Shortages being blamed on people buying too much


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Does everyone remember how Trump was blamed for every Covid death but today Biden and the media blame people for not getting the vaccine for people dying from Covid, even though people with the vaccine like Colin Powell die?

Now they are doing the same with the shortages, they are blaming the people since Trump is no longer in office by saying they are simply buying too much.

Assuming buying is up, here you have a democrat party that has let millions more immigrants into the country, then they give everyone stimulus money, and then wonder why buying is up?

But hey, it beats blaming Blamo Biden.
Partisans are only slightly more sophisticated than chimpanzees. If you blame everything on the opposition and never think to criticize your own side I am talking about you.

Does everyone remember how Trump was blamed for every Covid death but today Biden and the media blame people for not getting the vaccine for people dying from Covid, even though people with the vaccine like Colin Powell die?

Now they are doing the same with the shortages, they are blaming the people since Trump is no longer in office by saying they are simply buying too much.


We The People are their greatest enemy and we have become their most hated foe. Do you really not believe they want to kill and outright conquer every last one of us? Only tyrants blame the citizenry at large for their failures. Further, and for some mystical reasoning, the port situations cannot be resolved until EVERYONE has been vaccinated. What more proof do the American People require of the war being waged against their very right to exist?
Assuming buying is up, here you have a democrat party that has let millions more immigrants into the country, then they give everyone stimulus money, and then wonder why buying is up?

But hey, it beats blaming Blamo Biden.

Can we stop pretending those stimulus checks were chests of immense treasure? Most average Americans spend that much in half a month or less on the basic costs of living.
Partisans are only slightly more sophisticated than chimpanzees. If you blame everything on the opposition and never think to criticize your own side I am talking about you.
Yes, of course, it's my fault

Thanks for that.
Can we stop pretending those stimulus checks were chests of immense treasure? Most average Americans spend that much in half a month or less on the basic costs of living.
True, but it is the never ending flow of cash to those unemployed, otherwise, there would not be a job shortage.
Not just people hording, Company's over ordering to avoid any shortage. With a few fires & other disasters thrown in. Going to take a while for this mess to get cleaned up.
Can we stop pretending those stimulus checks were chests of immense treasure? Most average Americans spend that much in half a month or less on the basic costs of living.
Exactly. Mine went straight to property taxes and I still had to come up with another $1600.00 of my own money.

None of that money went to me buying up “ supplies”.

Infact I made sure I was stocked up prior so I wouldn’t be participating in Biden’s “ economy” disaster. :)
Yes, "demand". The economy is growing fairly quickly, all things considered.

Demand plus flat or declining supply equals inflation.

How do people not know this?
So causation doesn't matter?
Is that what you are saying?
Those of us who think more objectively were talking about this was going to happen LAST YEAR.
You give out a few $trillion in free money - that most people did not need - OBVIOUSLY that is going to create a false demand, all at once. Couple that with a world where manufacturing was shot down everywhere... let's see... hmm... is this going to be a problem??,,, Yeah... maybe giving away free money to get votes and increase PR was a bad idea at a time manufacturing is shut down.
Causes matter. Simply saying "oh the economy is growing" is laughably blind. Economies shrink and grow all the time.
Right now we are having shortages in raw materials that we have not had since WWII - 79 years ago,
If Trump was President, you and the liberal media would be having seizures over it. And you know it.
When Trump gave away the first windfall - look it up - I said it was a bad idea. I said the only reason he is doing it is to win votes. Then when Biden did it again... same damn thing.. Then when Biden extended the unemployment giveaway, extended the no rent moratorium... all BAD MOVES. And now we see the result of those stupid moves.
This thread is another perfect example of ignorance and selfish, spoiled rotten consumerism, you act like an addict.

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