CDZ Should a President or his administration be criticized or challenged during a crisis?

When is it appropriate to challenge or investigate a President's handling of a crisis?

  • Never

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Only after the crisis is over

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Only afterwards to question whether he could have taken action to prevent deaths

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only afterward to see whether he misled Americans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only afterward to learn lessons to use to prevent future similar events

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • As the crisis is happening to question whether the appropriate actions are being taken

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • As the crisis is happening to question whether he is misleading Americans.

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
The key is to be honest while questioning actions taken by any leader....there are always those that will inflate mistakes and they will use hindsight to attack the leader...that will quickly be seen through as sensationalism.....
This is not specifically about our current coronavirus crisis but about how and when it is appropriate to challenge, criticize, or even investigate a President or his Administration's(hereafter just the President) handling of a crisis.
Is it ever appropriate?
Should all criticism wait until after the crisis is over?
Is there a place to criticize how a crisis is being handled while the crisis is ongoing?
is it appropriate to question whether he is misleading or misled the American public?
Is it appropriate to question whether his actions or inactions resulted in the deaths of Americans?
And if so, should all of those questions only be asked after the crisis over?
Or not at all?

You said this was not about the corona virus, but you mentioned "deaths" in one of the choices. Why? is "deaths' a special case for criticizing a prez?

And you don't give a choice for --

"It depends on how VALID the criticisms are." A chorus of outrage over TRIVIAL stuff is unwelcome in ANY crisis.. And some decorum and common sense has to be used..


"It depends on whether the criticism is POLITICALLY motivated".. Especially during an election year. Because ANY faction stupid enough to DO THAT -- deserves to lose.. And probably WILL lose..

Especially IF the criticisms are BOTH trivial AND political -- then that's just not gonna play well on Main Street when people are worried, hurting and suffering...

Common sense man....
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
Fox is only thre #1 CABLE news station. The MSM has a much larger demographic with the traditional broadcast media.
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
Fox is only thre #1 CABLE news station. The MSM has a much larger demographic with the traditional broadcast media.
I'm sure you are right on national broadcast, which I haven't watched in years and years and years.... I only do cable on news, except occasionally I watch local news on broadcast, to get the weather forecast...

but broadcast news is not really that skewed.... it's kinda, middle of the road.... and now that Sinclair has bought up a lot of the local news stations that used to be independent, it's starting to have a right wing edge to it.... imo
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!

And this right here is why I smile when right wingers constantly complain of a "liberal" media. It's a myth. It always has been. The major outlets are news media. They report the news. Most of the main media outlets label their heavily slanted editorials as "Opinion". There are plenty of outlets like the AP and BBC if you if feel things are too slanted. But I gotta say, the vast majority of media is conservative or right wing. I won't go into all the little cancers that have popped up on the right hand side of aisle over the years. But you have people on these boards actually posting screeds from just about any right wing hack with a blog and a microphone (Shapiro, Rogan, Levin, Diamond and Silk, and Fat Wesley Crusher). They're all over the place.
This is not specifically about our current coronavirus crisis but about how and when it is appropriate to challenge, criticize, or even investigate a President or his Administration's(hereafter just the President) handling of a crisis.
Is it ever appropriate?
Should all criticism wait until after the crisis is over?
Is there a place to criticize how a crisis is being handled while the crisis is ongoing?
is it appropriate to question whether he is misleading or misled the American public?
Is it appropriate to question whether his actions or inactions resulted in the deaths of Americans?
And if so, should all of those questions only be asked after the crisis over?
Or not at all?
Only if he/she is doing a really terrible job.

We should be questioning/challenging tRump daily.
I've seen the words, leader and leaders used here (and other threads) which is a misrepresentation of a servant.

Representative is not a leader- re pre sent- not l e a d.
POTUS is Commander in Chief of the Military, which offers him the leadership role in that arena. He is but a servant of "we the people" in that role. Otherwise, he is executor of congressional laws legislated by those in congress. Elected "officials" were "granted" by "we the people" a legislative authority- I don't remember seeing, in the constitution, where they were granted permission to lead anyone anywhere. Can someone point that out to me?
Maybe I just wasn't paying attention in the past, past, but I recall, vaguely, that when Reagan was POTUS the MSM started (IMS) calling him "leader of the free world"- when was he granted that authority and by whom?
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
Fox is only thre #1 CABLE news station. The MSM has a much larger demographic with the traditional broadcast media.
I'm sure you are right on national broadcast, which I haven't watched in years and years and years.... I only do cable on news, except occasionally I watch local news on broadcast, to get the weather forecast...

but broadcast news is not really that skewed.... it's kinda, middle of the road.... and now that Sinclair has bought up a lot of the local news stations that used to be independent, it's starting to have a right wing edge to it.... imo
NBC, ABC and CBS were all in for the Russia hoax. All they do is parrot each other and the NYT which is definitely not objective by any means. But then, no news source is objective. Even NPR reports on what other news services report on there is very little original reportage. We had 3 years of fake Russia investigations and now, Barr is going to uncover what good investigative reporting by the MSM should have shined the light of day upon. Right wing pundits like Hannity actually had an investigative team uncovering the truth such as FBI abuse of the FISA court, the dossier which held 0 factual truths, FBI agents' emails revealing their wish to have an 'insurance polity' against Trump, etc. Left wing pundits were parroting the DNC line for 3 fucking years and the broadcast media along with the cable MSM went right along.
You didn't have a choice for Always and for Everything. Don't ever let the president forget he is primarily a public servant.
I think the same should hold true for Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc. Unfortunately, the MSM never seems to challenge them.

That would be because none of them are President of the United States. Trump is.
So what? The 'press' is supposed to be objective. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al have cost more $$$ and more American suffering than even this virus has done. Yet not a peep out of the MSM 'journalists' that purport to be 'objective.' They (like you) only scream "orange man bad!!" Meanwhile the DC Democrat snakes get away with treason.
I've actually never seen, or read, anyone scream 'orange man bad!!" except a Trump supporter.
You didn't have a choice for Always and for Everything. Don't ever let the president forget he is primarily a public servant.
I think the same should hold true for Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc. Unfortunately, the MSM never seems to challenge them.

That would be because none of them are President of the United States. Trump is.
So what? The 'press' is supposed to be objective. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al have cost more $$$ and more American suffering than even this virus has done. Yet not a peep out of the MSM 'journalists' that purport to be 'objective.' They (like you) only scream "orange man bad!!" Meanwhile the DC Democrat snakes get away with treason.
I've actually never seen, or read, anyone scream 'orange man bad!!" except a Trump supporter.
It's an expression that describes TDSers. It represents memes such as the one where Trump actually walks on water and the headlines in the MSM are "Trump Can't Swim!!"....LOL "Orange Man Bad" is easier.
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
Fox is only thre #1 CABLE news station. The MSM has a much larger demographic with the traditional broadcast media.
I'm sure you are right on national broadcast, which I haven't watched in years and years and years.... I only do cable on news, except occasionally I watch local news on broadcast, to get the weather forecast...

but broadcast news is not really that skewed.... it's kinda, middle of the road.... and now that Sinclair has bought up a lot of the local news stations that used to be independent, it's starting to have a right wing edge to it.... imo
NBC, ABC and CBS were all in for the Russia hoax. All they do is parrot each other and the NYT which is definitely not objective by any means. But then, no news source is objective. Even NPR reports on what other news services report on there is very little original reportage. We had 3 years of fake Russia investigations and now, Barr is going to uncover what good investigative reporting by the MSM should have shined the light of day upon. Right wing pundits like Hannity actually had an investigative team uncovering the truth such as FBI abuse of the FISA court, the dossier which held 0 factual truths, FBI agents' emails revealing their wish to have an 'insurance polity' against Trump, etc. Left wing pundits were parroting the DNC line for 3 fucking years and the broadcast media along with the cable MSM went right along.
It was not a fake investigation, nor a hoax.... it was a real investigation, as real as investigations get.
It's the AMERICAN WAY.....

I've never known a president not to be held accountable or criticized during crisis.....? Especially by the political opposition..... sure, maybe a few weeks of grace and mercy but then, the criticism begins...

Obama and the Benghazi attack.....R's were merciless before the 4 killed were even brought home to be buried...

Nixon with the viet nam war....

Kennedy, bay of pigs

Bush2, Michael Brown FEMA Chief for Katrina....
The difference is that the MSM gave Obama a pass and they reach far more people than Fox News. He did not receive a fraction of the negative press.
fox news is the number 1 news station.... more followers and watchers than the other 2 cable news networks.....

then you add in all the internet news that shares the fox stories like Briebart, townhall, redState, OAN, National Review etc etc etc and all of talk radio and all of the right wing bloggers..... and then the social media push as well..... and papers like the New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal.....

me thinks you guys get your stories and messages out, en mass!
Fox is only thre #1 CABLE news station. The MSM has a much larger demographic with the traditional broadcast media.
I'm sure you are right on national broadcast, which I haven't watched in years and years and years.... I only do cable on news, except occasionally I watch local news on broadcast, to get the weather forecast...

but broadcast news is not really that skewed.... it's kinda, middle of the road.... and now that Sinclair has bought up a lot of the local news stations that used to be independent, it's starting to have a right wing edge to it.... imo
NBC, ABC and CBS were all in for the Russia hoax. All they do is parrot each other and the NYT which is definitely not objective by any means. But then, no news source is objective. Even NPR reports on what other news services report on there is very little original reportage. We had 3 years of fake Russia investigations and now, Barr is going to uncover what good investigative reporting by the MSM should have shined the light of day upon. Right wing pundits like Hannity actually had an investigative team uncovering the truth such as FBI abuse of the FISA court, the dossier which held 0 factual truths, FBI agents' emails revealing their wish to have an 'insurance polity' against Trump, etc. Left wing pundits were parroting the DNC line for 3 fucking years and the broadcast media along with the cable MSM went right along.
It was not a fake investigation, nor a hoax.... it was a real investigation, as real as investigations get.
There was never any real evidence. They were investigating a hoax that they themselves created. It takes more than just a cursory review of MSM stories to understand. It's like if I write a story about you being a traitor, have it published and point to that published story for 'proof.' Get it?
I'm sick of the ultra sicko paranoid way in which the Democrat Party has conducted itself in pelting President Trump with lies, bullshit, and taking the opposite on every single item he does so well it's like watching a pitcher performing a no-hitter against the sicko paranoid cabal of nogoods trying to destroy America. Did I tell you the Democrats are performing their sicko paranoid shit like the sickos they are.

And seriously, Syriusly, you know it too, don't you. Demmies are just natural-born Bad doggies!
Your post is partisan and off topic. Go play your partisan games somewhere else.
Criticized or challenged, yes. Plain out attacking as we are seeing now....disgusting.
Didn't seem to bother Democrats when the mega lies told by Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, Schumer and comapny were smearing President Trump who was found innocent by 6 separate inquiries prior to his subsequent fake impeachment. Some can dish it out and then cannot take it. Others like to see it dished out and then don't understand the acid reflux of Trump supporters who were put on trial merely for wearing a hat that bears the logo.

I'm with this President, and I respect his immaculate sense of fairness to all, and his harshness toward the liars who failed to destroy this amazing President.
Sounds very cult like.
Every day Trump has held press conferences where reporters ask him all kinds of questions about this Covid crisis. Most, I have to say, are respectful and want to know particulars and details of his and his team's actions. A few reporters constantly ask 'gotcha' questions like: "Are you really addressing American's fears?" Or "Are you too optimistic when it comes to hydroxychlorquine?" (not actual quotes but basically what they are saying) They try to put Trump on the spot so he might say something their Anti Trump media brothers can use to get a 'cut' in on him so their sycophant DNC operatives can make political hay.
Again- off topic. I know this is your pet peeve but feel free to start your own topic on how mean the press is to Trump.
You didn't have a choice for Always and for Everything. Don't ever let the president forget he is primarily a public servant.
I think the same should hold true for Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc. Unfortunately, the MSM never seems to challenge them.

That would be because none of them are President of the United States. Trump is.
So what? The 'press' is supposed to be objective. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al have cost more $$$ and more American suffering than even this virus has done. Yet not a peep out of the MSM 'journalists' that purport to be 'objective.' They (like you) only scream "orange man bad!!" Meanwhile the DC Democrat snakes get away with treason.
And again off topic. Please go ahead and start your own thread on "Press bad, Trump good"

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