Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
White people nuked Asians in WW2, killing half a mill in one go and many more after No one has been more violent to Asians that white people.
Thats odd

the chinese in china are happy that atomic bombs killed so many of their fellow asians because they still hate the japanese
White people nuked Asians in WW2, killing half a mill in one go and many more after No one has been more violent to Asians that white people.
Thats odd

the chinese in china are happy that atomic bombs killed so many of their fellow asians because they still hate the japanese
You know who doesn’t have a lot of respect for the African American community? Africans who come here from Africa.

Blacks won’t listen to us whites. Perhaps they’ll listen to Africans.

The national average for violent crime is 300 per 100,000 residents. In Detroit it 1900 per 100,000. How do blacks respond to this?
okay then there must have been another motive.
We just don't know yet. Both ends are jumping to, and running with, their convenient conclusions as always, but we don't know for sure.

We certainly aren't very patient. Or curious.

Well last year statistic of hate crime show a 150 percent increase in hate crimes against Asians. Against other races it fell about 5 percent

The cause is the COVID 19 virus and the fact that most Americans cannot tell the difference between Chinese decedents vs other oriental races. So they are attacking any Asian American. That is my opinion.

Any who was the leader of this anti Asian surge. Donald Trump and his anti Chinese tweets with calling Covid 19 the "Chinese virus"

The vast "most" of Americans do not engage in hate crimes against anyone.

Trump held China's government responsible for their actions which was right and proper.

Your smearing good people with the actions of a violent fringe is you being the bad guy.

Is referring to COVID 19 as the Chinese virus the right and proper thing to do for an American President to say out loud and tweeter which insults American citizens who are decedents from China.

Basically condemning the whole race for the virus

Yes most American do not engage in hate crimes.

It is the few who are easily influenced by overgeneralizations that commit hate crimes.

Referring to the virus bases on it's place of origin is not an insult to American citizens of chinese ethnicity.

Any more than referring to Lyme Disease is an insult to the residents of Lyme county.

I was in lyme county a few years ago. A relative who lives that, used that term herself. She did not seem to find it insulting.
okay then there must have been another motive.
We just don't know yet. Both ends are jumping to, and running with, their convenient conclusions as always, but we don't know for sure.

We certainly aren't very patient. Or curious.

Well last year statistic of hate crime show a 150 percent increase in hate crimes against Asians. Against other races it fell about 5 percent

The cause is the COVID 19 virus and the fact that most Americans cannot tell the difference between Chinese decedents vs other oriental races. So they are attacking any Asian American. That is my opinion.

Any who was the leader of this anti Asian surge. Donald Trump and his anti Chinese tweets with calling Covid 19 the "Chinese virus"

The vast "most" of Americans do not engage in hate crimes against anyone.

Trump held China's government responsible for their actions which was right and proper.

Your smearing good people with the actions of a violent fringe is you being the bad guy.

Is referring to COVID 19 as the Chinese virus the right and proper thing to do for an American President to say out loud and tweeter which insults American citizens who are decedents from China.

Basically condemning the whole race for the virus

Yes most American do not engage in hate crimes.

It is the few who are easily influenced by overgeneralizations that commit hate crimes.
To his followers, everything he says and does is fine.

Trump just keeps doubling down, even when he knows this is happening. So, just like on Jan 9, he is complicit.

Trumpism is sociopathic.

Meanwhile in the real world, TRump supporters have been reasonable and nuanced in their support of Trump.

This is from a man who is NOT a trump supporter. Very funny.

The national average for violent crime is 300 per 100,000 residents. In Detroit it 1900 per 100,000. How do blacks respond to this?
Thats a good question

but dont hold your breath waiting for a reply from the blacks on this forum

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
Well you’re not the kind of person we want to send to the UN or run our country.
......They weren't tossed in ovens or anything, so grow the fuck up. They didn't decide to get 'all patriotic n stuff' as a group until they got locked up.

You're full of shit, you un-American piece of crap. That scumbag fdr's own intel told him the community was loyal, patriotic, and not a security threat. By the way, "tossed in ovens" is NOT the definition of a concentration camp, stupid. You don't know history or the English language.

Nobody cares what you think, gimp. You're here to be mocked and laughed at, like an organ grinders' monkey that poops in its own hat.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
Well you’re not the kind of person we want to send to the UN or run our country.
Fuck the UN, and if I was running the country I'd be firing or prosecuting about 75% of all government employees.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.

China fucked up. And he held them, slightly responsible. It was the right thing to do.

If it was America that did it, and the rest of the world was talking shit about US, you libs would be fine with that.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading ...
Apr 15, 2020 · 15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe The president has lambasted the WHO for accepting Beijing’s …

Author: Myah Ward
Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus ...
Mar 25, 2020 · On February 13, Trump was asked by Fox News' Geraldo Rivera if he thought China was being truthful about coronavirus. The President called China "extremely capable" and professional in …

What of it?

Most politicians speak differently about the same issue at different times, depending on events or even who they are speaking to.
Another big factor was this incident in Hawaii.

Again, bullshit. If that were the case, the Japanese and Japanese-Americans on Hawaii would have been thrown in his concentration camps as well. They were not. You continue to be an ignorant, apologist nutsucker.

pipe down faggot; the same intellgence officer you cited in another post also says they had over 300 suspected spies in Seattle alone, shit eater boi. You continue to be a stupid little fuckwad who can't even google scholar with any competence.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
Well you’re not the kind of person we want to send to the UN or run our country.
speaking of the UN...the fact they have been quit about the massive humanitarian and human rights abuses caused by Xiden and his Admin on our Southern Border is very telling...

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
Well you’re not the kind of person we want to send to the UN or run our country.

We need to toss out those criminals and not let them on American soil. Over two thirds of them are nothing but scumbag relatives of terrorist dictators and organized crime syndicate families. The UN has been a joke from the beginning, typical of the kind of stupid crap airheads dream up.
....Harry Truman acted on behalf of the entire United States of America, which included every US Citizens, including African- Americans....

No, he didn't.
Sure he did....he was elected to represent the nation...same as any other President

Agreed. I don't know what Unkotare is talking about.
he even won reelection after doing it...

My dad was in the pacific at the time. I am really glad they dropped the Bomb.

So was mine, and I'm glad FDR locked up a lot of them for awhile, too; it showed he was thinking about saving American lives. And, the Japanese are just as racist now as they were then, so only tards feel sorry for them now. They only got 'all patriotic n stuff' after getting locked up, not before.

So I know you had a shit fit when Reagan paid them reparations for being locked up.

Reagan had the character to admit a wrong when he saw it, and the wisdom to express truths as he understood them.

"I wonder whether you'd permit me one personal reminiscence, one prompted by an old newspaper report sent to me by Rose Ochi, a former internee. The clipping comes from the Pacific Citizen and is dated December 1945.

``Arriving by plane from Washington,'' the article begins, ``General Joseph W. Stilwell pinned the Distinguished Service Cross on Mary Masuda in a simple ceremony on the porch of her small frame shack near Talbert, Orange County. She was one of the first Americans of Japanese ancestry to return from relocation centers to California's farmlands.'' ``Vinegar Joe'' Stilwell was there that day to honor Kazuo Masuda, Mary's brother. You see, while Mary and her parents were in an internment camp, Kazuo served as staff sergeant to the 442d Regimental Combat Team. In one action, Kazuo ordered his men back and advanced through heavy fire, hauling a mortar. For 12 hours, he engaged in a singlehanded barrage of Nazi positions. Several weeks later at Cassino, Kazuo staged another lone advance. This time it cost him his life.

The newspaper clipping notes that her two surviving brothers were with Mary and her parents on the little porch that morning. These two brothers, like the heroic Kazuo, had served in the United States Army. After General Stilwell made the award, the motion picture actress Louise Allbritton, a Texas girl, told how a Texas battalion had been saved by the 442d. Other show business personalities paid tribute -- Robert Young, Will Rogers, Jr. And one young actor said: ``Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way.'' The name of that young actor -- I hope I pronounce this right -- was Ronald Reagan. And, yes, the ideal of liberty and justice for all -- that is still the American way."

First of all I didn't say Reagan was wrong to give Japanese-Americans reparations fool. Now address what was happening to America's black citizens at the same time. Black soldiers were in a foreign countries fighting for liberations and freedoms that they themselves and their families didn't have.
They were not round up and and locked into concentration camps for years.

So they just volunteered to be put in Interment Camps.
We need to end this immigration

How about we need to end this violence, dipshit?
And if they stayed in their country it wouldn’t have happened
It would have; the nut was a Demwanker with issues.


lol you know nothing about it,and I have read the entire history of why they were interned; you're just a tard who will repeat any ridiculous garbage as long as it bashes a great President. You're a sick little fuck, is all.

There is NO excuse for what we did to the Japanese during WWII.

Then go give some Jap all your stuff and have a good cry, dumbass. The fact is they were big supporters of their country's Asian invasions and butchery for decades, and when they attacked Pearl there was no time to hold gorup hugs and sensitivity classes with commies and the like, and given the past behavior and the incident in Hawaii where local Japs aided a downed Japanese pilot and tried an insurrection FDR was right to do so. It probably saved many of them's lives in the process, given the violence they were getting from Phillipinos and other Asians here on the West Coast.

They wern't tossed in ovens or anything, so grow the fuck up.

The people who had everything taken from them and locked up attacked no one. Funny we would allow them to join the military though.

Not when they weren't allowed to go to the Pacific; they were sent to Italy, and there weren't that many of them in the first place, but the propaganda makes it look like millions of them fell all over themselves to volunteer or something. Some just wanted out of the camps, is all. Over a third of them weren't citizens in the first place. The Japanese in the Midwest and East Coast weren't interned, just those near or on the West Coast; Hawaii was self-interned and it wasn't necessary there.

No excuse.

According to a supporter of China Joe the gangster extortionist and kiddie fondler, as if you actually had morals or something. You don't, and your attempts at faking it are as ludicrous as every other Democrat's.

I didn't vote for Biden.

Yes you did, you're like the people who voted for Nixon, and then later nobody would admit they voted for him. A vote for Bermie is the same thing, so no difference. You support his polices.
You guys loved bush until trump. If not jeb would be president right now.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead
View attachment 469878
I'm going to keep doing so anyway, lol.
And attacks on Asian Americans will rise. The attackers will be trump supports.

Attacks will be tiny in number. THe small number of people that think that the proper response is to attack random people on the street, will be either spread across the political spectrum, equally, or tilted towards your side.

Because your side is the one that is generally using tactics to attract such people.

And you know it.
Why are most of the videos we see whites telling Asians to go back to their own countries?

Why have attacks gone up 150% since trump called it the China flu as apposed to the coronavirus.

Words matter. You arent tactful enough to lead if you don’t get it.

When you watch Archie bunker do you see he’s a bigot or do you agree with him 100%?

1. Because videos of blacks doing it, don't serve the narrative.

2. Because of the pandemic that originated in China and the constant panic mongering of the media on this issue, enflaming fear.

3. Archie Bunker was a caricature of WWII generation white males done by ignorant 70s liberals. I knew plenty of those men. They were nothing like Hollywood depicted them.
Another big factor was this incident in Hawaii.

Again, bullshit. If that were the case, the Japanese and Japanese-Americans on Hawaii would have been thrown in his concentration camps as well. They were not. You continue to be an ignorant, apologist nutsucker.

pipe down faggot; the same intellgence officer you cited in another post also says they had over 300 suspected spies in Seattle alone, shit eater boi. You continue to be a stupid little fuckwad who can't even google scholar with any competence.

Who let this disgusting piece of filth into our wee corner of the interwebs?

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.
Fuck political correctness.
Then you are politically incorrect
Damn right.
Well you’re not the kind of person we want to send to the UN or run our country.

We need to toss out those criminals and not let them on American soil. Over two thirds of them are nothing but scumbag relatives of terrorist dictators and organized crime syndicate families. The UN has been a joke from the beginning, typical of the kind of stupid crap airheads dream up.
The point was we dont want someone who is politically incorrect speaking for America. I know deplorables loved that about trump but no one else did.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
No, the man is just calling a spade, a spade, is all.

You just don't like it.
No. It’s not politically correct. I want a leader who knows better.

China fucked up. And he held them, slightly responsible. It was the right thing to do.

If it was America that did it, and the rest of the world was talking shit about US, you libs would be fine with that.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading ...
Apr 15, 2020 · 15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe The president has lambasted the WHO for accepting Beijing’s …

Author: Myah Ward
Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus ...
Mar 25, 2020 · On February 13, Trump was asked by Fox News' Geraldo Rivera if he thought China was being truthful about coronavirus. The President called China "extremely capable" and professional in …
We already know trump lied to us last February. So no I don’t think he was being truthful here.

By the way I asked my Chinese friend if we won the trade war of 2019 and he said we did not.

And he said biden should not be trying to get Europe to sanction China with us so so much for him being China joe

The point was if Trump ran on wacism or on normal issues.

YOur disagreement with his policies, is irrelevant. He ran on jobs and immigration.

The more you try to distract from that, the more you show that you know the accusation of wacism is false.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead
View attachment 469878
I'm going to keep doing so anyway, lol.
And attacks on Asian Americans will rise. The attackers will be trump supports.

Attacks will be tiny in number. THe small number of people that think that the proper response is to attack random people on the street, will be either spread across the political spectrum, equally, or tilted towards your side.

Because your side is the one that is generally using tactics to attract such people.

And you know it.
Why are most of the videos we see whites telling Asians to go back to their own countries?

Why have attacks gone up 150% since trump called it the China flu as apposed to the coronavirus.

Words matter. You arent tactful enough to lead if you don’t get it.

When you watch Archie bunker do you see he’s a bigot or do you agree with him 100%?

1. Because videos of blacks doing it, don't serve the narrative.

2. Because of the pandemic that originated in China and the constant panic mongering of the media on this issue, enflaming fear.

3. Archie Bunker was a caricature of WWII generation white males done by ignorant 70s liberals. I knew plenty of those men. They were nothing like Hollywood depicted them.
You didn’t know dinosaurs like Archie bunker growing up?

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