been in their job because their abilities are just as proficient as whites? would be taken more seriously at the klan meeting or your fellow racists on this board; everyone else simply shakes their head and avoids you pile a pile of dog droppings.
It’s math.
If qualification is based on ancillaries above merit then the logic dictates that anyone in the job who fits the ancillary description would have to be suspect in terms of merit and ability.
Your biases prevent you from seeing that logic. Don’t project your bias onto me.
Hey let's hire a dumbass hillbilly to fly this plane, what could go wrong?..answer' the most horrific collisions and downings on record!
Hillbillies don’t scream for lowering standards or cheat of the ATC test. :abgg2q.jpg:
It’s math.
If qualification is based on ancillaries above merit then the logic dictates that anyone in the job who fits the ancillary description would have to be suspect in terms of merit and ability.
Your biases prevent you from seeing that logic. Don’t project your bias onto me.
Math is essential to power this world but leftists said math is racist. Yet, somehow Asians have no problem with math. :auiqs.jpg:
It’s math.
If qualification is based on ancillaries above merit then the logic dictates that anyone in the job who fits the ancillary description would have to be suspect in terms of merit and ability.
Your biases prevent you from seeing that logic. Don’t project your bias onto me.
Facts would seem biased to you, that doesn't change them however.
Not to worry, it's obvious you are too stupid to understand how some tests are indeed racially biased.
Usually, people like yourself aren't capable of understanding the logic before ignorantly jumping in...
Lol...test to make sure the candidates can direct airline traffic is bias. Please post samples questions that show this racial bias. It funny as heck that Asians scoring as high as whites don't scream white supremacy. 😂
Lots of weird stuff in the news with airlines lately. Doors flying off, tarmac accidents.

Do you want your pilot to be the most qualified, or do you want a DEI hire?
Can you support this thread with any correlation data or is this your thots and feels?

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